Showing posts with label Private Eye. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Private Eye. Show all posts

Wednesday, 20 May 2020

Lawrence Kenwrights Giant Ponzi Scheme Goes Bust.

Most people knew what he was up to.
None of Liverpools reputable estate agents, if there is such a thing, would touch him.
They all knew he was operating a giant Pyramid Scheme where one development was funding another.
 The council planning department bent over backwards to accommodate him.
 Nick Kavanagh who is being investigated for fraud in a public office rushed through the plans for his James Street hotel development.....................there should be an investigation into this.
Someone died because of inadequate handrailing not picked up by building regulations.
And he did his own asbestos survey.
After ruining several listed buildings as what he described as luxury(sic) hotels in the city. It now transpires his customers were eating mouse droppings for years and that he had stopped the reporting of this by applying for restrictions while the court case was ongoing.

We have worked with Private Eye for a while and it was they that exposed him as being banned for being a company director.

Read more here.

Now the dodgy developer is claiming that the council stitched him up.
Or maybe he had a falling out.
In today's Liverpool Echo, who may we say have acted as his own personal PR company for a while.
It was alledged that his wife was once employed by them.
 In 2014 he tried to buy St Luke Church. St Lukes is a memorial to The Blitz that Liverpool endured.
He wanted to turn it into a wedding venue. We alerted the local press and it was kyboshed.

We asked the Council Chief Executive Ged Fitzgerald, picked by Mayor Joe Anderson, about money laundering.  Here is his reply. He was arrested shortly after.

read more Murkeyside Liverpool related Private Eye articles here.

So another "Chinatown" is taking place, where a load of investors will lose money and the name of Liverpool is tainted.

But in the meantime Kenwright has got his cash out and wait for it.........he will try to buy back the assets for half the price. This is Murkeyside after all.

Wednesday, 15 April 2015

Save The Futurist-Private Eye Slam Neptune Developments and City Council For Proposing An Eyesore.

Sometimes You need a look from out of the city to realise just how crass a proposal is. Private Eye is good at that. Maybe then it wakes up the local planners and the dictator of a Mayor Mr Anderson to realise that you cant carry on vandalising your heritage at the behest of the city council's  property developing mates. This is a cosy relationship. One of Neptunes Directors used to work for the City Council planning department. But the real question is how can a city that is a World Heritage City even consider allowing such a bad proposal in the first place? We all know in the city that this is a ugly scheme. Maybe the Chubby version of Derek Hatton can now wake up  and use his dictatorship to send his mates packing right back to the drawing board. 
Don't forget the developers and their architects are the same ones that built the Three Black Coffins on Mann Island that scar our world Heritage blight forever.
(click on pic to expand)

Thursday, 4 September 2014

Mayor Joe Anderson in Private Eye Again.

While Joe Andersons capatalist regime is busy funding corrupt Property developers such as Nigel Russell of Middle England Developments, who has now abandoned St Andrews Church in Rodney Street after being sold it for a quid. Or trying to knock St Lukes Church out to Lawrence Kenwright of Signature Living.
He is also closing down our libraries...........some probably to be sold to dodgy property developers no doubt.
 Just because he cant read a book it does not mean the rest of the population don't want to..

Private Eye give him another mention.
Just who writes all this stuff for the Eye? click on photo to view.
Years ago Vicky Anderson of the now dead (thank god someone put it out of our misery) daily Ghost broke the news that Liverpool Library was to be sold off to a Developer and we would lease it back. This was put forward as a good news story, and she glibly wrote it up.
We now have a Labour council, with Chief Executive Ged Fitzgerald (ex cover up merchant of the Rotheram Child abuse scandals) at its helm. This city council is now behaving more like the Tories than Labour.
Derek Hatton and Co once tried to sell off the Town hall on a lease back basis.
Joe Anderson makes him look tame by comparison.

Further reading;

Wednesday, 20 August 2014

Joe Anderson and Lawrence Kenwright's Signature Living Land Deal Exposed In Private Eye.

