Showing posts with label Joe Anderson. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Joe Anderson. Show all posts

Thursday, 21 April 2022


 Liverpool City Council Information Team

Do you want to know who Mayor Joe Back'Anderson sold your Liverpool Land to?

Well look no further than this FOI request.  READ MORE HERE

More To Follow.


Islington Development Company
Eliot Lawless?............and how many other properties were sold by Dodgy Councillors for a pound.

Cunard Building, Water Street, Liverpool, L3 1 DS
Enquiries to: Information Team
Our Ref: FOI544662 

Dear **********
Freedom of Information Request 544662 
Thank you for your recent request received 12 July 2017. Our apologies for the delay. Your request was actioned under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 in which you requested the following information –
Can you please supply the following information:
[1] Within L1, L2, L3, L4, &L5 - please indicate [within the last 5 years] which parcels
of land belonging to Liverpool City Council have been leased to developers [please
name the developer in each case]
[2] Within L1, L2, L3, L4, &L5 - please indicate [within the last 5 years] which parcels
of land belonging to Liverpool City Council have been sold to developers [please
name the developer in each case]
Response: Liverpool City Council confirms that it holds information relevant to the terms of your request, our responses being appended to this letter. Note that were property transactions have involved sale, lease or otherwise disposal to an individual, the names of such individuals have been redacted in accordance with the provisions of Section 40 (2) Freedom of Information Act 2000 on the basis that this constitutes third party personal data. In accordance with the application of Section 12 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 we have not provided all of the information requested. As such we are required to serve you with a Section 17 Notice which this letter is to be regarded as. This concludes our response. The City Council will consider appeals, referrals or complaints in respect of your Freedom of Information Act 2000 and you must submit these in writing to within 28 days of receiving your response. The matter will be dealt with by an officer who was not previously involved with the response and we will look to provide a response within 40 days. If you remain dissatisfied you may also apply to the Information Commissioner for a decision about whether the request for information has been dealt with in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act 2000. 
The Information Commissioner’s website is and the postal address and telephone numbers are:-

Monday, 21 June 2021

Is Liverpools World Heritage World Heritage Site Status To Be Removed.

It is 15 years that we at LPT have been fighting to save Liverpool from corrupt politicians and dodgy journalists. Here are some of the highlights.

There are more.

Its not just us that think that World Heritage is at risk.


Friday, 30 April 2021

The Corrupt Labour Party of Liverpool-Vote Them Out.

 Liverpool Labour Party-Corrupt To The Core. Drain The Swamp. 

The process of governance has been hijacked in Liverpool and turned into a dirty rancid corrupt regime. We are only seeing the tip of the iceberg at present. There's a lot more below the surface.

The people of Liverpool those predominantly heartland supporters, who have been loyal to the Labour party have been stolen from on a scale that is hard to believe. 

Unless you have been reading our citizen journalism here that is.

In a pandemic, urgently needed money for old peoples homes has been squandered and sent offshore in dodgy land deals, and services have been starved of funds.

This while The JoeAnderson fat cat cronies have been coining it, people have had to go to food banks to survive.

All the Labourites knew about it, and did nothing.

Even Trade Unionists it has been alleged were part of the corruption. The corrupt veins of a system of deceit from council leaders to officers right down to ward councillors.

And all those people who say they didn't, know about it.

And should go and hide their heads in shame.

Never a more arrogant bunch of deceitful people have been gathered together to line their own pockets as is The Labour Party of Liverpool.

And part of the blame lies with the people who voted for the uneducated shysters in the first place.

When Jenrick announced in special sitting of the House of Commons and that he was to send commissioners into the city. Liverpool MP's were lining up to zoom in to Parliament and tell everyone that its not all bad. Well it is.

And they must have known about it. 

And if they didn't then it was because they were turning a blind eye on it all while being paid huge fees by lobbyists to ask questions for big businesses operating on handouts from Liverpool Labour.

And while the good citizens of Liverpool were robbed of the money and land that they owned by right they filled their expense coffers. Some with claims for faux Leopard skin chairs on expenses. While some of their constituents were sleeping on the streets in the middle of winter.

