Showing posts with label David Bartlett. Show all posts
Showing posts with label David Bartlett. Show all posts

Monday, 14 April 2014

Mersey Muckraker-Digging The Dirt On Liverpool

A new website has started up that could prove to be a grateful addition to all of us that wish to see the corrupted political system be held to account. What chance do we have with Marc Waddington being edited by David Bartlett being edited by Alaistar "Burger and Ships" Machray.
What chance does Joe Public have of understanding the way the Liverpool media works. Those of us who wish to inform the populace of the way the system is being run around the council and its property developing mates hope, It may prove a welcome addition.

Stella Who Lindsay Ashworth and his gal' get Peeled.

It also draws questions about apparantly harmless websites such as Sevenstreets, that are, wrongly,  trusted by Liverpools facebook generation, as Mersey Muckraker puts it SevenStreets are an online culture rag popular amongst Liverpool’s bespectacled hipsters.

It may be worth a further look.

Sunday, 1 December 2013

David Bartlett-Shoddy Journalist. Why Did You Not Look Into Stella Shiu and Peel Holdings? J'accuse.

 After The Financial Times article Friday 29.11.3 and its focus on Stella Shiu and Peel Holdings.
 We ask today why the local press are hiding facts from the public.

The FT article was then spun around a corner by Marc Waddington and turned into a jolly good story.
 It was co-written by Liam Murphy who should be made to resign for the utter garbage that he has written about Stella Shiu being a high ranking Chinese Government official. We sent this Private Eye article to him and all hacks at Old Hall Street

Even now they mislead the public

We have great concerns about the level of journalism at Trinity "Smoking" Mirror here on Merseyside.
Wayne won David Bartlett an award for his world heritage writing.
He would cut and paste what he had written (check the dates they all appear the day after we printed them) throw a few misquotes in and put his name to it.
Today we accuse him of burying news from the Liverpool public.
Wayne says "I used to help him as much as I could naively thinking it would help our cause of saving the world heritage site, but then I started to notice how he would cherry pick what he wanted and drop other things in to suit what he wanted to write.
Now that he has been promoted to News Editor level we are extremely worried.
We decided some time ago to bypass the local press as we consider they don't tell the truth. There is an old saying "If you lay with dogs, you get fleas"

Our movement is growing and we intend to stay focused on the truth not half truths twisted by trained seals."

Here is a series of emails between Wayne on behalf of LPT and David Bartlett.
In light of the recent articles in the FT you decide whether he has buried the truth.
 Just so you know whats happening and what the press knows here is proof that the local press deny you information and will not engage in sensible debate.
Andy Kelly the then News Editor, was also aware of concerns we have about Stella Shiu he was sent Private Eye articls and buried them. Mark Thomas and Alastair were also advised of Private Eyes reporting....yet did nothing.
May 15
to davidbartlett

David you recently wrote a jolly good uplifting story about Peel Holdings

You will of course be aware that I have been asking you to check into the finances of Peel for over a year and its links to the Chineses government.
In order to trust the local press we have to know that they have checked their sources and are in fact not just doing press releases from whoever they may see fit.
We have to know the local press are not biased towards property developers that will, in Peels case lose us WHS status using blackmail and threats to back out of projects if they dont get thier way.

1. Where did this story eminate from.
2. What ckecks did you do to confirm that the Chinese Government is in fact on board. Did you contact them or just take someones word?
3. What checks have you done to confirm Peel have the finances or the structure to deal with such ambitious schemes considering the projects all over the country they are proposing.

4.Did you consider that in writing this story you are in fact endorsing the relationship of Stella Shui and San-Wa minerals with Peel Holdings making this look like a gigantic enterprise set up by the Chinese government at a time when there is huge corruption in China.
Where are the checks that we as a city do not get bound up in all this?

Please would you let me know how you checked this story?
I would appreciate a reply


David BartlettMay 16
David Bartlett via

Hi Wayne,

Sorry I couldn't stop to chat the other day. Always happy to talk about Peel, probably better to do in person next time we meet rather than email.

Speak soon

David Bartlett
City Editor Liverpool Post and ECHO
0151 472 2455


Reply Forward
liverpool preservationtrust

May 20

to David

David thanks for call half an hour ago.
I understand the paper does not have enough journalists and those working there are overworked ...........but this has gone far enough now.
I have enclosed a Private Eye article that I have contributed with the sole intention of bypassing the local press who its seems are insistent on building up Stella Shiu while doing nothing in the way of checks.
I do not go with your view that she may have had financial problems in Hog Kong but that does not mean it has no effect here in the UK.
The fact that I have had to do it for you and pass it to you, and you still ignore it makes the situation seem bizarre.
I would go as far as to say it appears an editorial stance that you or your colleague Liam Murphy do no checks to substantiate your articles wherever Stella Shiu or Peels invisible finances rear their head.
Who said she was a government official this is a question I asked you and you could not answer.

I requested that you look into the finances of Peel and Stella Shiu and you said you couldnt because you are overworked.

So am I And I have better things to be doing than trawling my way through misrepresentational reporting in order to fight what me and my colleagues perceive as heritage battles ie. save Liverpools Working Heritage site while getting reconstruction.