Private Eye entitles the article in the current edition, in ROTTEN BOROUGHS, CLASS ACT. Just who is writing all this stuff for Private Eye? We call it dodgy dealing right in front of the eyes of the public, and the local press, who should be watching what the property developing Mayor Joe Anderson is doing with our public funds. Some Time ago Wayne campaigned to bring some life back into the historic Albion House after it had lain there empty for years claiming it would be a perfect place to link Liverpool, on a global stage with the huge interest of the tragic events, that happened on the fateful night, when the Titanic was sunk. "There is so much public interest that it couldn't go wrong". he said. Sure enough Joe Anderson's mate Lawrence Kenwright must have been listening and miraculously got his hands on a pile of cash. 
Despite being previously banned as a company director. (you don't just get banned as a company director for bad book-keeping).
 But Joe Anderson and Co don't seem to care who they give the council assets to,  such as Municipal House in Victoria Street. 
 Kenwright was also the character that come up, out of nowhere, (and do we believe him) with a dodgy scheme to steal St Lukes Church from its rightful place as a monument to the blitz. 
If the wag bar at the new Titanic Theme Hotel is anything to go by, thank god he never got it and the public outrage made Anderson stop and think.    
The local papers called this refurbishment of Albion House a good news story without any checks pouring publicity over the opening.........even picturing Anderson on the steps of the new hotel with the Kenwright's, giving it a big thumbs up.

The local press should be checking everything that "Il Duce" Anderson is doing with public assets.
It seems that property developers always seem to have a link with Frank McKenna.
Is that what you need to get to Anderson?
Here we see Katie and Lawrence Kenwright being awarded jointly Property Personality of the Year by McKenna and DLIB.

You couldn't make this up. Only in Murkeyside.

Monday, 14 July 2014

Save Woolton Woods-From Mayor Joe Anderson's Labour Party Property Developing Capitalist Regime.

A Labour Council led by The property developers friend Joe "Il Duce" Anderson seems to be out of control. Come back Derek Hatton........Oh he is back! Now isn't that a co-incidence.
The set up is.......... that a property developer gets access to the Mayor who then knocks a bit of real estate out to his new found friends and they call it partnership.
Now we don't expect Labour party members to wear cloth caps and own ferrets anymore but do they really have to be property developing capitalists, while closing down nursing homes and libraries.  Private Eye have taken an interest.
click on the pictures for more information.

Tuesday, 17 June 2014

Save Heaps Rice Mill-Its Too Good To Be Demolished.

How many more historic structures can the city lose. laying there like a ghost of its former self, a working mill up to 1988, the owners of Heaps Rice Mill have let it decline.
It has recently sprouted a roof garden. Now they are to do us all a favour and demolish it.
Plans have recently been submitted to down it and make way for some bland shoeboxes.
Liverpool lost 46 listed buildings under the Fib-Dems led by Mike Storey and Warren "War Zones" Bradley.
How long can this go on.
Liverpool today is prostrated before the Unesco World Heritage committee who are meeting in Doha, Qatar. Where we are promising them we know how to manage a World Heritage Site.
Liverpool is on the Unesco World Heritage In Danger List.
We thought Heaps was listed, which is why it is still standing while all around it has become bland. This area was once, as recently as the 80's home to many small businesses (most of which were owned by Sir Trevor Jones and his Moll Doreen).
Windsor developments were Clever Trevor's Partners In Crime. They crawled all over this part of Town. The Ships chandlers that he and Dot demolished after a application to list it was made was Liverpool's last. The same site is now owned by Neptune Developments.
Greenbergs Outfitters was also demolished, and is now a car park.
So who is going to put up a fight to save this historic structure, who cares?
Lets hope there is such a swell of feeling that the building can be spotlisted and Joe Andersons developer mates can be sent packing.

Larry Neild and Co at the Liverpool Echo wrote at the time

After it made Private Eye.

October Communications now Aurora Media or is it Archetype Studios were the PR for Windsor Developments.

All this while Trevor and Doreen "Partners in Slime" lived next door to the Duke of Westminister.

