Showing posts with label Lady Doreen Jones. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lady Doreen Jones. Show all posts

Tuesday, 20 July 2021

Michael Hesseltine-Peels Poodle. Why Is He Promoting The Loss Of World Heritage. While Pretending To Want To Save It?

Tarzan...swings in and save the day for Liverpool directly after the 1981 Toxteth Riots.

He brings with him a team of developers and architects.

The Albert Dock is recognised as Liverpool's fulcrum of regeneration. The starting point of the long hall back to being on centre stage for this great city.

To negate the Labour Party Hessletine teamed up with Sir Trevor Jones, the one who started all the  corruption and as bad as Liverpool has had. He became Mayor and leader of the Liberal Democrats while living on the Duke of Westminster's Estate.

He once demolished the last ships chandlers while a listing application was being considered by English Heritage. His wife Doreen was chair of the planning committee. Who passed by casting vote The Black Coffins of Mann Island. Only on Murkeyside.

Then the gamekeeper turns poacher and after becoming Minister for Merseyside and becoming mates with Joe Anderson and adds to the corrupt regime by promoting bad development on behalf of Peel Holdings.

Hezza lives on a massive estate and has been building a legacy for future generations...his garden.

While the idiot has been assisting in the destruction of Liverpool's World Heritage Site while giving the impression he cares.

He was recent signatory to a letter sent to Unesco pleading with them not to delete Liverpool from the World Heritage register.

Not in his back yard but its all right in mine. Shame on you Micheal, Shame.

Thursday, 30 April 2015

Baltic Creative Or Baltic Architectural Abortion?

How can such a small enterprise Baltic Creative  get so much publicity? and who is behind the motor mouths of Baltic Creative?

More importantly. Why is the city allowing such an architectural mess to develop in the Baltic Triangle. While the mouths at Baltic Creative “cover up” this mess by spooning the good news that this is a vibrant area we have to look at the architectural abortion that is Bridgewater Street. Here this end block called Libertas really is taking a Liberty or is it the Micheal?
 It has to be the worst piece of architecture ever built.
There are no words other than a Carbuncle to describe it.

Is Grant Butterworth Liverpool's recently appointed planning manager…....hand picked by Joe “Il Duce” Anderson, really doing his job or just allowing anyone to build anything?
There are good things happening. But Baltic is still a dive. It was a blank canvass so why throw a load of paint on it. There was a big fuss when a small artisan bakery opened up there. Yet not a mention of Antonios Bakery which supplies half the city centre. How long before they will have to close and move to a cheaper are and the bakehouse is flattened to make way for yet more flats?
The new commerces that are claimed are happening seem to be made up of massive blocks of student apartments. 
These apartments are like shoe-boxes.
 It would be like living in a Formula One hotel room.
Coincidentally the horrid architecture of the Formula One (the cheapest hotel chain in France) and the Ibis Hotel, overlooking the Albert Dock are now starting to look like the best quality in the area, against the sad blocks that are being crammed into every piece of derelict land left over from Lady Doreen and Sir Trevor Jones business ventures with Windsor Developments Clever Trevor and Dot who teamed up with the Windsor con men but ultimately this led to the land repossessed by Barclay's Bank who passed it on to Carbuncle Builders Neptune Developments.
Is it Barclay's Bank under the offshore umbrella who are doing the developments in that area?

 These developments that will possibly make Heaps Rice Mill listing as Grade II a waste of time because it will now be swallowed up by the slums of the future that are being built in the Baltic Triangle by Neptune and Co?
And if you listen to, or are taken in by the brazen press releases of that said Baltic Creative, that are lapped up by the local hacks, looking for any good news with which to swindle what's left of the declining readership.
 Or what is left of the hacks that have not been made redundant by Trinity “Smoking” Mirrors very own grim reaper Alastair Machray. Peter Elson the shipping correspondent gets made redundant in the year that he helped bring the Three Cunard ships into Liverpool. Theres Thanks for you,
 How can you sleep at night Mr Machray?

J'accuse Baltic Creative for spreading themselves over the area, pretending everything is fine and rosy, on purpose. Being Property developers Molls. Clouding the issue, making everything look rosy, giving people tinted spectacles.
They are a CIC with charitable status without being accountable as a charity is.
They are funded for sure, we wont go into their finances here.
And then there are the feeders such as grant catchers Engage Liverpool who slither themselves around any where, to anyone will give them a grant.
Gerry Proctors credentials in setting himself up as a planning adviser (sic) in the Baltic Triangle, along with several other areas are simply to make money in our opinion.
Altruism is in short supply where grants are available, in our opinion.
 Engage have been funded by Neptune Developments and at every opportunity Proctor will PR for Neptune.
 He has also done the same promoting for Peel Holdings and  Liverpool Waters, yes the proposed development that has got Liverpool on the World Heritage In Danger List.
Being funded by the City Council and lottery funding, we can state quite categorically that we do not trust the motive of this sinister organisation Engage Liverpool working behind the scenes.

So the place known as the Baltic Triangle is now being redeveloped and Joe Anderson says it is thriving.
All we see is a load of blocks of shoe boxes, and a new MacDonald's, oh, and a new KFC.
While Cains Brewery has been used as a cannabis farm.

But you don't have to believe us if you don't want to.
You can believe Baltic Creative and the PR rubbish that is spooned by Jon Egan and his mate Mo of Archetype Studios or is it Aurora Media or October Communications who gives a jack, who also PR for Neptune Developments and Cains Brewery owners the Dusanj Brothers, that sacked all their workers,
Oh and they were Joe Anderson's PR firm for his Mayoral campaign, they have also been the city councils PR at various times.

