Showing posts with label Peel Holdings. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Peel Holdings. Show all posts

Thursday, 18 November 2021

Which Politicians Have Been Lobbying for Peel Holdings.

We know that The ex Mayor Joe Back'Anderson was working for them. Even if it has not been made public.

So if this was the case, then Why?

Are the local press corrupt. Well ask anyone on the streets of Murkeyside and you will get the answer to that one.

There is an old saying; For Evil to Succeed it takes good men to do nothing.

There are no good men, or women at The Liverpool Echo.

Peel Holdings never get interviewed especially by BBC Northwest Tonight or ITV Granada Reports. When the mega rich Margaret Hodge accuses them of Tax Dodging well....

Peel Holdings are the owners of Media City (winner of 2011 Carbuncle Cup award) in Salford. So they are the landlords of both. Radio Merseyside seem to pick thick people like Tony Snell to commentate on important matters.

Are there people in high places that think they are above the law.

Uncultured people who don't care about Liverpools image or the loss of World Heritage Site status.

That dont care about keeping Nursing homes running or services financed and libraries open.

All they care about is grabbing what they can when the door is open.

You would have to summise that one person can't be reponsible for the level of corruption that has gone on in Liverpool.

What was Mertro Mayor Steve Rotheram doing?

Liverpool is as bad as Napoli in the 80's. Those who are paying the piper were protected. The Liverpool Mafia were running the city.

Don Anderson would dish out the perks to his mates and some got away with it. Not mentioning any names. Derek Hatton. Eliot. Frank McKenna. But mostly Peel Holdings.

They were given privilidges to circumnavigate the planning system, bending the rules to suit.

Then you have the local politicians like Nasty Nick Small.

His constituancy is a hotbed for corruption. Just look at how a convicted fraudster was given St Andrews Church by the council....for a quid.

The Lime Street fiasco, that he supported. And India Buildings.

So who could be the lobbyist, or lobbyists for Peel LLP.

Could it be David Cameron, rumoured , as Prime Minister to be on the same plane as John Whittaker the owner and founder of the unsrupulous and hated, Peel Holdings, on a journey to The Shanghai Expo in 2010.

LouiseEllman who has known John Whittaker since her infamous days at Lancashire Council said the best thing she ever did and her swansong to retiring as Liverpool Riverside MP was to help plans for Everton F.C's new stadium in Bramley Moore Dock. In her constituancy.

So why was the planning application that lost Liverpool World Heritage Site Status not called in by Robert Jenrick?

Many questions have been asked about him.

While his office was sending in commissioners because of corruption.....he was turning a blind eye to it.

Then the commissioners were kept away from the Planning Department.

Its like a corrupt third world state here in Liverpool.

Corrupt politicians, commissioners. What is the point in having an investigation if you dont look in the right places.




MichaelHessletine The Minister For Merseyside?

George Osbourne? Whose old constituancy of Knutsford was the centre of the idea for, The Northern Powerhouse. Knutsford, next to the central powerhouse of the founders of The Trafford Centre, in fact right next door.

And what did Jeremy Corbyn know about it all?

And when Kier Starmer does not reply to correspondence well you have to assume he knew all along what his Labour Council have been up to.

Whatever happened to Stella Shiu.     Lindsay Ashworths plaything.

Worst of all Boris Johnson thinks he is above it all. Ignoring correspondence.

You have to summise he and his old mate Cameron know exactly whats going on.

So why doesn't a decent journalist do some work and find out........


Wednesday, 11 August 2021

Councillor Sarah Doyle-Liverpool City Council LIAR.

If there is one thing worse than a thief its a liar. 

A LIAR will steal and then lie through their teeth about what they have done.

A corrupt Liverpool City Council stole the World Heritage Site status from the people of Liverpool and then LIED through their teeth about it.

Sent out to do the deed, was Councillor Sarah Doyle. She peddled such a bunch of lies that we are appalled by the lack of dignity and barefaced cheek.

"UNESCO have not visited the city for 10 years"

And so on, and so on.

Doyle was 9 years of age when this website was set up.

She is a trade unionist …....from Birmingham.

So she has got a mouth on her. Look at the trouble she has already caused.



Why has she picked, if it was her, a bunch of kids who know nothing to run her cabinet.

Anderson by name, Anderson by nature

Liverpool lost its world heritage site status because of corruption.

Liverpool are not the victims here.

Joe Back'Anderson and his relationship with Peel Holdings lost it.

Peel wanted it lost so they can do what they want with the site.

Now they can build as high as they like and destroy the heritage that we were so proud of.

What was Steve Rotheram doing? Nothing turning his blind eye.

Why can Peel get away with this? 

When the city is being run by Commissioners went in by Robert Jenrick.......who did not call in the Bramley Moore Dock Stadium plans.

You have been mugged by the people you voted in.

Liverpool was a European City of Culture 2008. By 2021 it destroys its culture.


Where are the questions for Peel Holdings by the press? Or are they bought?

Monday, 19 July 2021

Tony Snell-Radio Merseyside's Very Own Peel's Poodle.

 The BBC should be impartial but the snide attitude of 'Snelly' leaves more than a little to be desired. He has taken over from Roger Philips who started off well and then just bored everyone and himself off the air.

Now, we are not asking our local radio to have the Brains of Britain working for them, but really, can this be the intelligence that the BBC puts forward to entertain the public.

Have a listen to a "Debate" about the loss of world heritage site status. If you have to!!!!

The term debate is used loosely. 

Not a mention of Liverpool Corruption and Joe Back'Andersons arrest.

"Tell Unesco to stick it" he says. He is part of the problem. The ex brickie is of is one short of a course.

It makes you wonder if he is a “supporter” of Peel Holdings and its desecration of the world heritage site.

It makes you wonder if he is more than that?

Is he on the payroll, or maybe sitting too close to Frank McKenna of Downtown Liverpool In Business, who was once up on a Police charge?

We think he has people phoning in, or allows certain people on air. At one point a lady says "As you know, I am not from Liverpool". 

Makes you wonder.

Certainly the diatribe that spills from his mouth is not going checked by his superiors on BBC Radio Merseyside.