I will ask you once again to look into the structure of Peel Holdings in view of the recent Private Eye article

As to your request to take it to Chris Walker I am asking you in a detailed and balanced manner to redress your reporting that has built up Peel and Sam Wa to mythical proportions...when common sense says there appears to b rather a lot of smoking mirrors going on.


Thursday, 3 October 2013

Should Merseytravel Be Investigated By The Police?

That is a question we were asked the other day.

It now transpires that Herr Director Neil Scales sanctioned the purchase of a load of tat and bric a brac that had some vague relationship to the Beatles for 2 million quid of your money. See todays Weekly Ghost.
This was public cash.
Marc Waddington, now unshackled from the ambitious David Bartlett, who has been promoted, has done some good work lately.
Bartlett was very fortunate to take over Larry Neild’s phone who had been at the Echo for years.
We spoke to Bartlett who is now Andy Kelly’s assistant, on numerous occasions, sent him emails and questions to how Miserytravel’s finances were being run.
What did he do…..well not very much really.
Now Marc Waddington reveals how a further investigation into the running off the Miserytravel Gravy Train is to take place after more revealing allegations.

This is public money that has been used as frippery by the Directors of Miserytravel and it has gone on for decades.

Andy Kelly was a reporter when the Tram fiasco took place where Scales and Co wasted millions on steel tram lines that were never used.

Neil Scales was the Moron who cut up U534 in a savage act of barbaric vandalism that renders it virtually worthless.

Costing us many millions

Right in front of the noses of the local press.

In fact the local press almost welcomed it. They flirted with Scales publishing what his PR company told them. They took advertisments from Merseytravel.
We believe, the disgraceful October Communications now Aurora Media were PR for Mersetravel at one stage.
Who Larry Nield went on to work for effectivly becoming PR for Scales & Co.

Isn't it strange the way it all goes around in Circles. October PR for Neptune Developments.....who build the Black Coffins on Mann Island.
They were commisioned by Liverpool Vision and David Wade-Smith who was Director of Liverpool Chamber of Commersce and cost the taxpayer 6.5 million in a tragic team up with Merseytravel.
 Neil Scales then becomes Liverpol Chamber Commerce Director.
Merseytravel move into the black coffins costing the taxpayer a fortune.......No wonder Private Eye call Liverpool Murkeyside.

Now Scales has buggered off to Australia….how convenient is that.

Where is he to anser question about his decisions.

Scales was mates with David Wade-Smith, one of Joe Andersons trusted advisors.

And why did Anderson not argue out the Miserytravel question when Councillor Dowd was under investigation?

His legal team tried to gag us. Maybe Louise Outram head of Legal services at Miserytravel should answer a few questions too?

Miserytravel wasted a fortune on South Parkway Station.
 The London trains cant stop there because after a 25million refurbishment the platform was not long enough

The clowns even wanted to buy Ringo’s House

In 2008 when they were paying 2 million for a load of Lennon bric a bra they were also commissioning art…well that’s not what most people would call it.
 Ken Dodd with a kebab at Lime Street station as public sculpture.

You have to be a comedian to live here.

So there is an investigation into how 2 million was wasted but the real question is how did Miserytravel spent 11 million quid on a Terminal Ferry Building that won the Carbuncle Cup award as the worst designed building of 2009.

Those who were present at the Planning committee meeting when plans were passed, may recall how Doreen Jones, the Doyenne of World Heritage disaster, passed the plans, saying she had been blackmailed into doing so.
 What did that mean?
 Larry Neild reported the committee meeting for the Echo.

More investigations need to be done on this World Heritage White Elephant that the Lennon tat was placed in.
Why did we need a Beatles Museum in a Ferry Terminal.

 But will the local press continue their reporting and do some investigating, or just let it lie on the bottom shelf until someone else does the work for them.


Thursday, 15 August 2013

Roz Gladdon Deputy Mayor of Murkyside and Friends Exposed In Private Eye.

This issue sees Roz Gladdon the Deputy Mayor (will someone put the horrendous Gary Miller out of our misery) of Murkeyside and friends showing us up after being exposed in Private Eye.
 Just how are they getting all this shady information about Murkyside?
 We believe they are only uncovering the tip of the iceberg and there will be much more to come.
 Its a shame the local press dont seem able to expose any of this, and if they did would that make a difference to the way people who may be inclined to pocket a pound or two behave.
 Liverpool recieved £950,000,000 European Objective One money that was dished out amongst other people to people running wastefull insitutions like Neil Scales and his mates David Wade-Smith.
 Who did the accounting for such a huge sum?
It was, reported by Bartlett or one of the other, if you were to believe the sob stories, Prisoners at Port Merrion on Mersey, that The European Union questioned why 200 florists were trained in a city that had did not have enough florists shops to employ them.
Is it because no-one was checking? Its no good reporting after the event you lazy little devils..  

Tuesday, 30 July 2013

Frank McKenna-Is Alastair Machray His PR Agent?

You have to be worried about the level of publicity for a lobby group when it reaches the proportions that it has here on Murkeyside. Trinity "Smoking" Mirror Group seem to be a law onto themselves, out of control in fact, printing what they like . 
Last week a row broke out, or was it manufactured? 
It was relating to comments by Frank McKenna and was duly put on the front page of the Daily Ghost. The row centred around the Ropewalks area and was predominantly about how Frank McSpiv thinks 300 properties should be CPO'd by the council.
Or was it a guise for Iliad, one of his first members, and the vandals of 6 Sir Thomas Street,to be allowed to walk all over the ropewalks area. It did not say that of course but was disguised in a manner that was slight of hand in our opinion.                                                         
 We are hearing reports that the person who writes the Ropewalks blog resigned.
 Do Iliad run this website?
 Was he pressurised out by Iliad after he made comments on Facebook?