While AlastairMachray the editor of the once proud Liverpool Echo gave them all the publicity needed to hide in plain. It took attention off the shysters. There should be a police investigation into how it was all mopped up by Machray and packaged as if there was nothing wrong. Pretending that “stakeholder partners” were working together, bringing jobs to the city. And all the time the educated manipulator was shrouding them. Delaying the length of time it took for them to get caught. Shame on you Mr Machray. And those buffoons who pretended they knew nothing.

Fences for the shysters. You are just as bad as the thieves.

As if it was not obvious Hatton, McKenna and they even had one of the Flanagans was the editor for a day.

Are the local press not supposed to investigate corruption, not facilitate it.

The Echo , well you cant call them journalists, looking for corruption. Its like putting mosquitoes in charge of malaria.

They may as well get the Labour party to investigate itself. Oh that's what they did. The cover up was complete. So corrupt politicians could operate at leisure as long as they didn't rock the boat.

Joe Back'Anderson said he had never taken a bribe in his life, when his son David was driving around in 100 grand car.

And all the Labour politicians had to do was set up a offshore numbered account and have the cash deposited there, out of sight.

Everyone in Liverpool knew about it. There was a wagon driving around, stopping outside the Echo, with trailer telling everyone about the corruption.

And they still got away with it.

Hatton was operating what should have been council services while the dumb fuckers in Oldham Hall street were saying how great it was that a get fit bike service was being paid for, by the people, out of their rates that they struggled to pay. While Hatton was running it sanctioned by Steve Rotheram the Metro Mayor and ex Labour MP.

Hard working parents juggling several jobs to help their children grow up with principles and morals while the dogs who were supposed to be representing them were robbing them.

There are no excuses.

And all the years we told you all what was going on. We started off with manners trying to make a difference. Engaging in an informative manner with the press. Then you realise that most of the shysters, masquerading as reporters, at the Echo are corrupt and you have to shout a bit harder. 

W watch as nearly a billion pounds of European Objective One money is pumped into the system or should I say Neil Scales of Miserytravels coffers, A labour party councillor? and others.

Or David Wade Smith who, along with Neil Scales wasted six million quid setting up a Walrus Travel Card that did not work. Then the whole building cartel that closed ranks and robbed the city. 

How did the Museum Carbuncle on the waterfront originally estimated at 21 million end up costing 80 million. And the Terminal Ferry carbuncle, not more than four walls cost 25 million. Yes £25,000,000. Its a 2 million pound job at most. And when anybody took the time to write to Louise Ellman and she blags them off, not interested.....ummmmm. Or was she the problem?

Then the attitude. Gary Millar fronting it out in China helping rob Chinese investors of their life savings. And PR'ing for Grosvener?

And Nasty Nick Small the most disgustingly bad mannered person is left to roam the city Central Ward. How has he got away with it? W

There should be a Liverpool Labour-wide Police Investigation. Maybe we are helping with inquiries.

Even as we spell this out there will probably be a turnout for Labour at the local elections and the dim wits who voted the same corrupt Labour bastards in will probably vote the same again. Walking into the booths with their brains on leads, without thinking too hard. 

X marks the spot. 

Yes you, you know who you are.

Think about what you are doing you have just been fleeced. VOTE THEM OUT.


Sunday, 11 April 2021

Derek Hattons Wife Sonjia-Works In Liverpool Planning Department


Derek Hatton, the ex Deputy leader of Liverpool and all round bad smell from the 80's wife, Sonjia, is moled up in Liverpool's planning oriffice at Cunard Buildings. As a planning officer.

Hard to believe?     Read More Here

It is fact that she will have access to some very sensitive information. Information. 

We make no assumptions here. 

Only to say 'It does not look good'. She had been working in a different council department and moved jobs. So who appointed her?  Derek Hatton has recently been arrested in connection with corruption.

Did alarm bells not ring at how this may look to the public? With Degsys past history.

Derek Hatton of course got off with a charge of delegating council land to one of his mates, his tailor John E Monk who had a business adjacent Hattons premises at Pembroke Place.  For tens of thousands. It is now worth millions. Planning bounce of course.