And it should be. 

He has a sidekick by the name of Claire Hamilton who seems to have a bit more upstairs but she just follows what he says.

Peel Holdings own Media City in Salford and as such are the Landlords of the BBC. 

Yet they are never questioned, never interviewed!

It makes you think are Peels PR plants running his show?

It may be that a FOI request should be made to clarify who Snell is paid by. 

Just who he is representing?

Maybe a complaint to The Director General of the BBC
would be more appropriate.

And why he spews such visceral vile while working for a public service broadcaster.

He even pulls out the old BBC lie about Controversy when they built the Liver Buildings.

Mr Snell, who has nicknamed himself, Snelly, you are a disgrace.

Maybe Smelly would be more appropriate because something really stinks here.

No wonder we are in such a bad state with bad architecture and corruption when the public are being brainwashed by Radio Murkeyside.

Sunday, 4 July 2021

Is Steve Rotheram. Liverpool City Region Metro Mayor-The Man That Loses Liverpool World Heritage Site Status.

 Its a straight forward idea. Lets get rid of World Heritage Site Status for Peel Holdings.

You build a stadium in the World Heritage Site that, if built, UNESCO say, would be against the spirit of World Heritage. World Heritage is a principle to be upheld for future generations. 

If you destroy a World Heritage sites Overall Universal value this would lose the world heritage site status.

 Yet the Liverpool City Region Metro Mayor Steve Rotheram supports its removal. 

Whilst crying crocodile tears! 

What have we been telling you for over a decade. 

Now he plays the victim.

Labour are a rancid organisation in Liverpool and Mr Rotheram is of course the highest Labour official in the land. Resigning his Westminister seat to take up the prestigious post. 

Yet despite representing the people of the Liverpool Region he decides to take it upon himself to support Peel holdings.

Not very clever Mr Rotheram. In fact really stupid. 

The title of World Heritage puts Liverpool up there with The Taj Mahal and The Pyramids. 

While he laying bricks as an apprentice bricklayer Rotheram obviously did not become any sort of architectural expert. His office is in one of the infamous Black Coffins at The Pier Head.

Peel Holdings who are the landlords of the BBC at Media City Salford want the World Heritage site status removed so they can do what they want. They have various lobbyists in Liverpool.

John Whittaker never does an interview and the BBC dont push him for one.  Read his profile here.

It is alleged that Mayor Joe Anderson was up to all sorts. Right in front of Mr Metro Mayor Rotherams blind eye.

Rotheram's majority was greatly reduced at the last Mayoral election. Does that not tell him something.

Now he hails how disappointed he is that Liverpool is to be stripped of World Heritage Site Status. 

Yet he is one of the people who had the power to stop it. Just who does his PR.

Shame on you Mr Rotheram. Its not your title of World Heritage City to sell down the river!

Sunday, 21 February 2021

Evertons New Stadium At Bramley Moore Dock-The Final Nail In The World Heritage Coffin.

UNESCO say the proposals for a new stadium at Bramley Moore Dock are totally unacceptable.

Historic England say the site is of International importance. 


Liverpool Will lose its cherished accolade if this goes ahead. A planning meeting will decide on 23rd February 2021.

Unesco have warned the city Mayor for years that the WHS status will be removed if they continue with plans to fill in Bramley Moore Dock. Unesco have been warning for years.

Been on the Unesco In Danger List for years.   Warned again in 2014  And 2015     2016    And 2018    

And in 2017  Here is the video    2018 at Bahrain   

Joe Anderson has brought great shame on the city of Liverpool. He was arrested and his bail has now been extended to September. 

He is politically finished. (Was he working for Peel Holdings). Is this his last swansong to lose the WHS.

An Evertonian, he has been responsible for the pushing ahead the plans for Evertons stadium proposals. At one time making the statement that the City Council would borrow £130,000,000 on the markets to fund its build.

This would be unlawful of course.

He also said that Liverpools World Heritage Site status is just a badge on the wall at the town hall. Which was a phrase made up by his mate Frank McKenna of Downtown Liverpool In Business.

Read More about the cosy relationship of Mckenna and Anderson here.

Peel Holdings are a member of his organisation along with every dodgy businessman in Liverpool.

Another Evertonian, Frank McKenna has also been vocal in the need to get rid of the accolade of Liverpools World Heritage Site Status. He was once up on a fraud charge. He does not even live in Liverpool.

Another long time supporter of the building of a stadium, is his mate and fellow Evertonian Derek 'Degsy' Hatton. The badly dressed shyster from the 80's is not only back. He has never been away.Read More Here

He was was also up on a fraud charge creating such a bad impression of the city of Liverpool that he had to hide his head in shame and bugger off to do property deals abroad.

Both McKenna and Hatton have columns in the corrupted Liverpool Echo whose editor Alaistar Machray is, guess what, supporting the loss of world heritage site status to build a stadium for Everton.

Does he live in Liverpool? We think not. Read all about it.

Have any of them got any idea what World Heritage does for the image of the city? We think they are not clever enough to understand and are of the opinion that each of them is corrupted enough, to not care a jot.

Shame on them all.

The UK government as the State Party are responsible for overseeing world heritage sites in the UK.

THE NEGATIVE IMPACT OF GOODISON PARK AREA. Walton is a socially deprived area



Peel Holdings are the owners of the land for the proposed stadium.

They were exposed when they claimed they had a Chinese investor with links to the Chinese government for Liverpool Waters. She was exposed as a bankrupt in Hong Kong with no money and no access to Chinese government funds. We had to expose it in the FT and Private Eye because Machray would not.

Evertons owner is a Russian Oligarch fronted by a Iranian national living in Monaco.

Where is the finance coming from?

Read About Liverpools Head of Regeneration Nick Kavanaghs arrest here

Subjudice should enable this planning application to be postponed until we know what charges The ex Mayor Joe Anderson is bailed on.

DON'T FORGET THIS IS THE CITY THAT KNOCKED THE CAVERN CLUB DOWN AND THEN CALLED ITSELF BEATLES TOWN. Though there is a replica on the site, we did not understand its importance until it was too late.