 But it does not stop there this week there is another page this time with the Mayor and Malcolm Kennedy playing political manoeuvres, against McKenna, when we all know that there is a direct link with Frank McKenna and the Council.
 Downtown Liverpool In Business has a slogan.
Its not what, you know. Its who we know.
 Larry Neild when working for The Ghost received an award for his journalism! From McKenna and duly got up and gave a 20 minute acceptance speech.
 So why is there so much space given over to McSpiv and his group from The Editor in Chief Trinity Mirror Merseyside by Alastair Machray.?
 Joe Anderson has often spoke at Downtown Liverpool get togethers, but now when he is geting a spotlight on his interactions he now wishes to PR a distance from McKenna.
Guest speaker one minute not talking the next, come on, That may kid the masses but not us.

 Meanwhile David Bartlett The Prisoner of Port Merrion on Mersey,  Come in No 6,  has been promoted to content editor.
It looks to us that the continuation of the relationship between Downtown Liverpool and Oldham Hall Street will continue.

Peel Holdings are a member of Downtown and recently David Bartlett was advised of an expose in Private Eye where it was reported that Stella Shiu was made bankrupt as recently as two years ago............not a menttion by Bartlett in the pages.
Margaret Hodge calls Peel tax dodgers...not a mention. Jack Straw give Peel a pasting in the House of Commons over devious planning not a dicky bird.

 The Views and Blogs section of the website which includes the Editors blog is sponsored by Downtown Liverpool.
 How can we have this happen?
 How dodgy does this look? 
 Editors blog sponsored by McKenna...................No wonder he gets so much publicity.

Thursday, 13 June 2013

"We Are Not Tax Dodgers" say Peel Holdings- Oh Yeah! And My Auntie Is My Uncle.

Margeret Hodge accuses Peel of 'Tax Dodging'
Property giants Peel Group have been accused of ‘tax-dodging’ by an influential panel of MPs.

Tax crusader Margaret Hodge – famed for her attacks on Starbucks, Google and Amazon – dubbed the firm a virtual ‘monopoly’ and attacked the BBC for handing it millions of pounds in licence fee cash.
During an outing to Salford’s MediaCity, Mrs Hodge’s powerful public accounts committee grilled BBC chiefs on the value of their £1bn move north.
She singled out its contract with landlord Peel for criticism – claiming some parts of the giant pay no tax at all.
Committee chair Mrs Hodge began by congratulating those giving evidence – BBC North director Peter Salmon, BBC trustee Anthony Fry and Zarin Patel, its chief financial officer – on delivering the move on time and broadly within budget.
But she said they should have tried harder to find a firm that paid more tax.

This was reported in the Manchester Evening News. And not a mention  from The Daily Ghost or The Oldham Echo who did a tacky upbeat story instead to convince the readership who they educate, or dont, that Peel Holdings are Liverpool's Savior's despite Liverpools WHS being on the Unesco "In Danger" list..
We have asked serious questions of Liam Murphy and David Bartlett on how they have been  printing what Peels Media Company want him to without question.
Liam Murphy needs to be careful or he may end up with an IPPC complaint made against him and the corrupted paper that he works for.

‘We Are Not Tax Dodgers’, Says Peel

11 June

Peel Group, Manx-controlled owners of Manchester’s Trafford Centre and Liverpool’s docks, denied a Public Accounts Committee claim that they never pay more than ten per cent corporation tax. Margaret Hodge, chairwoman of the PAC and scourge of tax dodgers at Amazon, Starbucks and Google, said some parts of Peel’s £6.6 billion property empire ‘do not pay their fair share’ of tax. She criticised the BBC for handing millions of licence payers’ cash to Peel during a billion pound move from London to MediaCityUK at Salford Quays. She congratulated the BBC on delivering the project but said she was fed up of hearing about restrictions imposed by the EU forcing the BBC to deal with Peel. At a hearing in Salford she said,’Peel almost have a monopoly of a lot of capital investment in this area, which always worries me as to whether you, the BBC, gets the best price.’

Peel complained in a statement that they had not been warned about the attack. A spokesman said, ‘Following comments made at the Public Accounts Committee meeting on Monday, The Peel Group would like to make it clear that it rejects any assertion that it is not paying its fair share of corporation tax.All Peel operating businesses, including Peel Media (the developers and owners of MediaCityUK), are UK domiciled for taxation purposes and pay the appropriate level of UK tax.