Its circles again it should be renamed Baltic Circle not Triangle, such is the incestuous relationships being played out before your very eyes and lapped up and spun with a shovel by the Oldham Echo.

Lets see what it looks like when its finished shall we.
One thing is for certain there is some creative accounting going on there.

 David Ward

Tuesday, 17 June 2014

Save Heaps Rice Mill-Its Too Good To Be Demolished.

How many more historic structures can the city lose. laying there like a ghost of its former self, a working mill up to 1988, the owners of Heaps Rice Mill have let it decline.
It has recently sprouted a roof garden. Now they are to do us all a favour and demolish it.
Plans have recently been submitted to down it and make way for some bland shoeboxes.
Liverpool lost 46 listed buildings under the Fib-Dems led by Mike Storey and Warren "War Zones" Bradley.
How long can this go on.
Liverpool today is prostrated before the Unesco World Heritage committee who are meeting in Doha, Qatar. Where we are promising them we know how to manage a World Heritage Site.
Liverpool is on the Unesco World Heritage In Danger List.
We thought Heaps was listed, which is why it is still standing while all around it has become bland. This area was once, as recently as the 80's home to many small businesses (most of which were owned by Sir Trevor Jones and his Moll Doreen).
Windsor developments were Clever Trevor's Partners In Crime. They crawled all over this part of Town. The Ships chandlers that he and Dot demolished after a application to list it was made was Liverpool's last. The same site is now owned by Neptune Developments.
Greenbergs Outfitters was also demolished, and is now a car park.
So who is going to put up a fight to save this historic structure, who cares?
Lets hope there is such a swell of feeling that the building can be spotlisted and Joe Andersons developer mates can be sent packing.

Larry Neild and Co at the Liverpool Echo wrote at the time

After it made Private Eye.

October Communications now Aurora Media or is it Archetype Studios were the PR for Windsor Developments.

All this while Trevor and Doreen "Partners in Slime" lived next door to the Duke of Westminister.

So who is watching whats going on with Liverpools Historic past. Certainly not Steve Corbett or Chris Griffiths at the now none existant Liverpool Conservation office.

Thursday, 3 October 2013

Should Merseytravel Be Investigated By The Police?

That is a question we were asked the other day.

It now transpires that Herr Director Neil Scales sanctioned the purchase of a load of tat and bric a brac that had some vague relationship to the Beatles for 2 million quid of your money. See todays Weekly Ghost.
This was public cash.
Marc Waddington, now unshackled from the ambitious David Bartlett, who has been promoted, has done some good work lately.
Bartlett was very fortunate to take over Larry Neild’s phone who had been at the Echo for years.
We spoke to Bartlett who is now Andy Kelly’s assistant, on numerous occasions, sent him emails and questions to how Miserytravel’s finances were being run.
What did he do…..well not very much really.
Now Marc Waddington reveals how a further investigation into the running off the Miserytravel Gravy Train is to take place after more revealing allegations.

This is public money that has been used as frippery by the Directors of Miserytravel and it has gone on for decades.

Andy Kelly was a reporter when the Tram fiasco took place where Scales and Co wasted millions on steel tram lines that were never used.

Neil Scales was the Moron who cut up U534 in a savage act of barbaric vandalism that renders it virtually worthless.

Costing us many millions

Right in front of the noses of the local press.

In fact the local press almost welcomed it. They flirted with Scales publishing what his PR company told them. They took advertisments from Merseytravel.
We believe, the disgraceful October Communications now Aurora Media were PR for Mersetravel at one stage.
Who Larry Nield went on to work for effectivly becoming PR for Scales & Co.

Isn't it strange the way it all goes around in Circles. October PR for Neptune Developments.....who build the Black Coffins on Mann Island.
They were commisioned by Liverpool Vision and David Wade-Smith who was Director of Liverpool Chamber of Commersce and cost the taxpayer 6.5 million in a tragic team up with Merseytravel.
 Neil Scales then becomes Liverpol Chamber Commerce Director.
Merseytravel move into the black coffins costing the taxpayer a fortune.......No wonder Private Eye call Liverpool Murkeyside.

Now Scales has buggered off to Australia….how convenient is that.

Where is he to anser question about his decisions.

Scales was mates with David Wade-Smith, one of Joe Andersons trusted advisors.

And why did Anderson not argue out the Miserytravel question when Councillor Dowd was under investigation?

His legal team tried to gag us. Maybe Louise Outram head of Legal services at Miserytravel should answer a few questions too?

Miserytravel wasted a fortune on South Parkway Station.
 The London trains cant stop there because after a 25million refurbishment the platform was not long enough

The clowns even wanted to buy Ringo’s House

In 2008 when they were paying 2 million for a load of Lennon bric a bra they were also commissioning art…well that’s not what most people would call it.
 Ken Dodd with a kebab at Lime Street station as public sculpture.

You have to be a comedian to live here.

So there is an investigation into how 2 million was wasted but the real question is how did Miserytravel spent 11 million quid on a Terminal Ferry Building that won the Carbuncle Cup award as the worst designed building of 2009.

Those who were present at the Planning committee meeting when plans were passed, may recall how Doreen Jones, the Doyenne of World Heritage disaster, passed the plans, saying she had been blackmailed into doing so.
 What did that mean?
 Larry Neild reported the committee meeting for the Echo.

More investigations need to be done on this World Heritage White Elephant that the Lennon tat was placed in.
Why did we need a Beatles Museum in a Ferry Terminal.

 But will the local press continue their reporting and do some investigating, or just let it lie on the bottom shelf until someone else does the work for them.