Planning Application no is 20F/001 you can look this up on Liverpool City Council website.

Historic England have stated that this should be called in as standard.

But will the decision go to the heart of government....time will tell.



Tuesday, 30 June 2015

Liverpool Back Before Unesco World Heritage Committee Today.

Back before the United Nations being discussed before the World Heritage In Danger Committee along with Aleppo and other third world countries that cant look after their heritage.

Are Joe Anderson and his mates at Peel Holdings the biggest threat to Liverpools skyline since the Luftwaffe

not a brick been laid on Liverpool waters and not a job created!

Here are the links to the UNESCO 39th meeting in Bonn

There is a live feed transmission link on this website

Within above document is also this link to the timetable

Tuesday, 17 February 2015

Where are the 20,000 jobs that Joe Anderson and Peel Holdings promised

While Joe Anderson is telling all who will listen that we need to build new houses, on Liverpools parklands to meet public demand, he seems to have forgotten that he was elected (by 18% of the votable electorate) on a Peel Holdings ticket to create 20,000 jobs and 10,000 new dwellings.
How can the local press not challenge him on this.
Three years after plans were passed, that placed Liverpool on the UNESCO World Heritage In Danger List not a single brick has been laid.
Neither has any start been made on Wirral Waters.

While those campaigners for Liverpools Parklands such as Woolton Woods and Sefton Meadows        are arguing with Joe "Il Duce" Anderson,s dictatorship, it would be worth them considering that if Peel Holdings had built any dwellings at all this would ease the strain on the housing crisis................but would Joe Anderson's Property Developing Mates be happy about that?

Meanwhile Peel are trying to farm another load of grants from the public purse

Star date: 16th February 2015
Peel Holdings, already subsidised with £millions from public funds, is currently enlisting the Government to hold out the cap and play the sad violin, as it looks for £1billion of investment for its next phase of MediaCity UK. The Government's Regeneration Investment Organisation website is currently pushing the `opportunity for investors' with `local government incentives'.
Meanwhile the lack of jobs for Salford people at the BBC is continuing, according to Freedom of Information figures obtained by the Salford Star.
Full details here...

Wednesday, 1 October 2014

Tony McDonough Of The Liverpool Echo. Is He Peels Poodle?.

Another Advertorial for Peel Holdings from Trinity "Smoking" Mirrors of Oldham Hall Street.
Again from Tony MacDonut.
He seems to be a lap dog for Peel Holdings printing, in our opinion whatever they say.......without scrutiny or balance.
The whole article says nothing, repeats all the past promises, but it is dressed up as a good news story for MacNuts mates at Peel.
Four years after plans for Liverpool Waters, and even longer for Wirral Waters were passed, not a brick has been laid.
 Not a mention of the twenty thousand jobs that Peel said they would create.
 Just how they will do this while hiding the fact that Peel are now trying to offload the land to any dodgy Chinese investor with a few bob. Cash in their assets.

Not a mention of Ashworth's very own China Girl, Stella Shiu being exposed in Private Eye or the FT.
Shame on you McDonough.
MacDonut is blind to the facts, too intent on falling over himself backwards to be in with Peel, that he kids the public with maybe's.
There are better journalists than him, in our opinion, at The Merseymart...oh, thats now owned by Trinity "Smoking" Mirror. They will probably use the same article in the Bootle Times, such is the lack of quality.

There are so many of the so called journalists moonlighting as PR consultants that you have to ask are some the staff  of The Liverpool Echo being paid twice.
 Once from the phone hacking Trinity "Smoking" Mirror Group and  then again from the company that they are PR-ing for?
The Liverpool Echo
It really has sunk to an all time low.
Now we are not saying that they always take the cash for little moonlighting jobs, but maybe a little freebie or two, a little bit of entertaining or three.
We do have knowledge of this. watch this space.
 If it does not stop Machrays superiors will be informed.
Because as the editor, he lets it go on.
Most of them are doing it. It becomes the norm.

Look at recent PR-ing for Lawrence Kenwright and his wife Katie of Signature Living.
Did she work for the Echo once?
Here is what Private Eye wrote.

But Alastair Machray the disrespectful editor of the Liverpool Echo, completely ignored this and spoon fed the public with more tripe ignoring the facts about Kenwright being banned as a company director.
Its a tale of two cities. 
The one that the Echo journalists live in, and the real world.
 Its about time they changed sides before they have no readers left.

Friday, 6 December 2013

Sam Wa-Exposed In Financial Times


We told you so.

Great care has to be taken dealing with companies from China

Why are they all propogating the myth.
Why are we not represented

Is this worth losing your World Heritage Status For

Peel Holdings Win Salford Star Exellence Award


Star date: 5th December 2013


Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the annual Salford Star Mary Burns Awards, given out to stupid statements, dodgy dealings and iffy activities over the past 12 months.

The judges had no hesitation in awarding habitual Mary Burns gong winners, Peel Holdings/Peel Group this year's prize for Excellence In Wrecking Salford. Cover yer eyes, bring out yer sick bags and give it up – give it all up including yer environment, yer identity and yer money – for Peel Holdings.

This way down the red carpet please…


Category: The Excellence In Wrecking Salford Award

Winner: Peel Holdings/Peel Group

Well, ladies and gentlemen, what can we say that hasn't been said before about Peel Holdings – except that no-one knows what they're actually called these days – Peel Group? Peel Investments North? Tax Dodge Inc?

Anyway, this coveted Mary Burns Award is for services to wrecking Salford in so many different ways…


Yes, incredibly, after sucking up £millions in public money from Salford Council, Salford University, BBC etc plus £millions in public money subsidies to build MediaCityUK (see here)…back in July, Peel suddenly decided that Media City was actually in Manchester and re-branded its website MediaCityUK Manchester! (see here for the full gory story). Peel just cares s-o-o-o- much about the city it almost owns…


Where do we start? Attempting to build hundreds of houses on Greenfield sites in Worsley, Boothstown and Ellenbrook (see here)? Attempting to build 600 houses on the Greenfield site of Broadoak (rejected for the time being – see here)? Vulturing around with a future planning application to build on Green Belt land in Irlam?
…Port Salford with its zillions of lorry movements a day?... Or perhaps the cherry on Peel's cake – fracking on its land all under Barton? The current IGas exploratory drilling site is on Peel land and smack in the middle of everything that the mega-bucks company owns in the area…Somehow we can't see Peel objecting to a trillion drilling rigs on Green Belt land should fracking go ahead.