Thursday, 16 May 2013

David Wade-Smith Costs Taxpayer £6.5million Quid


You cant make this up.
He is also the colleague of Frank McKenna's Downtown Liverpool in Joe Anderson's pocket, no wonder Private Eye keeps calling us Murkeyside.
In 2012 it was announced that Wade-Smith would join Herr Dictator Uncle Joe Anderson.
The set-up is completed by Julia Unwin, chief executive of the Joseph Rowntree Foundation, and city business leader David Wade-Smith.
It was also anounced that Robert Hough a Director of Peel Holdings would join the board. and its not just Liverpool that suffers from Peel Holdings. Wade-Smith was a darling of the Daily Ghost who kept on building him up........Bill Gleeson. you really do have a lot to answer for.
David Wade-Smith was a Chairman of the nest of spivs that is the Liverpool Chamber of Commerce as was Neil Scales "the moron who cut up U534 and its him that should be sectioned" He didnt like that.
Anyway sue us if you want you incompetent devious bastard hiding in plain view, right under the noses of the press and those that turn a blind eye. Scales is the right name you slippery little devious man. We will not be gagged.
He also wasted £67,000,000 of our money on his hobby even Peter Elson was duped when he cut up the submarine rescued from the seabed intact and barged to Liverpool. Now he has buggered off to Austrailia

Today it is reported by the very paper that was promoting the Livesmart as the new oyster card the newly promoted
David Bartlett wrote
More than £6.5m of taxpayers money was wasted by transport authority Merseytravel on the purchase of a smart card company that never made any money.

An internal audit found that Merseytravel’s acquisition of Livesmart delivered “little tangible benefit” to the organisation or the taxpayer.
The ECHO has seen parts of the audit, which is being kept under wraps by Merseytravel.
The review, which was overseen by St Helens council, said “significant failings in corporate governance” by Merseytravel led to the huge loss.
The organisation is now in the process of winding up Livesmart and its chairman Liam Robinson, who took over last summer, admitted mistakes were made.
He said: “It is fair to say that Livesmart was not a successful commercial venture, giving little return for a significant investment by Merseytravel.
“We recognise that mistakes have been made in the past, but we are determined to examine them, learn from them, and make sure they are not repeated. That is the process we are following with Livesmart.”
Livesmart was founded in 2004 by businessman David Wade-Smith.
It ran the popular 08 Capital of Culture card scheme offering discounts to shops, retailers, restaurants and bars across Liverpool. Merseytravel first became involved in the company in 2006.
In 2008 the transport authority paid £750,000 to increase its stake in the company from 24.9% to 87%.
At the time Neil Scales, then chief executive and director general for Merseytravel, said: “This is a sound investment for us. It is a company of real potential.
“We are literally just touching the surface in terms of the potential for smart card technology.”
But the company spent the past few years racking up the huge losses with Merseytravel pouring money into the firm.
Mr Wade-Smith resigned from the company in October 2010, as did fellow director Carl Speight.
On the same day £441,000 was paid out to shareholders.
This was revealed in the company’s accounts for the year ending March 31, 2011.

HOW DID THEY GET AWAY WITH THIS? David Bartlett once wrote how wonderful it would be for the city

Monday, 13 May 2013

Cains Brewery Con Job-The Dusanj Brothers Are Selling Out Our History For More Empty Apartments.

And it looks like they have got the backing of Joe Anderson and Co.
The planners must have been working on this scheme to develop the site with the owners of the company as they have already issued the press releases to the gullable Daily Ghost and Oldham Echo who promoted it for them on April 11th.

They told how wonderful it was to be in the local rag.

Cains announce £50m ‘Brewery Village’ plan to breathe new life into historic Liverpool site

Now a month later Alaistair Houghton writes

 Union officials will visit Cains today to meet staff who lost their jobs after the company suspended its brewing operations.
Cains announced on Friday it was closing its loss-making supermarket own-label brewing and canning operation and axing 38 jobs.
The company, run by brothers Sudarghara and Ajmail Dusanj, has also started negotiations to sub-contract the brewing of Cains beers to a third party.
Franny Joyce, regional officer for Unite, is to meet affected workers to discuss what action they can take. Just 18 jobs remain at the site.
Production of beer at Cains’ landmark Stanhope Street site, off Parliament Street, stopped the week before last.
Cains said production will only resume if it wins permission to develop the site into a £50m “brewery village”.
The plans, revealed in the ECHO last month, would see the Grade II-listed redbrick original brewery building refurbished to house a craft brewery, a hotel, shops and a “delicatessen-type” food hall. A sky bar would also be installed on the roof.
The production sheds that face Parliament Street would be replaced by a supermarket with apartments on top.
Cains will submit its plans to Liverpool City Council this summer. If approved, work could start next year – but would take up to two years to complete.
On Friday a Cains spokesman told the ECHO: “Brewing at the site has been suspended while we progress our Brewery Village scheme and we are in negotiations to sub-contract the brewing of Cains products to a third- party brewery during this interim period.
“The nature of our brewery is such that its operation cannot be scaled down in a simple fashion and it would be financial madness to continue with such huge overheads for a relatively small brewing operation.”
He added: “We have said all along that the brewery is at the heart of our plans for the Brewery Village scheme and this remains the case.
“The existing brewery will be redesigned during the anticipated redevelopment so that it is more efficient and better suited for future use.
“We are continuing to discuss matters with our advisors about how we best manage winding up the current canning and brewery side of the business.
“Cains is alive and kicking and we are extremely positive about our future plans, which will secure brewing in the city for decades to come.” 

13/5/2013  Gordant wrote in the comments section
Another disgraceful move by the owners. They put alot of people out of work when they went bust then were allowed to buy back the company. It is a disgrace. City council should not allow any planning permission for these people as they are only looking to line their own pockets by ripping others off.