Monday, 30 July 2012

Matt Brook of Broadway Malyan-Architect of World Heritage Vandalism.

The Architect of Mann Island in Liverpool's World Heritage Site Matt Brook.
If there is a bigger crime against architecture then we don't know of it.
To obscure the best views in a World Heritage Site should be a punishable offence.
He should have his practising license removed by RIBA and made a example of.
He should be held up as an example of how not to build a set of modern buildings in a World Heritage Site. 
To destroy a heritage asset that is comparable with the Taj Mahal and the Pyramids and the Great Wall of China he should be at least struck off.
There should be laws against Architects who leave the public with such ugly monstrous carbuncles and then bugger off somewhere else.
The picture on the right is what we in Liverpool had before Neptune Developments employed Matt Brook of Broadway Malyan to vandalise it.
Graham Fisher of the Victorian Socirty said at the planning committee meeting in 2006, "It is a miracle that such a wonderful vista has survived".
Then Doreen Jones passed her casting vote and sent it off for approval. Someone shouted at her "Shame on you Doreen"
She had no shame and never will have her and her dodgy property developing husband who knocked down the last ships chandlers in Liverpool.
The English Heretics are not without blame for this.
 If someone who lives in a listed building will know, you need a letter from the Pope to change your windows but here in  a World Heritage Site........A Conservation Area and next to, and adjacent to several Listed Buildings that had covenants protecting them they plonk Three Black Coffins that are so bad that they make the city a laughing stock, unless you are Peter Brown of the Merseyside Civic Society that is who taught (sic) Matt Brook at Liverpool University.   

So lets take a look at what he did to such fantastic views in a World Heritage Site, click on the picture below if you cant quite see the cupola of the Port of Liverpool buildings and the Liver Buildings towers.
This is almost the same view. The picture below that shows the New Museum of Liverpool last years Carbuncle Cup Award runner Peel Holdings Media City.

One of the Three Black Carbuncles at Mann Island should be named Matt Brook House so every one in the world will know he is the architect of World Heritage Vandalism.
Broadway Malyan the company he works for should be fined for leaving us with three carbuncles in the WHS.

Announced as a contender for The Carbuncle Cup Award last year they escaped by claiming that it was not finished.
Just how did they do this in a WHS.

But this year they are primed to take poll position in the Carbuncle Cup and quite rightly so they have been shortlisted.

A Crime Against Architecture.

Typical Architects profession though they give him more responsibility, you couldn't make this up
Broadway Malyan's Brook named on RIBA council

1 Jul 2009, 14:27

Matt Brook, director of Broadway Malyan's Liverpool since it opened in 2007, has been appointed to the Royal Institute of British Architects' National Council on a three-year term.
The RIBA National Council sets strategic policy for the institute and spearheads its work to promote design excellence.
Brook, a Liverpool John Moores University graduate, is the youngest director at Broadway Malyan, a practice with offices across the UK, Europe and Asia. He designed the Mann Island development for Neptune and Countryside on Liverpool's waterfront, and recently unveiled plans for an office development in the city at 30 Pall Mall.
Brook said: "One of the great things about RIBA is that the Council has strong regional representation. It's recognition that innovation and excellence are not just things that happen in London. There has been a fantastic architectural renaissance in the North West.
"I want to repay the confidence that has been put in me by RIBA members, by advocating for the North West and ensuring that what is happening here is recognised and promoted."
RIBA North West regional director, Belinda Irlam-Mowbray, commented: "We have always aimed to ensure that this region plays an active and influential role at national level, and with Matt representing us that is sure to happen. He is one of the new generation of North West architects who has been transforming the physical fabric of our towns and cities with innovative and exciting buildings. I think he will be a great advocate for the region."
Brook was also recently reappointed to the Northwest Design Review Panel, run by Places Matter, consisting of experts from a range of fields, including architecture, planning, development, urban design, civil and structural engineering, the historic environment, landscape design, and sustainability.
Here is what we thought of it.


This is what he said in March. in The Architects Journal
Matt Brook, director of global architecture, urbanism and design at Broadway Malyan
There are two potential paying audiences for design review: local authorities and private developers. Paying for external design reviews would be a very cost-effective way for resource-strapped local authorities to bolster their in-house design advice. For developers, paying for a design review service would help ensure that their product is the best possible in a very competitive market, while also helping fast-track the planning process.

To become a more effective tool for clients, potential failings need to be addressed. Review teams must remain consistent for repeat reviews and have good local knowledge. However, the key aspect of design review that needs to change in the UK is its planning status. Design review needs to at least become a material consideration. It also needs to happen at an early stage, before applications are made.

Tuesday, 23 August 2011

Another Hacking Scandal-Right In Front Of The Liverpool Conservation Officers Eyes.

It started some while ago, a complete lack of disregard for history.
Those concerned slowly become ignorant to the law, and the law lets them get away with it. Because they were the law.

A subculture unfolded, where no punishment is dished out, there may even be advice given directing people how to get way with it.
Those rioters did no damage compared to the Liverpool planners and their property developing councillors.

It started, with Trevor and Doreen Jones, so said Private Eye, who wacked down the last Ships Chandlers on the Strand, next to the Baltic Fleet public house. They downed it on the Saturday after a listing application was received by the council on the Friday.  

Lady Doreen Jones was the then chair of the City Planning Committee. What a scandal.

Then it was 6 Sir Thomas Street, they, of Iliad, the developers, seemingly quite cosy with the city council, sent out a team of ignorant little hackers with jack-hammers to smash up the frontage, carved Liver Birds and all.
The task to smash off the façade……right under the window of the then council leader Warren “War Zones” Bradley, who said “I wondered what all the noise was”.
This happened while awaiting the visit of an English Heritage Inspector. It now looks like a pigs ear.