Public Money

For such a rich company, that is supposed to have so much investment from China and Saudi Arabia, Peel isn't opposed to grabbing as much public money as it can get its hands on.
When it went into a joint venture company with Salford Council to build the `Salford Community Stadium' - now renamed AJ Bell Stadium – it was Salford tax payers who stumped up the £22million loan (see here)…

Port Salford gets another £15million from cash-strapped Salford Council – an £11million loan and a £4million grant, plus another £15million from the Regional Growth Fund (see here)
Indeed, Salford Star proved that Peel Holdings and all its related companies were pulling in an average of £1million in public money per month via Salford Council (see here).
Meanwhile, MediaCityUK Manchester has had, and is still getting £millions from tax payers and Salford council tax payers. For what?... "We do not have a full breakdown of what they do, but the company on the whole, at maximum, pays 10% corporation tax. That is at maximum. They do not pay their fair share of corporation tax" MP Margaret Hodge said at the Parliamentary Public Accounts Committee hearing this year (see here).
"When you are using taxpayers' money…it ought to be with companies that pay their fair share back into the communal pot" she added "That is all; it is a very simple proposition."
So, for its incredibly negative impact on Salford's identity, its environment and the city's coffers, the Salford Star Mary Burns Award for Excellence In Wrecking Salford goes to…
P-e-e-e-e-l H-o-o-o-l-d-ings!!!

If someone from the Peel Group would like to make a thank you speech please use the comments box below…
Salford Star Mary Burns Award Winners 2013

Wednesday, 4 December 2013

Max Steinberg Of Liverpool Vision-Take Your Blindfold Off And You Will See The Truth.

In view of the recent allegations in Private Eye about Stella Shiu.
You heard it here first.
We ask is Liverpool Vision under the leadership of Max Steinberg just PeelPoodles.
All those people who got taken in by Ms Shiu and the whole Chinese Circus including Herr Dictator Joe Anderson must be feeling a little bit sick this morning.
Even though the disgusting  local press buried it in the graveyard Saturday night Echo.
 They have all met her it seems.
We warned them not to be taken in by China as the system there is not a model one.
But no, they go on chasing the money, hardly a care in the world. Not seeming to care where it came from.
 Well is there any? Three years later and not brick has been laid either on Wirral or Liverpool Waters.
 Peel have stretched themselves  too far.
Just google the term Questions raised over 'China fever' development on Mersey....... and a Financial Times expose will appear as if by magic.
There are far too many people blinkered, and one of them is Max Steinberg who seems obsessed ith Peel Holdings
Its good for him and his career, no doubt, he gets to meet David Cameron who at this moment is in China.

Steinberg said: "It's really good news for Peel, Wirral and the wider city region. Stella Shiu is a high ranking member of the Chinese government and she has said she will bring Chinese people to the area because she is so impressed with it.

"That will undoubtedly have benefits for the region. Visitor numbers from China to Liverpool are up hugely on other years and by getting the trade centre scheme off the ground thousands of jobs will be created in Wirral."

He added that the investment was "another example of the clear benefits" of Liverpool's presence at the World Expo in Shanghai last year, where Peel was headline sponsor of the city's pavilion.

Max Steinberg: "Chinese investment will spark further interest" it certainly has done that just google Questions raised over 'China Fever' development on Mersey

It was  the NWDA, or us, the public that payed for Peel holdings at Shanghai Expo 2010 they only ccontributed 200,000 of the near 2 million pound cost and what have we got back, a load of controversy and nothing much else and Liverpool on the World Heritage In Danger List.
You need to take the goggles off Mr Steinberg before you and the other people we pay to represent us make a clown of themselves and Liverpool gets tainted with corruption....again.

Sunday, 1 December 2013

David Bartlett-Shoddy Journalist. Why Did You Not Look Into Stella Shiu and Peel Holdings? J'accuse.

 After The Financial Times article Friday 29.11.3 and its focus on Stella Shiu and Peel Holdings.
 We ask today why the local press are hiding facts from the public.

The FT article was then spun around a corner by Marc Waddington and turned into a jolly good story.
 It was co-written by Liam Murphy who should be made to resign for the utter garbage that he has written about Stella Shiu being a high ranking Chinese Government official. We sent this Private Eye article to him and all hacks at Old Hall Street

Even now they mislead the public

We have great concerns about the level of journalism at Trinity "Smoking" Mirror here on Merseyside.
Wayne won David Bartlett an award for his world heritage writing.
He would cut and paste what he had written (check the dates they all appear the day after we printed them) throw a few misquotes in and put his name to it.
Today we accuse him of burying news from the Liverpool public.
Wayne says "I used to help him as much as I could naively thinking it would help our cause of saving the world heritage site, but then I started to notice how he would cherry pick what he wanted and drop other things in to suit what he wanted to write.
Now that he has been promoted to News Editor level we are extremely worried.
We decided some time ago to bypass the local press as we consider they don't tell the truth. There is an old saying "If you lay with dogs, you get fleas"

Our movement is growing and we intend to stay focused on the truth not half truths twisted by trained seals."

Here is a series of emails between Wayne on behalf of LPT and David Bartlett.
In light of the recent articles in the FT you decide whether he has buried the truth.
 Just so you know whats happening and what the press knows here is proof that the local press deny you information and will not engage in sensible debate.
Andy Kelly the then News Editor, was also aware of concerns we have about Stella Shiu he was sent Private Eye articls and buried them. Mark Thomas and Alastair were also advised of Private Eyes reporting....yet did nothing.
May 15
to davidbartlett

David you recently wrote a jolly good uplifting story about Peel Holdings

You will of course be aware that I have been asking you to check into the finances of Peel for over a year and its links to the Chineses government.
In order to trust the local press we have to know that they have checked their sources and are in fact not just doing press releases from whoever they may see fit.
We have to know the local press are not biased towards property developers that will, in Peels case lose us WHS status using blackmail and threats to back out of projects if they dont get thier way.