10:00 AM on 11/5/2013
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The brothers have a history of playing fast and loose with the brewery and its workforce that doesn't bode well for their ambitious plans for the redevelopment of the site.
Here's an account of some pretty suspect practices reported in the Echo in 2008:
It would be reassuring to see the Echo take a more critical stance towards the local business community.



CAINS has launched an ambitious bid to create a £50m ‘Brewery Village’ on its historic Liverpool site.
The plan involves restoring its original Grade II listed building to house a craft brewery, a hotel, digital studios, a delicatessen-type food hall, independent shops and a sky bar on the roof.
The sheds at the front of the site on Parliament Street would be demolished to make way for a supermarket with apartments built on top.
Stanhope Street, which runs through the middle of the seven-acre site but is closed to traffic, would be opened up to help create a market street type environment.
The company hopes the new “village” would become an extension of the nearby budding Baltic Triangle creative area.

TO HOUSE A CRAFT BREWERY...............Why did he not question them?
Why did he turn this into a good news story?
Probably because its been spoon fed to him by some dodgy PR company.
He dismisses the buildings as sheds, when this is where people work.

Shame on you David a month later the real news comes out.
You have been conned.

You published a glass half full story when the glass was half empty.

This area has grants available.

Will the Cains con-job that putspeople on he dole recieve a development grantto put people out of work?
Will the site be a Tesco?
We all know "Every little hurts".

Louise Ellmans constituancy again.....while she is stating how important jobs are for the city when she is promoting her friends at Peel Holdings, she keeps her head down again.

Tuesday, 23 April 2013

Save The Futurist-From Neptune Developments. And Liverpool City Council Spivs.

Its that man again Malcolm Kennedy, the property developers friend, and this time its Neptune Developments he is helping. Neptune who trashed the World Heritage Site with the Three Black Coffins on Mann Island. (Did one of Neptune's Directors work at the City Council planning department)? This time Malc has taken time off from his main job working for Peel Holdings to do some part time work for Neptune.
We say; You cant have a city council that are property developers.
There is a conflict of interests.
But this is Liverpool where Mayor Joe Anderson has allowed the line between acceptable development that benefits the city, and down right money making schemes for dodgy property developers to become blurred. Remember the scheme whereby the city council sold St Andrews Church to a convicted fraudster for a quid.
Previously we wrote about the Lime Street decay.

David Bartlett recently wrote
A PROJECT to revitalise Liverpool’s rundown Lime Street area has taken a major step forward.
Liverpool council is in the process of agreeing a deal to take over a series of properties on the eastern side of the street between The Crown and The Vines.
Liverpool-based Parkmoor Group has agreed to sell its interests to allow the city to create a large single development plot.
And the council is also in talks with Anglo Irish Bank, which controls the historic derelict former Futurist cinema, after its owner Futurist Development Limited went into liquidation.
The scheme is by Regeneration Liverpool, a joint venture between regeneration specialist Sigma Inpartnership, Neptune Developments, and Liverpool council.
Architects Broadway Malyan, who designed the three granite block buildings at Mann Island, were asked to draw up some initial ideas including a series of offices, shops and student flats.
The project is estimated to be worth around £38.7m, with the potential to create 310 jobs.
Cabinet member for regeneration, Cllr Malcolm Kennedy, said: “This is one of the key projects for Liverpool that I want to see happen.”
A campaign is currently running to save the facade of the Futurist, which first opened in 1912, but has sat abandoned since 1982.
But Cllr Kennedy said he was unable to give a firm commitment that the facade could be saved because the exact condition of the building was not yet known. Much of the building behind the facade is in a major state of disrepair.
He said: “I have given a commitment to the campaigners and their architectural advisers to involve them once the proposals are drawn up.”
Regeneration Liverpool’s business plan reveals that an application has been made to the Homes and Communities Agency for funds to acquire the Futurist.
The report also states that a heads of term agreement has been reached with Parkmoor about buying the firm’s properties on the eastern side of Lime Street.
The cost of buying up properties to assemble the site will cost an estimated £6m.
Architects BDP, who devised the blueprint for Liverpool One, have also been asked to draw up a masterplan for the Adelphi Hotel area of Lime Street which leads into Brownlow Hill.
The study will look at potential ideas for developing key sites in the area such as the Mount Pleasant car park.
The business plan estimates that a planning application could be submitted as early as the summer for the first phase, with work possibly starting next year.

One commenter says

10:19 PM on 15/4/2013
I was initially delighted to hear of the intended revamp of Lime Street. But, when it became clear that there would be a direct involvement of Neptune Developments, my happiness soon dampened. This company have the knack of gaining access to high profile locations, and blighting them with buildings of banal mediocrity, which detract from what is already there. Their development on Brownlow Hill now means we are denied views of the iconic Victoria Building from across the university campus.. The nondescript clutter around the Catholic Cathedral is theirs. as is the carbuncle at Mann Island, along with the Lego monstrosity at the mouth of the Mersey at New Brighton.. They did Queens Square and now they will do Lime St.. Well and truly

another calling themselves Dubliner says

3:16 PM on 15/4/2013
More sloppy journalism from the Echo. The Anglo Irish Bank hasn't existed since it was wound down in 2011 being one of the major players in Ireland's Banking Crisis. Now either the journalist meant it's successor the IBRC or more likely the Allied Irish Bank (AIB).
Echo please double check your facts before reporting them, your mistakes are becoming far too common place these days.