Then the arrogant Maghull Developments smashed off the façade of Josephine Butler House when, guess what awaiting a listing visit from the English Heretics.
Hahnermann House had received a Grade II listing that we applied for, hours before a planning committee decision to develop the site with a horrendous extension.

Mike Hanlon would tell me later on “You did us a favour there, with Hahnermann House”.
He did himself no favours in destroying JBH as all the fluffy duffys were out in force declaring it a national disaster.  While they dont give a hoop to anything out of Hope Street.
JBH is now credit crunched.

Still, in the Baltic Triangle, see above picture the same old, same old is happening.
Despite them telling us the Baltic Triangle will become a Cultural Quarter. Not quite sure how you get a triangle into a quarter?  

Its a Culture of Facade Hacking more like. Some things never change.
 I drove down Bridgewater Street and there was a cherry picker and hackers at work, twatting off yet another facade, nothing changes. Its not listed. Steve Corbett says it has architectural merit though.....and thats about it.

Here's the sketch, smash the façade about on any given property, its a tried and tested method, and it looks a mess and then claim its an eyesore and then an otherwise decent building is downed and hey Presto!  a Jerry Build goes up for half the cost. Hacking scandals, Liverpool is full of them
There are already plans for next door. 3, 5 and 7 Bridgewater Street.

The Conservation Officer is a waste of time, I even get the feeling he has to be aware of it all, as no-one in the job of Conservation, in my opinion, can be so thick, or so behind the times, well apart from John Hinchliffe the World Heritage Waste of Space that stands by and watches the WHS be decimated.
Not sure if the both of them are deaf and dumb because they never hear anything and never say anything. On the rare occasion they do stutter some rubbish its usually wrong and misguided.
Heaps Rice Mill will be down next.

While Malcolm Kennedy, the Council Cabinet Member for Regeneration (code for lets help Peel Holdings destroy the WHS) appointed by Frank McKenna, I mean Joe Anderson, tells us how wonderful it all is.

Regeneration or Degeneration, another hacking scandal, this time, half a mile from what we are told, is a booming Grosvenor-pool.

Tuesday, 3 May 2011

Mann Island-Radio 4 Take An Interest For Its Beyond Westminster Programme

I was asked for an opinion to the Mann Island Disgrace for Radio 4's Beyond Westminster which was aired Saturday Last. Its worth a listen on the BBC i-player.. Mann Island is about 12 minutes into the intelligent programme about planning and the new localism bill.
Steve Parry makes a weak defence for his atrocious development that political strings, by the likes of, The Dame of Disaster, Doreen Jones who played the casting vote, were well and truly pulled.

Beyond Westminster - The Perils of Planning
John Kampfner examines what the coalition's new proposals for planning decisions mean for 'localism'.

This week's Beyond Westminster looks at one of the most controversial elements of local politics: planning. Planning decisions for new developments are usually fraught and most people agree there needs to be change.

In the latest budget, the Chancellor, George Osborne announced he wants to see a 'presumption in favour of a yes to sustainable development in future planning decisions'. At the same time, the government has introduced a localism bill which will empower local communities to have more say in planning decisions. Can the two approaches work together?

John Kampfner visit the Copmanthorpe Wind Action Group, battling against wind turbines and Paul Vickers reports from Merseyside where a controversial new development, the Mann Island project has polarised opinion.

Producer: Paul Vickers.

Further BBC reports for Radio Merseyside

Thursday, 28 April 2011

Mann Island-Liverpool's World Heritage S*ite

Paul Vickers from Radio 4's Beyond Westminster programme came into my shop to interview me about the Mann Island Development Friday last.

They will have to edit a section when I slipped up and called it Liverpool's World Heritage S*ite. "What have they done he said none of it was there last time I was in Liverpool" he said, "Now I am supposed to be impartial, but"
 "Tell me about it" I said.
The programme is about the governments plans to relax the planning laws, to simplify them.....I had to laugh.
This development was covered by A World Heritage Convention and Liverpool's inclusion to uphold its principles, A conservation area act status, planning guidelines and considering the amount of listed buildings there its consent, oh and the framework for the protection of the Conservation areas. "Only the system is corrupt" I added "When you have spivs such as Fib-Dem leaders Trevor Jones and Mike Storey and their now defunct puppet Warren Bradley running the system you don't have a chance". I hope they leave that part in.  
This is the latest building to go up Y'know they knocked Steers House on Chavasse Park down, one of the most hated buildings in Liverpool, and they built Steers House opposite only 15 storeys higher.
Where is the common sense in that.
Liverpool's planning laws have always been streamlined for Neptune Developments, Rob Mason, a director used to work for the council. Steve Parry may be on the programme it will only be a 10 minute slot at 11.30 am on Saturday morning.
 Lets hope they show the corruption in the Liverpool planning system up for what it is. And lets hope there are a few M.P's listening and one of them thinks to tighten up the planning laws and keep corrupted councillors with sticky fingers and their local PR companies..........the local press out of it.

And let the public have their say, give it an equality of arms to fight the likes of this bad systematic destruction of a once proud assett.
Below is a BBC Merseyside link. This is what we had to say at the time of the planning application passed on a casting vote by the Lady Doreen Jones who was the English Heritage Historic Environment Champion, and Trevor's wife, at the time.

Oh and remember what it looked like.

We had it all and a hand full of corrupted councillors sold it.