In Liverpool there is an old saying. There's no smoke without fire.

Two cars were recently torched outside the house of Mr Hatton shortly after his arrest.

Obviously an accident!

In a FOI request relating to a planning application in Ducie Street Liverpool 8. Asking questions.

This is a matter that several Liverpool city council staff have complained about that, Mr Derek Hatton walks around the floors of the Cunard, as if he was a full-time acting staff member. 

Also asking if Joe "Back"Anderson has ever visited the site.

Several other requests have been submitted relating to the topic of the Hattons involvement in local planning applications.

Degsy, an Evertonian, is a fifth columnist in the Liverpool Echo. Hiding in plain sight.

Joe Anderson an Evertonian had a pet project. A new footy pitch in the World Heritage site on Peel Holdings land.

 He copied an old friend of  and Liverpool Echo columnist, Frank McKenna, by quoting; “World Heritage is just a badge on the wall, at the town Hall” McKenna's also a toffee nose has a client, Peel Holdings owners of Media city in Salford and landlords of the BBC and ITV. 

You see, its all wheels within wheels.

Degsy who runs a business in the constituency of Councillor "Nasty" Nick Small is quite vocal with his opinions often commenting on planning matters in his column. 

Saying that Liverpool should lose WHS status by filling in the historic Bramley Moore Dock to build a new stadium for Everton FC. Ripple Effect a company that his family owned that was sold to Trinity Mirror had several clients. One of them Everton FC then became a client of Trinity Mirror.

Wheels within wheels. They are PR'ing it all for their clients.


Alarm bells ringing? Not at Trinity "Smoking" Mirrors  

The Liverpool Echo used to have a slogan 'A friend dropping through the letterbox......Only now its in a brown envelope.

Thursday, 25 March 2021

Joe Anderson. Brings Shame On Liverpool.

 Commissioners to take over the running of the corrupt planning system.

We have put tens of thousands of hours work in collectively trying to save Liverpool's World Heritage Site from its Carbunculation. 

How long have we been telling you.

Fighting the council each step of the way. 

And all the time the fat man along with his mate Frank McKenna (who must be bricking it as he is next) wanted to lose it.

So his mates at Peel Holdings could get what they wanted. A free rein to do what they like. So they could build Shanghai On Sea. How much was he and his Mark son paid?

The police are ongoing with their inquiries.

And in a city that is now full of tenement slums of the future and where the Listed Buildings now look alien in their own environment because the planners were being pushed to develop council land the size of a matchbox on the side of the road. You can get away with anything.

Where the Head of regeneration Nick Kavanagh was taking bungs.

Remember the Council sold St Andrews Church to a convicted fraudster for a quid.

Where Fat Mans mate (who must also be bricking it) Lawrence Kenwright tried to get StLukes Church. A monument to the blitz to turn it into a wedding venue. They would have succeeded if we were not on our toes

The fat bastard has recently said “I have never taken a bribe in my life”. It now transpires that his spawn is in on the deals. Andersons son is a dab hand of using his Old mans name to grease his own palms.

Its like going back to the 80's with the other corrupt bastard Derek Hatton bringing the shame on the city.

He has also been arrested. Maybe he wont get off with it this time.

Did he show Anderson how to try and get away with it?

Remember his court case, in the 90's that he didn't put up a defense to, and got off with it to his own surprise. Remember McKenna's court case that he got away with to his own surprise. Are they all going to Jail?

And all along The Liverpool Echo have been promoting all the developments that fat scum was behind. Giving McKenna and Hatton columns in the help them. And in so doing every time we created an argument AlastairMachray and Tony McDonough and the rest of the mugs that work there helped them to smooth it out to the gullible people who, actually buy the rag.

We are writing to Merseyside Police today to request that they look into the links between local politicians and the press with all its associated PR companies.

Why did Wendy Simon as acting Mayor allow the planning application for Bramley Moore Dock to be rubber stamped. A Joe Anderson pet project for Peel Holdings that will lose Liverpool World Heritage Site status. That Unesco and English Heritage say should not go ahead.