1. Where did this story eminate from.
2. What ckecks did you do to confirm that the Chinese Government is in fact on board. Did you contact them or just take someones word?
3. What checks have you done to confirm Peel have the finances or the structure to deal with such ambitious schemes considering the projects all over the country they are proposing.

4.Did you consider that in writing this story you are in fact endorsing the relationship of Stella Shui and San-Wa minerals with Peel Holdings making this look like a gigantic enterprise set up by the Chinese government at a time when there is huge corruption in China.
Where are the checks that we as a city do not get bound up in all this?

Please would you let me know how you checked this story?
I would appreciate a reply


David BartlettMay 16
David Bartlett via

Hi Wayne,

Sorry I couldn't stop to chat the other day. Always happy to talk about Peel, probably better to do in person next time we meet rather than email.

Speak soon

David Bartlett
City Editor Liverpool Post and ECHO
0151 472 2455


Reply Forward
liverpool preservationtrust

May 20

to David

David thanks for call half an hour ago.
I understand the paper does not have enough journalists and those working there are overworked ...........but this has gone far enough now.
I have enclosed a Private Eye article that I have contributed with the sole intention of bypassing the local press who its seems are insistent on building up Stella Shiu while doing nothing in the way of checks.
I do not go with your view that she may have had financial problems in Hog Kong but that does not mean it has no effect here in the UK.
The fact that I have had to do it for you and pass it to you, and you still ignore it makes the situation seem bizarre.
I would go as far as to say it appears an editorial stance that you or your colleague Liam Murphy do no checks to substantiate your articles wherever Stella Shiu or Peels invisible finances rear their head.
Who said she was a government official this is a question I asked you and you could not answer.

I requested that you look into the finances of Peel and Stella Shiu and you said you couldnt because you are overworked.

So am I And I have better things to be doing than trawling my way through misrepresentational reporting in order to fight what me and my colleagues perceive as heritage battles ie. save Liverpools Working Heritage site while getting reconstruction.

I will ask you once again to look into the structure of Peel Holdings in view of the recent Private Eye article

As to your request to take it to Chris Walker I am asking you in a detailed and balanced manner to redress your reporting that has built up Peel and Sam Wa to mythical proportions...when common sense says there appears to b rather a lot of smoking mirrors going on.


Tuesday, 22 October 2013

Peel Holdings to Build a Brothel on Princes Dock, Liverpool

What a foul mouthed arrogant clown Lindey Ashworth is turning out to be.

Now Lindsay Ashworth says Peel Holdings are to build a Brothel in Princes Dock.
This was in front of John Whittaker, who is Asworth's boss, who he has lapdogged with for decades, he calls UNESCO idiots.
This man is a idiot.

What happened to Stella Shiu and Lindsey and why has he got Viagra on the brain.

21 Oct 2013, 11:27

Peel said it will submit a detailed planning application in the coming weeks for the first phase of the £200m Wirral International Trade Centre.
Development director Lindsey Ashworth, addressing guests at the launch of The Quay, a suite of serviced offices and meeting rooms on the ground floor of 12 Princes Dock in Liverpool, said the 500,000 sq ft phase would not be built speculatively.
The first phase of the 2.5m sq ft ITC could house up to 300 occupiers in small hybrid office-industrial-retail units designed for assembling and showcasing imported products.
Ashworth said Peel had 40 agents across China signing up the first wave of operators and construction would only start if the level of pre-lets was sufficient, but declined to give a proportion that would trigger a move on site.
Ceremonies for Chinese suppliers to sign up to the ITC are due to be held in Shanghai, Beijing and Hong Kong but dates have not been set.
Tenants will be offered nine-year leases at a headline rent of £18/sq ft in the Broadway Malyan-designed building next to the Mersey.
The ITC is a joint venture between Peel and Chinese investor Sam Wa, headed by Stella Shiu, a minerals trader.
The pair has outline planning permission for the whole scheme but a detailed planning application has yet to be submitted. Ashworth said initial designs had been tweaked to allow parking on two sides rather than one and access from both sides, as well as changes to internal configuration. The 16-acre site has been remediated and construction is ready to start pending planning.
Meanwhile, Ashworth said talks between Peel and other Chinese investors over the Liverpool and Wirral Waters mega-schemes, which do not include the ITC, were progressing well but the identities of all interested parties remained confidential.
Peel has come under pressure locally with critics complaining about the pace of the dockland schemes, especially since Chinese investment was confirmed this month into Airport City Manchester. Ashworth pointed out that Liverpool Waters only recently received full go-ahead from government after the judicial review period into the decision by secretary of state Eric Pickles not to call a public inquiry ended.
Peel was the main sponsor of Liverpool's presence at the World Expo in Shanghai in 2010. Ashworth said the event three years ago was a success but the business opportunities it created for Liverpool have not been recognised.
Ashworth's speech to invited guests was typically colourful, twice referring to UN heritage body Unesco as "idiots" for opposing Liverpool Waters, which Unesco says threatens the World Heritage Sites in the city, and joking about putting a brothel or a Viagra factory on Princes Dock. The launch event was attended by Peel owner John Whittaker and representatives from Peel's Media City UK and partners from the Atlantic Gateway initiative.

Friday, 14 June 2013

Liverpool, Back Before Unesco World Heritage Committee-Will We Be Stripped of World Heritage Site Status

This Month finds Liverpool 2008 European Capital of Culture back before the World Heritage Committee of the United Nations Education Scientific Cultural Organisation (Unesco).

We have unceremoniously been dumped on the Unesco World Heritage In Danger list (or as one man and his dog campaigner Larry Neild, on Liverpool Confidential website flippently calls it "The naughty step)".
Liverpool has been placed on the "In Danger" list  along with the war torn city of Aleppo in Syria and various corrupted third world countries that can't maintain the World Heritage sites.
You could understand it from a poor country with little or no infrastructure but Liverpool it seems, wants to sell its WHS to the, well, lowest bidder really, Peel Holdings.
 Who do not want the little problem of their land being hindered with Liverpool’s Mercantile and Maritime past which is why we were awarded WHS status in 2004.