So why are the City Council buying land for property developers?

Monday, 21 January 2013

Former Owner of India Buildings Gets Seven Years For Fraud.

Achilleas Kallakis or Achilleas Heel was sent down for seven years. He didnt get enough. 

Liverpool’s India Buildings was ‘grossly mismanaged’ by fraudster Achilleas Kallakis

by David Bartlett, Liverpool EchoJan 19 2013

THE former owner of Liverpool’s historic India Buildings “grossly mismanaged” it while conducting one of the UK’s biggest-ever frauds.
Achilleas Kallakis and Alexander Williams, both 44 and from London, tried to defraud Allied Irish Banks (AIB) out of £740m and Bank of Scotland, as it was known, of £22m between August 2003 and November 2008.
The offences were carried out over five years and funded property and luxury yacht scams.
Kallakis, the “prime mover”, was jailed for seven years and Williams for five years.
Kallakis and Williams operated out of their office as the Pacific Group of Companies and defrauded AIB by using forged or false documents or claims in order to obtain substantial loans to finance the purchase of what were mostly commercial properties.
Their Pacific Group bought India Buildings, in Water Street, in January 2004 from offshore company Elan Investments.
The £45m purchase – then the city’s biggest-ever property transaction – was financed by Allied Irish.
Such was the secrecy which surrounded the deal that rumours swirled around India Buildings that he had won it in a card game, according to antiques dealer Wayne Colquhoun, who has a shop in the ground floor.
During the trial the jury was told how Kallakis used the proceeds of his fraud to fund a super-rich lifestyle in which he maintained a fleet of chauffeur-driven Bentleys, a private plane, a private helicopter, a luxury yacht moored in Monaco harbour and a collection of high-value artworks.
When Kallakis took over the running of India Buildings 3,250 people worked in the property. Today that number stands at around 400.
A source close to the court case said Kallakis’ company Atlas Management had “grossly mismanaged” the building, leading to the drop in the number of tenants.

Monday, 20 August 2012

Councillor Malcolm Kennedy Manipulating The Liverpool Echo.

Here is todays news from David Bartlett with a headline in the Echo "City's Historic Gems Protected". You have to laugh

West Derby Village and Princes Park conservation areas to be extended

pic courtesy of the Oldham Echo.
Two conservation areas in Liverpool will be extended to give extra protection to more houses and other properties.

It is obvious that this has been fed hook line and silver spoon to David from Malcolm Kennedy who seems to get away with rather too much of late.
More than 100 buildings in West Derby Village and two leafy roads lined with Victorian villas in Princes Park, Toxteth, are to be included in the conservation areas.
Today, Liverpool council’s ruling Labour cabinet will approve the extension, subject to there being no objections during a statutory 21-day consultation period.
Cllr Malcolm Kennedy, cabinet member for regeneration, said: “This plan will give additional protection to the heritage of these beautiful areas.
“They are much-loved parts of the city and the feedback we had from the consultation has been very positive.”
At West Derby, the extension will take in another 17 listed buildings as well as the ancient monument site of the Norman Castle and extend protection to streets which retain the character and pattern of the 19th- century village. It will encompass the existing West Derby Village Conservation Area with an extension southwards to include most of the property on Hayman’s Green, Eaton Road North, part of Crosby Green and a longer section of Mill Lane.
It will also extend farther westwards to include the West Derby Community Centre, Field House and the Margaret Beavan School. The Castle Field and St Mary’s Rectory to the north will also be included.
At Princes Park, the conservation area will be extended to include Greenheys Road and Bentley Road, following a request by local residents, supported by councillors, through the Greenheys Road Forum
Houses in these roads were built in the mid-Victorian period and have a complementary character and history to the rest of the conservation area.
The city has 35 conservation areas covering 1,005 hectares (about 9% of the city area) and protecting some 19,000 properties.
Conservation area status does not prevent new developments, but means extra protection for buildings.
Any proposed demolition of buildings is subject to greater controls with a presumption that there should be no demolition of architecturally or historically significant buildings.
There is greater consideration given to the design of new buildings and structures in planning decisions.
Minor works, not normally subject to planning permission, such as replacing windows and adding minor extensions, are subject to greater controls.

This is Orwellian, and David who is not paid to think should know better because by doing this sort of inadequate reporting it lets the council off the hook.

So lets just look at the situation

Liverpol has seven Conservation areas at risk here they are

Castle Street, Liverpool, Liverpool, Merseyside

Ogden Close, Liverpool, Liverpool, Merseyside

Derwent Square, Liverpool, Liverpool, Merseyside

Newsham Park, Liverpool, Liverpool, Merseyside

Duke Street, Liverpool, Liverpool, Merseyside

Stanley Dock, Liverpool, Liverpool, Merseyside

Princes Road, Liverpool, Liverpool, Merseyside

So Malcolm Kennedy is extending a Conservation area that is on English Heritage Conservation Area At Risk register.

Asset Type: Conservation Area at Risk

Name: Princes Road, Liverpool

District/London Borough: Liverpool

County: Merseyside

Region: North West

Designation: Conservation Area

Condition: Poor

Vulnerability: Medium

Trend: Deteriorating

New Entry: No

Mr Kennedy is out of control.