The city has been allowed to fester with property developing maggots feeding on Liverpool's Heritage Carrion. Are reporters not suppose to be stopping this not assisting it. You should hide your head in shame AlastairMachray you could have stopped it.

It is a absolute disgrace. We are watching you too. This wont be the last you hear of this.

And what of all the other developers who paid the bungs to get the planning permission that are now millionaires. That were usually the clients of Jon Egan and his staff at whatever PR company he runs. You are on our radar too.

The corruption goes right through the whole of Liverpool's feeding frenzy fiends that have turned Capital of Culture into Culture of Capital and brought shame on this great city. I hope they all like porridge.

I have to thank our tireless colleagues who have never given up the fight for Liverpool's skyline and now we are getting somewhere.

We may just save the World Heritage Site Status.

Sunday, 21 February 2021

Evertons New Stadium At Bramley Moore Dock-The Final Nail In The World Heritage Coffin.

UNESCO say the proposals for a new stadium at Bramley Moore Dock are totally unacceptable.

Historic England say the site is of International importance. 


Liverpool Will lose its cherished accolade if this goes ahead. A planning meeting will decide on 23rd February 2021.

Unesco have warned the city Mayor for years that the WHS status will be removed if they continue with plans to fill in Bramley Moore Dock. Unesco have been warning for years.

Been on the Unesco In Danger List for years.   Warned again in 2014  And 2015     2016    And 2018    

And in 2017  Here is the video    2018 at Bahrain   

Joe Anderson has brought great shame on the city of Liverpool. He was arrested and his bail has now been extended to September. 

He is politically finished. (Was he working for Peel Holdings). Is this his last swansong to lose the WHS.

An Evertonian, he has been responsible for the pushing ahead the plans for Evertons stadium proposals. At one time making the statement that the City Council would borrow £130,000,000 on the markets to fund its build.

This would be unlawful of course.

He also said that Liverpools World Heritage Site status is just a badge on the wall at the town hall. Which was a phrase made up by his mate Frank McKenna of Downtown Liverpool In Business.

Read More about the cosy relationship of Mckenna and Anderson here.

Peel Holdings are a member of his organisation along with every dodgy businessman in Liverpool.

Another Evertonian, Frank McKenna has also been vocal in the need to get rid of the accolade of Liverpools World Heritage Site Status. He was once up on a fraud charge. He does not even live in Liverpool.

Another long time supporter of the building of a stadium, is his mate and fellow Evertonian Derek 'Degsy' Hatton. The badly dressed shyster from the 80's is not only back. He has never been away.Read More Here

He was was also up on a fraud charge creating such a bad impression of the city of Liverpool that he had to hide his head in shame and bugger off to do property deals abroad.

Both McKenna and Hatton have columns in the corrupted Liverpool Echo whose editor Alaistar Machray is, guess what, supporting the loss of world heritage site status to build a stadium for Everton.

Does he live in Liverpool? We think not. Read all about it.

Have any of them got any idea what World Heritage does for the image of the city? We think they are not clever enough to understand and are of the opinion that each of them is corrupted enough, to not care a jot.

Shame on them all.

The UK government as the State Party are responsible for overseeing world heritage sites in the UK.

THE NEGATIVE IMPACT OF GOODISON PARK AREA. Walton is a socially deprived area



Peel Holdings are the owners of the land for the proposed stadium.

They were exposed when they claimed they had a Chinese investor with links to the Chinese government for Liverpool Waters. She was exposed as a bankrupt in Hong Kong with no money and no access to Chinese government funds. We had to expose it in the FT and Private Eye because Machray would not.

Evertons owner is a Russian Oligarch fronted by a Iranian national living in Monaco.

Where is the finance coming from?

Read About Liverpools Head of Regeneration Nick Kavanaghs arrest here

Subjudice should enable this planning application to be postponed until we know what charges The ex Mayor Joe Anderson is bailed on.

DON'T FORGET THIS IS THE CITY THAT KNOCKED THE CAVERN CLUB DOWN AND THEN CALLED ITSELF BEATLES TOWN. Though there is a replica on the site, we did not understand its importance until it was too late.

Planning Application no is 20F/001 you can look this up on Liverpool City Council website.