June 16th sees the start of the Unesco World Heritage Committee meeting in Phnom Penh in Cambodia.
The UK Government has to show to the committee, as requested in the 36th committee meeting in St Petersburg meeting of 2012, proposals to get Liverpool off the World Heritage In danger list.
The threat is for inappropriate style development, after LCC passed plans for a 5.5 billion pound development, that appears to be pie in the sky, as nearly two years later not a single brick has been laid.
We got off with being placed on the Unesco “In Danger” list in 2007 by volunteering the Cities WHS status up to Unesco......... as a test case. to show how it can be developed, old and new in harmony.
And instead we find ourselves a basket case
We have tried to stimulate a debate that would see architectural styles discussed but what has happened is, the level of debate has been hijacked by Liverpool City Council and Peels PR companies, and that debate has descended into the usual, scouse humour slang off, charade, that only stifles constructive argument, and brings it down to a level that suits the developers.
There is no problem in developing this site in sensitive manner that looks for inspiration to cities like Amsterdam.
A city that seems educated and willing enough to take the time and trouble to engage its architecturally educated public instead of having slang off in the local press. Why cant Liverpool do this as Unesco ordered it to.
Unesco told Liverpool when we escaped, by a whisker, being placed on the “In Danger” list in 2006 that it must engage the public, not keep them in the dark .
Ron Van Ours of Unesco said that in the past, the problem  was, that the Governments advisers English Heritage were supporting the schemes at the Pier Head and they could not go against them. He told told LPT and other delegates this, face to face.
Despite Sir Neil Cossons the Chairman of English Heritage, at the time working for Liverpool Museum who were developing the site, they were powerless.
Sir Neil was later given a whole Steam train exhibition to curate at the Walker Art Gallery.
Peel Holdings do not want us to have a world heritage site because it will impede their style of architecture.
The very style that saw them win Building Design’s Carbuncle Cup award of 2012 for Media City in Salford
This arrogant approach that Peel holdings have taken is in fact stopping development if they had come up with a scheme of any merit well we all would have welcomed their development,
But to propose to build Trafford Park-On-Mersey is a massive let down that those who know about architectural styles can support including EH,
Because it’s big and blingy does that suit this great city. With the clowns running the city is a debate even going to happen?
Do Peel Holdings have any finances for such a huge scheme?
This week saw Margeret Hodge call Peel Holdngs tax dodgers stating that most of their profits go offshore and we the taxpayers have funded massive profits for Peel to build Media City that they own and we have paid for.
Their main Chinese partner Stella Shiu was recently exposed in Private Eye as a Hong Kong bankrupt and serious questions were asked about Sam Wa or as they should e know Sam Where, because it seems nobody knows anything about them.
Its all quite clever tactics to say we will back out of development but how serious are they about starting work.
A desired state of conservation is a sensible request from a cultural organisation.
It makes sense to show that we are a city that can combine old with new…well not if you look at the architectural anachronism that has become the Pier Head, the symbol of Liverpool’s Mercantile and Maritime past.
But here we still have an opportunity to get it right and don’t let this great city turn into Liver peel.
Is there an immediate risk of Liverpool losing WHS status?
Peel holdings don’t seem to have any capital it seems (unless its all hidden offshore). So what will Unesco do? What can they do?
It seems to me we will continue to have the shadow of removal of Liverpool from Unesco’s World Heritage List when tourism is increasingly becoming the cities main form of income.
This is an embarrassment that we cannot afford.
Would it not be common sense to make them build something the whole city can be proud of. We are not Shanghai, we inspired Shanghai’s waterfront.
Don’t let them turn our World Heritage Site into Milton Keynes-On-Sea.
We are assured that Liverpool is very much on the agenda for Unesco at this next WH Committee meeting

In a recent letter to the hardworking 'World Heritage Watchdog' David Swift from the office of Unesco WH Director Kishore Rao.

Subject: FW: Liverpool - Maritime Mercantile City (United Kingdom) (C 1180)

Dear Sir,
On behalf of Mr Kishore Rao, Director of the World Heritage Centre, I thank you for your message regarding the World Heritage property of “Liverpool – Maritime Mercantile City”.
Please be assured that a report on the state of conservation of this property will be presented to the World Heritage Committee at its forthcoming 37th session. You can consult the relevant working document on the WHC’s website ( ). When doing so, you will notice that the most recent information has been taken into account in the report.
If you wish to receive the State Party’s letter on the issue, I kindly suggest that you submit the request directly to the responsible UK authorities, i.e. DCMS represented by Ms Francesca Conlon who was on copy of your last email and whom I put on copy of this message as well.
I also like to take the opportunity to inform you that Ms Patricia Alberth has recently changed jobs. You are welcome to address any question or information to me or to Ms Petya Totcharova, head of the WHC’s Europe and North America Unit.
Thank you for your interest in and commitment to the safeguarding of World Heritage.
Best regards,
Kerstin Manz

Kerstin A. Manz
UNESCO World Heritage Centre
F - 75352 Paris
Tel: +33 (0)

35. Liverpool – Maritime Mercantile City (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) (C 1150)
Year of inscription on the World Heritage List 2004
Year(s) of inscription on the List of World Heritage in Danger 2012
Threats for which the property was inscribed on the List of World Heritage in Danger
The proposed development of Liverpool Waters
Desired state of conservation for the removal of the property from the List of World Heritage in Danger
In progress Corrective measures identified
In progress Timeframe for the implementation of corrective measures
In progress Previous Committee Decisions

See page

International Assistance N/AState of conservation of World Heritage properties WHC-13/37.COM/7A, p. 88 inscribed on the List of World Heritage in Danger
Previous monitoring missions October 2006: joint World Heritage Centre / ICOMOS reactive monitoring mission; November 2011: joint World Heritage Centre / ICOMOS reactive monitoring mission.

