Showing posts with label Cains Brewery Village. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cains Brewery Village. Show all posts

Tuesday, 9 September 2014

Dusanj Brothers Demolish Cains Stables-It Should Have Been Protected by The City Council

No Conservation Office. Joe Anderson in league with every dodgy property developer in town........or in Downtown ...Liverpool In Business. This allows decent buildings like Cains Stables to be blown away by people who dont care. This could easily have been brought into any scheme. The old Higsons brewery is listed this should have been too.
What a shame.
It now is nearly gone and while we have all been busy saving Heaps rice Mill we have lost another gem. 
Here it is at least they saved the slates and sold them on. No doubt some PR company will be paid to sell their souls, if they have one left,  to give us some spiel about how it was too far gone.

Monday, 28 July 2014

Liverpool International Festival for Business. State Sponsored Vandalism to Scum The Baltic Triangle.

Liverpool's International Festival for Business was hailed as a massive success focusing attention on Liverpool in a positive way.
But why did they sponsor the godawful graffiti fest that called itself Markit?
Sponsoring the Baltic Creative.....who are not really that creative, to scum the Baltic Triangle for a jolly weekend that was, well rubbish really.

Here's what the IFB website says.

MARK-IT presents Liverpool’s first Street Art Festival, bringing you the best of local, national and international Street Art. MARK-IT will turn the streets of the Baltic Triangle into an outdoor gallery filled with all sorts of delights : giant paper animals meandering through the streets, elevated bicycles of concrete and iron, splashes of animatedgloriousness, corridors of woolly colour, dancers in shadow and tiny performers singing songs of love and loss in the cracks and crannies of our metropolis. Investigate the world of the Hidden City this June and see the streets as never before!    

It has now become apparent that the City Council is sponsoring this area to be scummed by a bunch of no-mark spray can merchants.
At least one artist showed irony and sprayed F**K  THE IFB

The Brothers Grimm, The Dusanj Brothers were given the go-ahead to trash the Cains stables.

 Wayne bumped into one of the Dusanj brothers, the one with the Cai-ins private Registration number, so he is obviously recognised.
What are you doing he was asked as he was surveying the spray can merchant work like a proud father.
"Its alright its coming down"
"Have you not got any respect"
"Its not listed" He said
"Not yet its not, you are one of the Dusanj Brothers?
"Yes" he replied confidently
"Not only have you got no respect for all the people you made redundant by text, you also have no respect for architecture. You should be ashamed of yourself" 
He hung his head as if it had got to him and he slithered away to his car with its now worthless private reg, because Cains does not exist. He got back in his car and drove away.   

Anyway the week after the Victoria Monument in Derby square was vandalised by, what appears to be the young scruffy goths that hang out there.
 Young people are easily led so while Liverpool City council are proclaiming 
"Come and down and scum the Baltic triangle, don't worry we will even sponsor it"  
Some may get the wrong idea and think well its alright and this is the rather crude result of a mistaken idea. Is this evidence that STATE SPONSORED VANDALISM does not work.
They removed the graffiti on this Grade II listed monument with a high pressure hose, potentially doing more damage than the dim long haired Emo lookalike that had the can in his hand.

Thursday, 26 June 2014

Brewery Village-Liverpool's Shame.

Dusanj texted the employees and told them that they had no money to pay redundancy to them and they were left high and dry.
They now want to breath life into the area that they killed.
Liverpool Confidential today writes with a press release from their PR company.
Mr Maghazachi said: “From the outset we have seen this project as the logical next step in the evolution of the Baltic area. We need attractions and activity that will radically increase footfall and help the area to grow and develop. The idea of an independent retail bazaar on a real city scale is the obvious solution.” 
Archetype Studios or is it Aurora Media of Liverpool are the PR company who in our opinion  have sold out all of their remaining principles to work for the Dusanj Brothers, they say to bring new life into the area after all the staff of Cains were sacked.
Shame on you at Archetype Studios or is it Aurora Media, for now working for the people who have no respect for their employees.  
All the equipment has now been removed.
Cains is Dead and all the staff are redundant and now they want to breathe life into the area. You couldn't make this up.
 Aurora media may have been employed by Joe Anderson the property developers friend who yesterday won an award while closing libraries.

This article was recently published on a local blog.
 This post  explains the relationship between Anderson and Aurora Media..
Showing invoices between the two.
We hope the Labour council are not behind this development and are currently looking into all the angles.

But that's all in the past for Cains Director Sughadara Dusanj: “We are really excited by this project," he said.
"They have done their homework and assembled an experienced team who understand how to deliver this sort of attraction. It will be a massive boost to this area and underscore its reputation as Liverpool’s happening neighbourhood.” 
Last month, plans were revealed for another Sunday market at Pall Mall car park to the north of the Pier Head. But at the time, Liverpool City Council told Confidential that it might face opposition. Under the city’s historic King John charter rights, nobody can establish a market within 6.66 miles of the nearest city council operated or licensed market/car boot sale without a markets licence. Currently the council runs all of the city's markets with partner Geraud. 
Nevertheless, Baltic Yards Ltd says is now in discussion with Liverpool City Council planners and has been liaising with local organisations including the Baltic CIC stakeholder group. 
A spokesman for Baltic Yards told Confidential: “This is not being pitched as a market or even as competition to Geraud’s markets, but we appreciate it is an issue.” 
He added that the company is hopeful of securing planning permission before the end of the summer and be open for business in September-October. 

Further reading

Here is one of the Dusanj driving his car with the Private reg Cains which he will now have to change. any suggestions what he may choose.