Historic England have stated that this should be called in as standard.

But will the decision go to the heart of government....time will tell.



Friday, 11 December 2020



The once great institution has been dragged to a new low in our opinion, under the dodgy stewardship of Alastair Machray. It seems the intelligence of the paper has plummeted to what many believe to be an all time low.

Look at tonight's headline and front page The Fat Man with a microphone singing  "Regrets I've had a few" for his final finale.

A insult to the good people of Merseyside.

There was a certain respect for the journalists at the Liverpool Daily Post but when Machray closed that great institution and sacked the staff, he lost the intelligentsia of the organisation. And there is the massive decline of reporting in the city of Liverpool.

Though the decline of the Daily Post had began with the first lady editor Jane whatever her name was. She was obsessed with Debenhams and shops coming to Liverpool. This was continued by Mark Thomas and his PR push for The Duke of Westminster. 

When the Duke was investigated over the visiting of £2,000 a night hookers in London. Nothing was said by Trinity 'Smoking' Mirrors of Murkeyside.

When questioned he replied;

“We cant print anything unless its true”

He was informed.

“Well all the national Sunday papers believe it to be true Mr Thomas”

Its not what you print but also what you don't that corrupts your soul.

The writer intended to fight heritage battles in good faith but they soon discovered there was not a level playing field on which to conduct oneself.

That Sir Trevor and Lady Doreen Jones had been helping themselves for decades, even being bold enough to attend the Duke of Westminster children's wedding.....and live on his estate.

This was known by all the local journalists down at Oldham Hall street where they used to print the paper. Yet not a word was said. She would be the determining factor on numerous important planning applications that would make the developers millions. 

When, as Chairperson of the planning committee she had to vacate the chair because she knew the applicant, The duke of Westminster, not a dicky bird by Machray and Co.

This is just an example of many occasions where the truth was with-held by the local editor.

The writer was told by one of his colleagues that Mark Thomas the editor of the Daily Post was “out to lunch” with senior officials from Peel Holdings who were then putting the application together for Liverpool Waters.

This would be the springboard for the rise of Uncle Joe Anderson. This combined with the well run campaign to restart cruises from the new cruise liner terminal gave the fat man column after column in the papers....all free.

It takes a while to see how the system works and get to know all the developers PR companies but when you do, you start to understand that there is a sequence of events, stage managed in front of all the plebeians who fed the comments section provoked by the same PR companies who understand that with their fees covered the more they create an argument the more they can PR the developers out of it. 

And in Liverpool they all love a good argument. My god some of the comments were cringe. And these commentators were led like uneducated fools into the new beginning of Liverpool, like little 'Larry' lambs.

By creating an argument you can win it. That is the way the PR companies work and with an editor who is aiming for argumentative topics, they couldn't lose.

Take for instance, October Communications now Aurora media from Hanover Street. 

They fed stories into the papers with great aplomb becoming that friendly with some journalists that they gave them jobs, employment even.

 Larry Neild, the City Editor, does anyone remember him, let himself down so badly. He joined them we then knew why he was devoting so much time to the Mann island Development. 

Because October communications were Neptune Developments PR consultants.

 Jon Egan was the mind behind Joe Andersons Mayoral campaign. We only found this out by making a freedom of information act request over something else and a bill for some T-shirts came up. You can smell the deviousness of their manipulation of the advertorials that were spread out page after page. They were the PR for the Lime Street development that caused such controversy.

The Liverpool Daily Post gave a whole page to Frank McKenna, who had at one time been up on fraud charges. He introduced so many business people into the paper with advertorials that were being paid for by the membership of Downtown Liverpool In Business. 

This was very lucrative for McKenna and his influence grew. 

A member of the Labour party. Numerous companies joined his organisation. 

So Trinity Mirror turned into Trinity Smoking Mirrors on Merseyside. 

The big con job was played out in plain sight.

We decided to use Private Eye and stop winning journalists awards such as David Bartlett for his, errr our writing. They could see the Murkeyside of politics in Liverpool.

The Liverpool Echo was sinking to an all time low.

Ben Hatton, son of Derek was running a PR company with a book of clients and this was purchased by Trinity Mirror Group.