Factors affecting the property identified in previous reports

a) Lack of overall management of new developments;

b) Lack of analysis and description of the townscape characteristics relevant to the Outstanding Universal Value of the property and important views related to the property and its buffer zone;

c) Lack of clearly established maximum heights for new developments, for the backdrops of the World Heritage areas as well as along the waterfront;

d) Lack of awareness of developers, building professionals and the wider public about the World Heritage property, its Outstanding Universal Value and requirements under the World Heritage Convention.

Illustrative material See pages   and

Current conservation issues

On 30 January 2013, the State Party submitted a report on the state of conservation of the property responding to the Decision 36 COM 7B.93 made by the World Heritage Committee at its 36th session (Saint-Petersburg, 2012). On 27 March 2013, updated information on the decision of the Secretary of State was submitted by the State Party.

Proposed development of Liverpool Waters

It should be recalled that Liverpool Waters is a major, large scale development project that is planned to be implemented over a 30-year period in an area of 60 ha covering part of the inscribed property as well as part of its buffer zone. It stretches 2 km along the waterfront from Princes Dock up to Bramley Moore Dock and includes proposals for a cluster of tall buildings within the buffer zone.

In its report, the State Party recalled that the Liverpool City Council granted consent for the Liverpool Waters scheme, and indicated that this decision was referred to the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government as a result of English Heritage’s objection to the scheme and because of the scale of the proposed development. The State Party also reported that the developer had informed that, in the event that the current proposal is not approved, it may decide to abandon attempts to regenerate the area and continue with current uses that do not require planning consent.

The State Party reported that the application was referred to the Secretary of State in October 2012. At the time of the submission of the State Party’s State of Conservation Report, no decision had yet been taken by the Secretary of State. On 27 March 2013, however, the State Party submitted additional information, reporting that the Secretary of State, on 4 March 2013, decided not to call in the case. With the decision not to intervene, there are no further legal obstacles to moving forward with the Liverpool Waters scheme. The Liverpool City Council may now confirm its consent for the development scheme and the developer could then proceed with implementation.

In its Decision 36 COM 7B.93, the Committee took note of the report of the joint reactive monitoring mission which had concluded that, in terms of visual perception, the redevelopment scheme would fragment and isolate the different dock areas, instead of integrating them into one continuous historic urban landscape. The mission therefore concluded that, if the proposed Liverpool Waters scheme as outlined were to be implemented, the World Heritage property would be irreversibly damaged due to a serious deterioration of its architectural and town-planning coherence, a serious loss of historical authenticity, and an important loss of cultural significance. It also noted that the proposed development in the buffer zone would result in the modification of the functional hierarchy State of conservation of World Heritage properties WHC-13/37.COM/7A, p. 89 inscribed on the List of World Heritage in Danger and morphology expressed by the port circulation system (river – sluices – dock – water basins), as well as by the historical typologies of the port industrial structures and services, thus affecting the conditions of authenticity.

Noting the decision of the Secretary of State not to review the Liverpool Waters scheme at the national level, the World Heritage Centre and the Advisory Bodies recognize that there remains no legal obstacle to moving forward with the development project. They reiterate the findings of the joint reactive monitoring mission of November 2011, as expressed in the opinion of the World Heritage Committee in Decision 36 COM 7B.93, that the proposed development of Liverpool Waters constitutes a potential threat to the Outstanding Universal Value of the property. They also note that there have been no actions to remove the potential danger as requested by the World Heritage Committee at its 36th session. They consider that if the proposed Liverpool Waters development is implemented as currently planned, it would irreversibly damage the attributes of Outstanding Universal Value and the conditions of integrity that warranted inscription, and could lead to the potential deletion of the property from the World Heritage List.

The World Heritage Centre and the Advisory Bodies further draw attention to the fact that the State Party has submitted neither a Desired state of conservation for the removal of the property from the List of World Heritage in Danger (DSOC), nor a proposal for corrective measures to reach that DSOC, as requested by the World Heritage Committee. In the supplementary information submitted on 27 March 2013, however, the State Party has expressed its willingness to work with the World Heritage Centre and Advisory Bodies to elaborate a DSOC and corrective measures with a time frame for their implementation for the removal of the property from the List of World Heritage in Danger. In April 2013, consultations have been taken up by the State Party, the World Heritage Centre and Advisory Bodies accordingly. Taking into account the continued threat to the property, the World Heritage Centre and the Advisory Bodies recommend that the Committee retain the property on the List of World Heritage in Danger.

Draft Decision: 37 COM 7A.35

The World Heritage Committee,

1. Having examined Document WHC-13/37.COM/7A,

2. Recalling Decision 36 COM 7B.93, adopted at its 36th session (Saint-Petersburg, 2012),

3. Also recalling the results of the joint World Heritage Centre/ICOMOS reactive monitoring mission of November 2011,

4. Notes the information provided by the State Party that the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government decided not to call in the Liverpool Waters development for consideration at the national level, and that the Liverpool City Council had granted consent to the application submitted by the developer;

5. Reiterates its serious concern at the potential threat of the proposed Liverpool Waters development on the Outstanding Universal Value of the property, and also notes that the implementation of the development, as currently planned, would irreversibly damage the attributes and conditions of integrity that warranted inscription, and could lead to the potential deletion of the property from the World Heritage List;

State of conservation of World Heritage properties WHC-13/37.COM/7A, p. 90 inscribed on the List of World Heritage in Danger

6. Therefore, strongly urges the State Party to reconsider the proposed development to ensure the continued coherence of the architectural and town-planning attributes, and the continued safeguarding of the Outstanding Universal Value of the property including the conditions of authenticity and integrity;

7. Further notes that the State Party has not yet developed a proposal for the Desired state of conservation for the removal of the property from the List of World Heritage in Danger and a set of corrective measures and requests the State Party to pursue its consultations with the World Heritage Centre and Advisory Bodies to elaborate a Desired state of conservation for the removal of the property from the List of World Heritage in Danger along with a set of corrective measures, and a time frame for their implementation;

8. Decides to retain Liverpool – Maritime Mercantile City (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) on the World Heritage List in Danger; 9. Also requests the State Party to submit to the World Heritage Centre, by 1 February 2014, an updated report on the state of conservation of the property and the implementation of the above,

The letter from DCMS to Unesco is of course trying to mitigate the situation that the UK Government finds itself in.
A city being blackmailed by a company that Margeret Hodge calls tax dodgers and Jack Straw calls a lot of other things.
a city being run by uncultured idiots who care nothing about dealing Heritage and are prepared to turn a blind eye to ruthless companies motives and their habitual bending of the rules.
And maybe a populace who lack the culture or the drive to do anything about it nd sit on their hands.