Wednesday, 2 March 2011

Berni Turner-Up To Her Neck In It.

Claiming for a tin of sardines while on council duty was a really crass way of operating while on council duty.
Considering she was a candidate on Mastermind, yes you heard me, her specialist subject was Vegetarian Vampires, yes you heard that also, is not a very clever person.
She was the English Heritage Environment Champion for Liverpool at the time and as such a complete and utter waste of space, she took over from Doreen Jones, says it all really, they were made for each other.
A loud mouth with nothing to say.
 She said she would report me to the Police when I wrote about her Sardine Claim, if I kept on about her, bloody 'ell I was so scared I nearly fell off my chair laughing my socks off.
She is now non gratia, out in the cold, but will the big mouthed sardine swilling woman go away, it appears not.
She came last on Mastermind. She also came last in looking after Liverpools Heritage.
Yes lets take a sentimental journey with Bernie down misery lane......Dale Street.
Its still the same.
So now what is she up to, oh! she claims nothing.
It is alleged she received £2,500 grant for a Debt Rescue company she was involved in when the session she was paid for never took place, she denies this, well she always denies everything doesn't she.
click on the picture above of the reporting article in the Daily Post to expand to read and make your own mind up.
I can hear the police sirens now, on their way to arrest me, only it is not me who the Police should be arresting.

Oh just why did she fall out with Mike Storey.

Monday, 1 November 2010

A Letter from Florence Gersten.

Was published in the Daily Ghost at the end of last week. As ever Florence seems to get it right.

Letters to the editor: October 27

Oct 27 2010
Liverpool Daily Post

"Wedge’ buildings disfigure waterfront

I RECENTLY read a letter to the local press, expressing horror at the appearance of two huge, dark, wedge-shaped buildings nearing completion on the south side of Mann Island.
The writer asked how such a development could have been permitted.
Well, I can answer that.
At the Planning Committee meeting which considered this development, four individual objectors spoke very strongly against it.
We all said much the same things: that these structures were totally unsuitable to their surroundings in every way: size, style and materials, and that they would utterly destroy some of the finest views in Liverpool.
Some of the committee members were concerned enough for a vote to be taken. Unfortunately, the result was 50/50.
The Chair of the Planning Committee then used her casting vote. She said: “This is a young architect and I think young architects should be given a chance”, before approving the development. This was one of her last decisions before retiring from local government, so the black wedges may be called her legacy to Liverpool. I understand at the time she held the position of English Heritage Environment Champion.
Until recently, if one stood in Derby Square and looked down James Street, there was a view right across the river to Birkenhead and beyond.
Now the view down James Street is cut off by a high black wall. The formerly spectacular view of the Mann Island buildings, seen through the stone arch at Wapping Dock, was reproduced on postcards and in books of Liverpool scenes.
Now the view through this arch is filled and surrounded by solid black, above which only the upper part of the buildings are visible.
These are undoubtedly the worst of the many large structures which now disfigure our beautiful waterfront.
However, they may yet be outdone by views of the north docks area if the Peel proposals go ahead.

Florence E Gersten, Wavertree

I am not so kind to the self serving abomination that was the planning committee Chairwoman at the time Doreen Jones. I watched as she played politics with our historic skyline. She should be remembered for what she did.
Her Legacy, The Dame of Disaster Lady Doreen Jones. While she was a heritage supremo. A joke. See what Mike Storey's mate little Larry Neild had to say.

Council appoints Rot Czar

Jun 7 2001

by Larry Neild, Liverpool Echo

VETERAN councillor Lady Doreen Jones was today named as Liverpool's Stop the Rot supremo.
The appointment is civic recognition of the ECHO's campaign to renovate the city's eyesore historic buildings.
Cllr Lady Jones said she was looking forward to working with the ECHO on tackling the problems of unsightly buildings.
Council leader Mike Storey said: "Lady Doreen has stepped down from the council's executive board and now she has time to become involved in this very major issue.
"I am sure that with a politician of her calibre in charge, we will see real results."
Lady Doreen's brief will also include improving the heritage potential of the city.
The council is on the verge of appointing a full-time officer to concentrate on eyesores and caring for the heritage of the city.
Lady Doreen has already won success for one of her ideas -- floodlighting of public buildings. As chairwoman of the now disbanded civic halls committee she helped pave the way for major projects at the town hall and St George's Hall.
She said: "I am delighted to have this new role for the council. I want to ensure that we have a city that is welcoming, clean and pleasant for people.
"We have some of the finest architecture in the country, but things can be spoiled by fly-posting and derelict buildings.
"I will be working closely with Mike Storey and the ECHO on this strategy.

"The problem we have is that the state of the city comes under the umbrella of different directorates. With this role I can involve every directorate as appropriate.

"I am looking forward to early action on the things that need to be done."

And then she turned the World Heritage Site into an eyesore right in front of Little Larry, who was there making notes at the fateful planning committee that sealed the fate of the Pier Head.

Incidentally Larry then went to work for October Communications who were the PR company selling the WHS disaster to the public. Jon Egan &Co, now Aurora are still feeding the local press, plumping them up like fat little chickens with free lunches, only now its little Larry doing it with them.