Now this seems innocuous at first glance bu when you look at it in context full it means that, The Liverpool Echo is promoting its own clients with its constant advertorial approach. These articles would be packaged up by thinkers who know how to play the system.

But when it boils down to it. There is a payment of sorts at the end of it. 
And any conflict of interest would be disguised. 
So is Derek Hatton working for the Echo, well the company he fronts is owned by them.
 He was given a column. Where is the justice in that.

It is with regret that we declare that we consider, in fact  J'acusse Alastair Machray as an enemy of the people of Merseyside while masquerading as the editor of a local paper all he has done is look after the vested interest of the minority of carpet baggers who have fed like vultures on the carcass of council contracts under Il Duce himself. Uncle Joe Anderson.

So now they will tell you what they want you to hear.

Now Derek Hatton has been arrested by Merseyside Police. How can we trust the writing he has been paid for in his weekly column. How can we trust an organisation who employs such as he.

Listen only to the truth, so there is no point in reading tomorrows chip paper.

Just look at today's headlines. Instead of reporting the shame placed on Liverpool by Joe Anderson and his acquaintances, some of who are Echo fifth columnists they report, with front page headline, that the fat twat is doing us a favour by stepping aside.

They helped put him in power! Only the Liverpool Echo could report this way.

There should be an investigation into the clowns at the Liverpool Echo.


Monday, 7 December 2020

Derek Hatton Arrested. The Badly Dressed Shyster From The 80's Puts Liverpool Back In The News Again.



As determined citizens we worked tirelessly to bring the truth to these pages.

Now real shame on our city comes home to roost.

The Mayor is arrested along with the militant clown from the 80's Derek Hatton.

While the Tories have been promoting the need to have Regional Mayors, the Mayors they promoted, seemed to be doing what they like. This the scum we get though.

Richard Kemp even voted for a Mayor. Can we trust him?

While Alastair Machray, actually its a disgrace to call him Editor of The Oldham Echo, has been PR'ing it all for the Council. 

They were fed lines and jingles by the likes of Jon Egan from October Communications and Aurora Media in Hanover Street.

How great it would be to cover the historic city centre with tenements of the future.....most of which are now a badly clad fire risk. 

While we told the truth they printed lie after lie.

They collude to destroy the World Heritage Site so the oligarchs, mostly Evertonian guappo  can have a new stadium. Its worse than Napoli here in Liverpool.

Frank McKenna. Lawrence Kenwright, Neptune Developments, Eliot. There are more.

Scroll down the labels on the right hand side and click on them. Its all there.

Wednesday, 20 May 2020

Lawrence Kenwrights Giant Ponzi Scheme Goes Bust.

Most people knew what he was up to.
None of Liverpools reputable estate agents, if there is such a thing, would touch him.
They all knew he was operating a giant Pyramid Scheme where one development was funding another.
 The council planning department bent over backwards to accommodate him.
 Nick Kavanagh who is being investigated for fraud in a public office rushed through the plans for his James Street hotel development.....................there should be an investigation into this.
Someone died because of inadequate handrailing not picked up by building regulations.
And he did his own asbestos survey.
After ruining several listed buildings as what he described as luxury(sic) hotels in the city. It now transpires his customers were eating mouse droppings for years and that he had stopped the reporting of this by applying for restrictions while the court case was ongoing.

We have worked with Private Eye for a while and it was they that exposed him as being banned for being a company director.

Read more here.

Now the dodgy developer is claiming that the council stitched him up.
Or maybe he had a falling out.
In today's Liverpool Echo, who may we say have acted as his own personal PR company for a while.
It was alledged that his wife was once employed by them.
 In 2014 he tried to buy St Luke Church. St Lukes is a memorial to The Blitz that Liverpool endured.
He wanted to turn it into a wedding venue. We alerted the local press and it was kyboshed.

We asked the Council Chief Executive Ged Fitzgerald, picked by Mayor Joe Anderson, about money laundering.  Here is his reply. He was arrested shortly after.

read more Murkeyside Liverpool related Private Eye articles here.