Thursday, 9 August 2012

David Bartlett Takes The City Council To Task Over Lime Street Dereliction.

Or does he just give them the chance to defend the atrocious mess that is Lime Street?.
We have been banging on about this for years.
This block is ended by two listed buildings The Grapes public hous and the Vines.
Bartlett writes;
A FIVE-YEAR masterplan will attempt to revitalise Liverpool’s Lime Street.
City regeneration leaders admitted the road and neighbouring Renshaw Street are top of their list of priorities after becoming blighted by numerous derelict properties.
They have relaunched a joint venture company called Regeneration Liverpool, with Sigma In partnership, which will develop at least five sites across the city.
Lime Street and Renshaw Street is one of those projects and the company has already been tasked with drawing up a masterplan.
Between 2007 and 2010, £35m of mainly public money was lavished on improvements after Lime Street station was rated one of the worst in the country.
It involved knocking down the eyesore Concourse House and a row of shops in front of it, with the public square built at the main entrance in their place.

Read more Wayne informs me he spoke to David last week and highlighted Liverpools need to regenerate the Central Docks while Lime Street lays derelict and fair enough he has sharpened his pencil and got a story out highlighting the need to regenerate this area..............It does not mention the need for regeneration In a sympathetic manner though.
Malcolm Kennedy who has not regenerated anything also gets some regenerate his career he says;

Cllr Kennedy said Lime Street’s problems stem from it previously not being seen as a priority and the fragmented ownership of properties, an issue which also affects Renshaw Street.
He said discussions around what the masterplan will entail are at a sensitive stage and could not release exact details.
But he added: “Everything needs to be smartened up. Some buildings may have to go and new buildings put up. It is about transforming the area and that goes beyond a simple clean-up.”
Some take the view that areas around the main train station in many big cities around the world inevitably show their grubby underbellies, so should Lime Street be left as it is?
“No, not at all,” said Cllr Kennedy firmly.

Heres one we did earlier;
Regeneration, Regeneration, Regeneration.

We even have a Regeneration Officer (Code for lets help Peel Holdings) by the name of Malcolm Kennedy.
Those in charge of Regeneration seem to concentrate on all the easy jobs while the old stock falls down.

The Futurist, that's Ironic, is a mess, left to rot while being so close to the world heritage site it may as well be in it.
Last I heard it was being left to fall down by Neptune Developments who wanted to develop the site. On one end of this block we have the Grapes (this block is next to the Adelphi) and the other end the Vines, both listed buildings because of their architectural merit.

While we are being spoon fed about Liverpool's (false) new dawn those in charge of Regeneration watch while whole blocks lay in decay. Is it a tried and tested plan. Let it fall down, the city council wont use their powers to have the building kept in a good state of repair. Then the developers claim it is in such a bad condition that the only thing to do is knock our historic pieces of architecture down and then build a modern block of flats. Just to the side of this is the Grade II listed ABC Cinema that those Urban Splash people said they were going to restore ......and then didn't, is rotting away.

If only those in charge of Regeneration really were genuine and sincere in the job in hand and stopped dodgy developers in this city letting our historic architectural stock fall down by serving them repair notices.
Another page filler from the Daily Ghost last year went no-where.
So where will this story lead to not more public realm money wasted on naff rubbish public art. Lets hope not.

The article mentions the demolition Concourse House, heres what we say One step forward and one step back. Dont forget they kncocke it down and built the most awful block, breze block of student flats imaginable.

Tuesday, 3 April 2012

Can We Trust Richard Kemp On World Heritage-Can We Trust Him At All?

Richard Kemp is running for Mayor and after a brief spat with Joe Anderson where he declared he would protect Liverpool's World Heritage Site if elected......he seems to have backed down under the pressure. 
Joe Anderson says he would scrap world heritage status on behalf of his buddies at Peel Holdings.
Yet Kemp has gone quiet on this subject. 
Meanwhile Peter Elson keeps his campaign going with telling everyone how he gets things done on the Cruise liner mess when as yet he has done nothing and in his desperation is creating more problems. Yet he continues to be the biggst threat to Liverpools skyline since the Luftwaffe.

So what of Richard Kemp and does he have any real passion for Liverpool's heritage or is he just playing politics.
Wayne spoke to him a couple of weeks ago n the WHS subject,  and he says
"Richard Kemp was quite evasive on the matter of world heritage claiming he supported the need to preserve the WHS and had answered questions to emails I had set him, when he had done no such thing.
I wouldn't trust him as far as I could throw him with these sort of fibs."
(well I edited a couple of words there,).

David Bartlett writes trying to give te balance tat had been lost recently.

So it's examine the Fib-Dem record n World Heritage sites, ts no very good and the destruction was started from the time that they were in power.

Wednesday, 29 February 2012

Is Ged Fitzgerald-The Chief Executive Who Loses Liverpool World Heritage Site Status?