Thursday, 28 October 2010

6 Sir Thomas Street-Every Right To Feel Hacked Off.

Yes this was the sight that greeted Warren Bradley from his office overlooking the building.
"I wondered what all the noise was" he said to Larry Neild, then working for the Daily Ghost, as the shysters, Iliad hacked off the front of the facade, of a perfectly good building, with a Liver bird crested portico.
While it was being considered for listing by the English Heretics.
They needed to line the floors up from the old Municipal Buildings frontage on Dale Street World Heritage Site.  That had been sold to Iliad by the very same council that is charged with protecting our assets. The then Liverpool Spiv-Dem council and its cronies, what a joke, couldn't they have made two stairs to line up the floor heights. Couldn't Nigel Lee have advised Iliad in one of his frequent meetings with them that they cant mess with our heritage. He told me he asked Micheal Hanlon of Maghull Developments not to hack off Josephine Butler House, that is his involvement with developers, or should we say hackers.
Couldn't Steve Corbett from the Liverpool Conservation Office(sic) have stopped them.  No this is Liverpool we destroy our Victorian facades, one of the last remaining full and complete Victorian Streets in the city.
Doreen Jones, who did more damage than anyone in this city passed the plans in an Orchestrated planning committee Manoeuvre, while Steve Hurst the criminal tried to question me for trying to save it.
That man had a cheek alright.
While the Labour councillors on the planning committee also give it the thumbs up.

Bernie Turner, whatever happened to her, she is now sidelined, well she always was on heritage matters. Watching while it all went on around her, while she was supposed to be English Heritage Historic Environment Champion. A title she inherited from Lady Doreen Jones.
So all is well that ends well, I suppose.

Look what they have put in its place, a disgrace.

Monday, 20 September 2010

Trevor Jones And A Hole In The Ground.

The Tory, errr, I mean Fib-Dem conference at the Oldham Echo Arena has brought a spotlight to the city. Warren "War Zones" Bradley has warned they will get wiped out in Liverpool, and they already have. Just over the road from the conference centre is a vivid reminder to what the Liberal Democrats were about. Clever Trevor Jones legacy who mentored Mike and Warren.
A massive hole in the ground in the Baltic Triangle.
It does not seem right that so much is talked about regeneration when Liverpools very own ex-council leading spiv left us with this legacy and buggered off to Chester. I had a London delegate for the conference in the shop Friday last, who recalled The Undeclared Interests of Jones the Vote article in the New Statesman in the 80s.
When I engaged him he said to me "Do you want to return to the Hatton era". This was the Hatton era and all the focus was taken away from Clever Trevor at the time by Hatton and his national attention. Trevor was a big property developer in Liverpool. It is said he had 20 property intrerests in the Baltic Triangle...........and never declared any of them except the ships Chandlers that he knocked down on Wapping, now a hole in the ground. While Lady Doreen was Chair of planning.

"So was Trevor Jones Liverpools T.Dan Smith I was asked.

I wrote to Colin "Cover Up" Hilton the ex CE of Liverpool City Council about his undeclared interests and suddenly against all the run of play he declared 62 Caryl Street in his council register of interests. Below is a google map you will see that a zebra crossing as been stopped the council at that address., just outside the Baltic Triangle.
He also had an interest in Eaton Hall Preservation Trust. Eaton Hall is the Duke of Westminsters pile.

Todays Daily Post carries a headline that a film has been put out to investors in the Baltic Triangle.
Liverpool Vision chief executive Max Steinberg says the area could become a cutting-edge creative district to match those in London or New York.

He said: “We feel the films will be an effective way to help the Baltic Triangle showcase its potential to a much wider audience.
“The land proposition is similar to the early days of New York’s Meat Packing District or London’s Hoxton – it has that same atmosphere – and, in the same way, I’m sure investors and businesses recognise these opportunities.
I was in New Yorks Meat District exactly 10 years ago and Mr Stienberg is talking bullshit.
Is the same PR company October, now Aurora behind this rubbish. Larry Neild now works for them and why would he not make inquiries into Trevor Jones when he was working for Trinity "Smoking" Mirrors, like his predecessor Stinky Ink Bartlett.
 Is there a protector who has shares in Trinity Mirror hiding facts from the public?
The best way to get investment is to clean up the politics unless you were Windsor Developments.

Thursday, 12 August 2010

Heaps Rice Mill-Needs Grade II Listing, Its Going Downhill Fast.

Regeneration, we keep hearing that word bandied about in Liverpool by people who are far from educated in the art of restoring Liverpools Historic past. Or don,t care. While Warren was creating his war zones in Toxteth and elswhere, in the poorer regions of the city such as the Boot Estate in Norris Green along with John Kelly, parts of Liverpool are still in abject decay. Heaps Rice Mill is 100 yars from the start of Grosvenor-pool, now thats what we call a tale of two cities. This was part of the Trevor Jones/Windsor Development triangle that saw the demolishing of the Greenbergs building, a handsome Victorian structure operating as a going concern, on the next block.
Now that clever Trevor has retired to Chester after cashing all his chips in, (it was reported in the New Satesman in the 1980s he has up to 20 interests in properties in this area) and he may have stopped spivving for Windsor developments who had up to six companies of the same name numbered 1-6 and were registered in the same accountants address as Lamb and Sons, in Surrey. Windsor who attempted to share the profits of the old Maritime Buildings owned by Trevor and Doreen Jones of Lamb and Sons that was knocked down while a listing application was at the council to list it.

What will happen to this building if it does not become a Grade II listed structure? Which backs on to the old Lamb and Sons site.
Part of the Baltic Triangle Will it fall down or as is usual be declared too far neglected that it needs demolition to help it out.
Meanwhile the Scandinavian Church which is next door is at risk too....still.
All this in the Dame of Dereliction her shyness Loiuse Ellman's constituancy.