Thursday, 13 June 2013

"We Are Not Tax Dodgers" say Peel Holdings- Oh Yeah! And My Auntie Is My Uncle.

Margeret Hodge accuses Peel of 'Tax Dodging'
Property giants Peel Group have been accused of ‘tax-dodging’ by an influential panel of MPs.

Tax crusader Margaret Hodge – famed for her attacks on Starbucks, Google and Amazon – dubbed the firm a virtual ‘monopoly’ and attacked the BBC for handing it millions of pounds in licence fee cash.
During an outing to Salford’s MediaCity, Mrs Hodge’s powerful public accounts committee grilled BBC chiefs on the value of their £1bn move north.
She singled out its contract with landlord Peel for criticism – claiming some parts of the giant pay no tax at all.
Committee chair Mrs Hodge began by congratulating those giving evidence – BBC North director Peter Salmon, BBC trustee Anthony Fry and Zarin Patel, its chief financial officer – on delivering the move on time and broadly within budget.
But she said they should have tried harder to find a firm that paid more tax.

This was reported in the Manchester Evening News. And not a mention  from The Daily Ghost or The Oldham Echo who did a tacky upbeat story instead to convince the readership who they educate, or dont, that Peel Holdings are Liverpool's Savior's despite Liverpools WHS being on the Unesco "In Danger" list..
We have asked serious questions of Liam Murphy and David Bartlett on how they have been  printing what Peels Media Company want him to without question.
Liam Murphy needs to be careful or he may end up with an IPPC complaint made against him and the corrupted paper that he works for.

‘We Are Not Tax Dodgers’, Says Peel

11 June

Peel Group, Manx-controlled owners of Manchester’s Trafford Centre and Liverpool’s docks, denied a Public Accounts Committee claim that they never pay more than ten per cent corporation tax. Margaret Hodge, chairwoman of the PAC and scourge of tax dodgers at Amazon, Starbucks and Google, said some parts of Peel’s £6.6 billion property empire ‘do not pay their fair share’ of tax. She criticised the BBC for handing millions of licence payers’ cash to Peel during a billion pound move from London to MediaCityUK at Salford Quays. She congratulated the BBC on delivering the project but said she was fed up of hearing about restrictions imposed by the EU forcing the BBC to deal with Peel. At a hearing in Salford she said,’Peel almost have a monopoly of a lot of capital investment in this area, which always worries me as to whether you, the BBC, gets the best price.’

Peel complained in a statement that they had not been warned about the attack. A spokesman said, ‘Following comments made at the Public Accounts Committee meeting on Monday, The Peel Group would like to make it clear that it rejects any assertion that it is not paying its fair share of corporation tax.All Peel operating businesses, including Peel Media (the developers and owners of MediaCityUK), are UK domiciled for taxation purposes and pay the appropriate level of UK tax.

Friday, 17 May 2013

Stella Shiu-Exposed In Private Eye. Serious Questions Need To Be Answered About Sam Wa.

Stella Shiu gets the Private Eye treatment. You have to ask why are the local pres is not looking into the finances of Peel Holdings and why are they believing what Peel say.
China has a level of corruption that has been shown to be unparallelled.
 We are not saying there is anything a miss here between Lindsay and Stell but the public are always let down by Liverpool's lazy local press who just take any old hack from whatever PR company feeds them, or gives them a freebie. So we cant believe them.
This has to stop.
  Those that call themselves journalists should understand that in an age where citizen journalism creates news they are pulling off a confidence trick to the dwindling readership.

It is stated in the Private Eye article that Stella Shui has kalashnikov wielding bodyguards, and this came from an article in the Daily Ghost written by Liam Murphy in 2011 that needs to be questioned. The article says that Stella Shiu is a high ranking government official.

David Bartlett recently followed it up.
We have asked David where this information has come from and how he may substantiate these claims.
We are still waiting for a reply.........but we will get one.
The Private Eye article questions the credentials of Sam Wa, saying that all the articles in the press have been written recently (mostly by David Bartlett and co) and their checks using the Nexis database available to them has shown nothing else other than those articles from Peels Poodles down at the Daily Ghost, who seem insistent on doing advertorials for them week after week.
When in reality all the promises have resulted not a single brick being laid on Liverpool Waters or Wirral Waters (where the plans were passed years ago).
The Sam Wa website that the Daily Ghost has used looks like it has been built be a 5 year old kid and the first rule of journalism is to check your source.................especially if the source comes from China.
The issue before Private Eye 1339 saw another poke at Peel. The article entitled CHINESE TAKEAWAY stated the David Cameron and John Whittaker travelled together to the Expo. David Bartlett was aware of this, after the event, despite going to Shanghai, but this telling piece of information was conveniently withheld from articles written. The Eye article states that Peel paid for Liverpool's stand at the Shanghai expo and this is factually incorrect. As it was, we the taxpayer that paid for Peels stand. Its not only local press that need to get the facts straight. This was an expo that Joe Anderson when in opposition declared was a waste of taxpayers money, and it was recorded, probably by Bartlett. Then when he becomes Liverpool's dictator he sanctioned it.  Peel duly took the stand at the Shanghai expo promoting Wirral Waters which includes the International Trade Centre which will be a full on competition to Liverpool Waters. The company Peel and Sam War Investments Ltd,  whose directors, it states in Eye 1339 are Stella Shiu and Lindsay Ashworth. But it also states there is little on record about Stella Shui. But in 1340 it claims that The Hong Kong authorities seem to have quite a bit of info on her and she may have in fact, it is alleged changed her name. click on article to read