So another "Chinatown" is taking place, where a load of investors will lose money and the name of Liverpool is tainted.

But in the meantime Kenwright has got his cash out and wait for it.........he will try to buy back the assets for half the price. This is Murkeyside after all.

Monday, 16 March 2020

Eliot Lawless Giant Liverpool Ponzi Scheme Collapse.

Liverpool developer Elliot Group will be placing three schemes into administration following funding problems brought about by allegations of fraud and corruption against the company’s founder, Elliot Lawless.
Lawless, who was arrested on December 18, 2019, denies all allegations.Paul Cooper and David Rubin of David Rubin & Partners, based in London, have been brought in to assist Elliot Group’s efforts to protect the existing investors and creditors of the three companies going into administration.
So, the Ponzi Scheme collapses and more Chinese and other overseas Investors will get stung.

It is hardly surprising that this announcement has been tied in with the postponement of the cancallation of Mayoral Elections due to Coronavirus fears.


We say a full investigation is required into how he spent a million pounds on his ex council flat at Beetham Plaza spending £35,000 on a single lampshade and lining the whole building with exotic marbles. 
He combined the whole top floor buying up of several Penthouses combining them into one Super Penthouse.......overlooking Cunard Buildings.....Mayor Joe Andersons Office.
We also say an investigation into alledged links between family members of The Mayor and employees of Eliot Lawless's companies.

AND WHAT ABOUT LAWRENCE KENWRIGHT. Is this the next council protected Ponzi scheme to collapse.

Tuesday, 31 December 2019

Nick Kavanagh and Elliot Lawless Arrested on Bribery and Corruption Charges.

Both were released after questioning on conditional bail.
Police arrested Mr Lawless, aged 32, at his city centre flat. 
That he has spent one million pounds, yes a Million pounds restoring from its ex council office style 1960's building into his new swanky pad.
This pad overlooks Joe Anderson's offices at Cunard Buildings.
Why was he given the contract to restore publicly owned properties?
 Is there where the alleged misapropriation has taken place?

Mr Kavanagh, aged 50, was arrested in his office. He was arrested on suspicion of conspiracy to defraud and misconduct in a public office.

Mr Lawless was arrested on suspicion of conspiracy to defraud, bribery and corruption.

Mr Kavanagh was appointed director for regeneration at the city council in 2011 and is in charge of the city’s major regeneration schemes.A Merseyside Police statement said: “A 32-year-old man from Liverpool city centre has been arrested on suspicion of conspiracy to defraud, bribery and corruption.

Police said “Whilst a 50-year-old man, employed by Liverpool City Council, has been arrested on suspicion of conspiracy to defraud and misconduct in public office.”

Mr Lawless said: “This is a frustrating turn of events as we are extremely busy delivering major schemes across the north.

“I’m helping the police fully with their enquiries and am more than happy to do so. It is important that I clear my good name quickly and that we move on from this.

“The allegations are completely baseless but due process needs to be followed and whilst the police do their work I’ll not comment further on the issue.

“In the meantime, it’s business as usual. I have seven live schemes in Liverpool to deliver and am back at my desk doing just that.”
Which may or may not be run by Jon Egan and co who also PR personally for Joe Anderson and the council and several publicaly funded bodies.
Mr Lawless, a former plumber, who drives a Bentley is the founder of the Elliot Group which is working on major schemes in Liverpool and Salford.

Schemes include the £170m redevelopment of Heap’s Rice Mill, the £100m redevelopment of Wolstenholme Square, the £100m Aura student scheme and a scheme including 1,000 apartments on Leeds Street in Liverpool.
Liverpool Mayor Joe Anderson said: “We will co-operate with the police unequivocally and will assist them in any way that we can."
Yes he would say that wouldn't he.
He was recently questioned by Police.
Why has frank McKenna from Downtown Liverpool in Business gone quiet these days?????

It was Kavanagh that Joe Anderson said brought to his attention the fact that Cunard Buildings were up for sale and they should move the whole council from, the quite newly build council offices on Victoria street and sell the block to Lawrence Kenwright.

Maybe another investigation should take place. 
This corruption goes right to the top in our opinion.

Here is a couple more we did earlier