Tuesday, 15 June 2010

Joe Anderson to Save Liverpools Heritage............. with 700K

Yes, we have heard it all before. How Liverpool will be saved. The Fib-Dems told us so and then created Warrens War Zones. They even had a Historic environment champion Bernie Turner who took over from The Dame of Disaster Doreen Jones who passed plan after plan that destroyed the World Heritage Site. 47 listed buildings destroyed.
So with a price of 17 million being foolishly quoted to save St James Church we can tell this is another load of hot air. The new labour administration may mean well and we have to give them a chance, but they dont appear to be able to realise the scale of the problems that lie ahead.
Liverpool has had 10 buildings on the English Heretic At Risk Register for decades. While we have been binge building all around them, slowly they decay. St Andrews Church. 
Oh and there is the Wellington Rooms.
Liverpool council to spend £700,000 to save listed buildings at risk

Jun 15 2010 by Marc Waddington, Liverpool Daily Post
CITY leaders plan to spend more than £700,000 saving “at risk” listed buildings in Liverpool.
They hope to be able to keep money they would otherwise have to pay back to regional development bosses – who give the grant for the works – in order to continue the programme of repairs.
A number of sites across the city stand to benefit from the move. So far, more than £1.7m has been spent on projects since the “Buildings At Risk” project began in 2001.
In February last year, the council clawed back £277,535 it spent on repairing the Welsh Presbyterian Church on Princes Road. Rather then pay the cash back to the Northwest Development Agency (NWDA), the council hopes to invest it in other works in the city. Cllr Malcolm Kennedy, cabinet member for regeneration and transport, said: “Owners of buildings where we have carried out work always knew this money would have to be repaid. We have negotiated a deal with the NWDA that we can use this money to safeguard other historic buildings. This is a very sensible way of recycling money which the council is receiving and will benefit the city’s heritage.”
Sites which could potentially benefit from the retained money include St Andrew’s Church in Queens Drive (£9,750), the £6.6m restoration of the Florence Institute in Dingle (£150,000), and St Cyprian’s Church in Edge Lane (£50,000). Also, the report which went before the council’s cabinet on Friday, stated: “The council has received a verbal agreement for repayment of £125,000 in respect of statutory action taken at Seel Street, in the Ropewalks area.”

The council expects to receive £25,000 this year and £100,000 during the next financial year towards other work. The report adds that “further recovery of funding is at this time uncertain, although a further £301,000 is being pursued” in relation to funds the council has already spent on repair works in Shaw Street, in Everton, Duke Street, in the city, and Christ Church, in Kensington.
A spokesman for the NWDA said: “The funding agreement provides that any monies generated by the legal charges due to urgent works on the Buildings at Risk are to be re-invested into the initiative or repaid to the NWDA.”

It seems the Daily Ghost is now levelling itself up as the press office for Joe Anderson, making them look good........instead of asking searching questions. And in the meantime another one The Bethel Chapel in Penny Lane is about to bite the dust.

Monday, 14 June 2010

David "Stinky Ink" Bartlett-Pitches for a Job With Aurora PR.

We know how it works but do the public. Aurora who use to be the dreadful October Communications who sold us out on behalf of Neptune Developments promoting the right to build on the World Heritage Site. They had worked for NML and Liverpool Vision and the North Vested Interest Development Agency.

You would think they would be outlawed as dispicable characters but no Larry Neild decided his future was with them and jumped the sinking Trinity "Smoking" Miirror ship.
I had thought I was working with the papers, breaking news stories dispelling PR pap.
Larry reported that there was a covenant on the land at the Pier Head stating the fact that nothing could be built higher than 80ft, the approximate height of the new museum. This was a red herring and it was 40ft. This is called not doing your job properly and checking facts.  I had spoken to Rex Makin regarding the fight against Mann Island developments. "You wont stop it Wayne, he said, Doreen Jones is retiring she doesnt care". I solke to Larry the Lamb, chomping away on his molars, and he said "Very Interesting" and went and did a three part story about the Dame of Disasters life.
No wonder he got a job in PR and now slices all he likes into the paper he used to work for in Oldham Hall Street..
This despite him telling me, being against all the principles laid down by the PR wand of October. I used to think Larry was a big man, in a little mans body. But now I just think he is a little man. He was being spoon fed PR snippets from Jon Egan and Co and printing it. He even won an award for his reporting in the Baltic Triangle. October Communications were PR for Windsor Developments whom, it was reported in Business Week, had a Director who had been struck off the accountants register for alleged fraud. Clever Trevor was in all the meetings thay held, I am relaibly informed. I dont know how these people can live with themselves.
But now Larry the Lambs predesesor David "Stinky Ink" Bartlett is getting himself in there with Jon Egan for when the Daily Ghost evaporates into thin air.
Or will he get a job with Peel Holdings.

Beware the reportage of Trinity "Smoking" Mirrors and their PR pap on behalf of their mates. They dont represent you and never have done. They represent vested interests and some of those pretending to be reporters of balanced stories deserve no respect.

Thursday, 6 May 2010

Liverpools Liberal Democrats-Destroyed the World Heritage Site

Get them out. 47 listed buildings destroyed while the FIB-DEMS have been in power, with so many others awaiting a similar fate. Hundreds more properties are in a perilous situation while the carpet-baggers pick over the carcasses of those that succumb to the neglect. The whole of Liverpool including its WHS will turn into a giant high tensile flat. Whole areas are now blighted with inapropriate developments that make the old look out of place.
Parts of the town centre still look as bad as they did while we have rebranded vthe city as Grosvenor-pool in the eyes of the world.
Parts of Toxteth still look as bad 30 years after the riots as they did during them. And all we hear is spin about how the city has been transformed how wonderful the FIB-DEMS are.
A Busted flush is really what they are and we will have to live with World Heritage disaster while all those "Cosy" developers are in some tax haven with the loot aquired during the binge build years that was Liverpool during the Fib-Dems. And I am not saying Labour would have been better.