It looks that way even the planners say we will lose the WHS status if the plans for Liverpool Waters are approved.
David Bartlett, who is showing himself above and beyond most at the local Trinity Mirror writes in todays Echo;

LIVERPOOL must be prepared to lose its World Heritage Site status if the £5.5bn Liverpool Waters scheme for the city’s northern docklands is approved, officials warned today.
Planners have recommended Liverpool council’s planning committee backs Peel Holdings’ £5.5bn Liverpool Waters project on Tuesday. There is a video on the Echo website showing the full horror.
But they warned the decision could have dire consequences for the city’s World Heritage Site, which includes large parts of the development area, the waterfront and the city centre.
They suggested approving Peel’s proposals next week will lead to the city being put on the “danger list” of under-threat World Heritage Sites in the summer.
Liverpool Waters was the subject of intense debate after Unesco, the body which oversees World Heritage Sites, sent an inspection mission to Liverpool in November last year to assess its impact on the city’s waterfront.
Their subsequent report said the huge scheme would damage the city’s World Heritage Site “beyond repair” and the Three Graces would be relegated to playing “second violin”.
The government’s official heritage watchdog English Heritage has also objected.
Liverpool Waters promises to create 20,000 jobs. It features 9,000 apartments, hundreds of offices, hotels, bars and a cruise terminal, as well as the 55-storey Shanghai Tower.
A 513-page report written ahead of next week’s meeting sets out the view of council planning manager Mark Loughran, who believes the inspection report had “significant weakness” and believes the heritage benefits outweigh the negatives.
But he warned the committee must fully understand the implications.
Mr Loughran believes Unesco will first place Liverpool on the “World Heritage In Danger” list and then remove it from the main World Heritage list “if/when the ‘damaging’ components of the proposal are commenced”.
His report stated: “The Liverpool Waters proposals are clearly unique and have the potential to change the future of the city.
“The development proposed is on an unprecedented scale almost beyond living experience which, if delivered, would transform the city’s waterfront, creating a new international business destination, expand the city’s economy and regenerate north Liverpool.”
If approved, as widely expected, the application will be referred to communities secretary Eric Pickles MP to see if he wants a public inquiry.
It may also have to be referred to Culture Secretary Jeremy Hunt.
Mr Loughran also said a public inquiry is “probable”.Peel Holdings have warned they will walk away if a public inquiry is called and concentrate exclusively on Wirral Waters – a similar project in Birkenhead which already has planning permission.

Thursday, 15 December 2011

Joe Anderson-"You're Scum".

Spot the scum as Uncle Joe Anderson, our Council leader, pops into the Echo Arena for a Jolly day out, shouting at people outside "You're Scum.
It seems to me that he should have considered this term when representing the council.
The Council are currentlty dealing with convicted fraudsters.
Marc Waddington, Yesteday, did a fantastic expose on how St Andrews Church has been sold to a "Cosy" Council developer for a quid. 

This is what one of our preffered bloggers (If he does not get comprimised) says on the matter.
In a post he calls letting the real scum off the hook.

Joe Anderson seems to be appearing on video rather often of recent days David Bartlett has a rather interesting video on his blog, of Joe Anderson at Downtown Liverpool (Frank McKenna) Christmas Party, at fellow Councillor Gary Millars place Parr Street Studios.

It must be Xmas because a real Turkey pops its head up............Yes Its our Friend Derek Hatton, who while leading the council knocked a whole Georgian Quarter around Casey Street down.
You must watch it.

Monday, 5 December 2011


You chip away trying to put an argument forward showing what we will lose if World Heritage Site Status is removed.
But it is always being undermined by the local media with their close links to developers and their misguided principles.
The Spiv lobby, partly made up of previous redundo's and outcasts who now hawk their wares around the local reporting media seem to get their way far too often.
Take Mark Thomas............please,will someone take the editor of the Daily Post, and explain to him some principles.
 My opinion is that he has been tainted and having had such a hard time,  he thinks if he hides below the water line and administer the sackings nobody will notice.
Whilst claiming in writing, in the paper that we as campaigners are costing jobs he slashes them on behalf of his employers who shipped out all the printing presses to Oldham.
Some people need to take a hard look at themselves.
Today's opinion goes on about creating jobs by giving Peel Holdings planning permission to trash the World Heritage Site, while he is the grim reaper at the Daily Post dishing out redundancy money to anyone who will take it.
I spoke to David Bartlett Thursday last and advised him of a threat to London and he first said we cant do anything about this. Then he phoned me back and said " Oh yes we can now" I knew it was going to be a stitch up job at Editor level. Davids piece was alright.

so it is a case of keeping the local press informed, but I think that is about it now.

But the extremists at the Daily Ghost lead me to think that they are in on all this and the local media are far too close to the developers and local groups of Spivs such as Downtown Liverpool who Joe Anderson is far too close to also.

Today's Daily Ghost opinion is another desperate attempt for the editor to curry favour with his my opinion.

Have the heritage lobby perhaps not fully appreciated the extraordinary impact of the ongoing recession?
Do they somehow think we would be willing to sacrifice jobs and investment because they say we should?  They say in today's Opinion.

Has the editor of the Daily Ghost not realised that some of us run businesses in the cultural sector and have aesthetic values and have realised that the trashing of the Pier Head may have created a small number of jobs but the cultural sacrifice is far too great.

While this editor has been employed the world heritage site has been trashed.

Why is he trying to pull the wool over the eyes of the public?
 Just look at the state of Mann Island against what was there before.
Mark Thomas seems intent on losing us the WHS status.