Warren Bradley was put there by his mentors Mike Storey and Sir Trevor Jones as a puppet to facilitate the ongoing property developers free for all started by, in my opinion, the Property Developing Spiv, Clever Trevor in the 80s, who was bypassed by Hesseltine who set up the Merseyside Development Authority, that gave us the International Garden Festival,  to bypass the corrupted planning system of the time. I was advised by the regional editor, at the time, of the New Statesman, that his solicitor in the 80s was Rex Makin, who, in my opinion,  seems to have a power in this city that is unwaranted. It was alleged the other day by a learned legal friend of mine that Rex has shares in the Trinity "Smoking" Mirror Group. How very convenient.
Warren even said publicly that the Dame of Dereliction, Doreen Jones who was the chair of the planning committee. She who, by casting votes sent us into world heritage disaster by passing the Mann Island Monsters, amongst many other disasters. Doreen, was little Warrens mentor, he declared it publicly.  He brought back in, Mike Storey who had to resign in disgrace. Where is the culpibility. Warren has far too much power for such little brains. Or am I mistaken, is it the Oligarchs of Liverpool, the ones we dont hear too much about who are the clever ones because they have manipulated this city for decades. Cleaned up. Moved to Chester.
While Louise Ellman and her friends and aqaintances do what they like without effective forces to stop them, or do they want to. Warren Bradley was bezzies with Steve Hurst.

All this while Trintity "Smoking" Mirrors stand by, oh hang on editor Alistair Macrazy says vote labour better the devil you know. Thats the Devil saying vote for the Devil. You just cant win.

Further Reading

Tuesday, 4 May 2010

Dale Street-Another One Bites The Dust.

 In the World Heritage Site. This piece of, Liverpool Georgiana has laid empty for decades falling down slowly. It is right in front of Municipal Buildings where all the councillors go in and out of. Where Colin "Cover Up" Hilton works. Ignored by many .  It has recently been listed, by the city council with the full weight of Mastermind, Bernie Turner the joke of a Historic Buildings Champion for English Heretics who replaced Doreen Jones, yes you heard it right, the Dame of Disaster. For what reason you may ask was it listed?  Maybe this was to divert attention in 2008 from the impending doom that was awaiting its fate, to pull the wool over the eyes of Unesco and the huge publicity that was attacking Liverpools lack of respect for its culture during
In 2008 they promised Unesco that 60 were to be listed yes 60.  So why was this awaiting its fate, and how come the engineers now go in over a Bank Holiday Weekend, very convenient you may think, away from prying eyes with this part of the town deserted. ENGINEERS were last night working on a listed building in Dale Street found to be in danger of collapse.
The property, directly across from the council’s municipal buildings, is Grade II-listed.After several plans to bring the building back into use failed, the building was left empty and concealed in part with colourful hoardings.
But engineers have now found the building to have rapidly deteriorated.
They will now remove the roof of the building in the hope of relieving the strain and preventing collapse.
Other parts of the structure will also be removed, and safety barriers are in place to stop the public gaining access.
A recent survey of the building found the interior was in a “perilous condition and a risk to public safety as well as a major health and safety hazard”
A city council spokesman said: “A number of options are being considered about the future of the building, including discussing with prospective partners to find a long term solution.”
The Georgian building, from 1819, was included in the Castle Street Conservation Area in 1976. It was listed in February 2008.
Since it became vacant the council and a developer planned to renovate it as part of a scheme which would include the magistrates’ court and the bridewell jail behind it.
But delays in relocating the courts, coupled with the impact of the recession, put paid to the plans.
So it is going the same way that Jamaica House went and to become a hole in the facade of a WHS. , another Georgian Terrace destroyed by stealth.
This is what Big Gob Bernie said at the time in early 2008.
 Liverpool Georgian terraces given listed status

Feb 5 2008 by Laura Sharpe, Liverpool Daily Post
TWO rare Georgian terraces have been given listed status in Liverpool’s World Heritage Site.
The Department for Culture, Media and Sport has given Grade II listed status to the sites on Dale Street and York Street following a review of historic buildings.
Numbers 86-95 Dale Street/ 2 Cheapside, opposite the city’s Municipal Buildings, were listed as “an unusual survival of the shop house, a building type that is nationally rare, especially outside London and shows the development of new forms of retail premises in late Georgian England.”
The terrace dates from around 1819 and has ground floor shops with living accommodation above.

It still has its original floor plans with some features still intact and along with other listed buildings in the area “epitomises the changes in the physical fabric of the city during the 18th and 19th centuries.”
The York Street buildings are a pair of 18th century townhouses, converted into tenements in the 19th century.
In the listing designation it says: “The buildings highlight the development and changing face of the internationally important port of Liverpool through the 18th century to 20th century from a wealthy residential area to an industrial and commercial area with poorer inhabitants as the port expanded and the wealthy moved out for the city centre.” It adds that the building provides special historic interest by its continual use by those connected with the port “from the wealthy merchant in the 18th century to the sea captains, seafarers and Irish immigrants who lived in the tenements during the 19th and 20th centuries.”

Cllr Berni Turner, Liverpool’s executive member for environment and historic environment champion, said: “We have identified some 60 buildings for potential listing and these are the first of those.

“It shows the efforts we are making to safeguard our Georgian heritage and buildings within the World Heritage site and that we are starting to get results in providing additional protection for these historic buildings.”

This make 47 Listed Buildings to be destroyed under the Liverpool FIB-DEMS.