So who is watching whats going on with Liverpools Historic past. Certainly not Steve Corbett or Chris Griffiths at the now none existant Liverpool Conservation office.

Wednesday, 30 April 2014

Lyceum Liverpool-What is its Future?

This is one of Liverpools Architectural Gems, but it is now in  very sad state.
It must be at its worst point of its great history
Built by Thomas Harrison who built Chester Castle most people would not be aware of his place in history.
Thomas Harrison was the architect who advised Lord Elgin that he should build a classical pile and fill it with historical artifacts, and off he went to strip the Elgin Marbles from their rightful home in Greece, who as a country have never forgiven us.

Such was Liverpools prominence that the best architects were flocking here for work.,_Liverpool

Private Eye took an interest recently and if you click on the picture you can read what 'Piloti' in NOOKS AND CORNERS said about our Grand Old Lady.
Just who is keeping Private Eyes so informed?

At one time it had a giant Burger In A Bun as decoration.
We soon had that removed.
Theres Culcha for Yeh La!
The Post Office have been responsible for its upkeep, as they had a lease on the property, even though they had moved out years ago. (No wonder they are in financial trouble)
Now its up for sale at £4.25 million What is its future?

Wednesday, 30 October 2013

Joe Anderson, Mayor of Liverpool Does Not Care About Liverpools Historic Past.

Joe Anderson is not concerned with Liverpool’s Historic Past.

This is what we wrote weeks ago 22nd July.
It has taken 3 months for the jokers at Trinity “Smoking” Mirror, A corrupted regime, led by a Moron, Alastair Machray, to get around to taking notice of it. 3 months after plans were passed
Liverpool to Lose Two More Listed Buildings. 86-90 Duke Street.
How Many More Can We Lose?.

46 listed buildings were destroyed during the Fib Dems.

How many more listed buildings can we lose in Liverpool?
Mike Storey and Warren "War Zones" Bradley's administration were ignorant to history but Joe Anderson is proving to be worse than the both of them.
We don't have a Conservation Officer anymore.

We don't have a World Heritage Officer anymore. (What good he was anyway)
What is being done to protect us from poor development when the people doing the checking are in with the developers even giving them grants?

Here is an email sent to the planning department regarding

Site Address 86-90 Duke Street, 71 Henry Street and 14 Suffolk Street Liverpool L1 5AA

No wonder developers are crawling over this area.
This is opposite The Monro Public House.


The one time Manager of the Monro was a local famous local politition. In fact a Mayor. Who was He?

Answers on a postcode please and address it to the Mayors Office.

Letter to the planning office

Ms Kirkbride
Site Address 86-90 Duke Street, 71 Henry Street and 14 Suffolk Street Liverpool L1 5AA
We wish to object quite strongly to the fact that two listed buildings in the Duke Street area are to be lost.
This is also within the World Heritage Ste and Liverpool is on the Unesco In Danger list

Application Number13C/0891
Site Address86-90 Duke Street, 71 Henry Street and 14 Suffolk Street Liverpool L1 5AA
We may not be able to get someone to attend the meeting but regarding the application we would wish that our comments be read out at the planning meeting.
We consider this application to be flawed.
Liverpool has lost 46 listed buildings in the past decade and cannot afford to lose anymore

Please confirm receipt of this email and that our comments will be noted with the application

Thursday, 15 August 2013

Roz Gladdon Deputy Mayor of Murkyside and Friends Exposed In Private Eye.

This issue sees Roz Gladdon the Deputy Mayor (will someone put the horrendous Gary Miller out of our misery) of Murkeyside and friends showing us up after being exposed in Private Eye.
 Just how are they getting all this shady information about Murkyside?
 We believe they are only uncovering the tip of the iceberg and there will be much more to come.
 Its a shame the local press dont seem able to expose any of this, and if they did would that make a difference to the way people who may be inclined to pocket a pound or two behave.
 Liverpool recieved £950,000,000 European Objective One money that was dished out amongst other people to people running wastefull insitutions like Neil Scales and his mates David Wade-Smith.
 Who did the accounting for such a huge sum?
It was, reported by Bartlett or one of the other, if you were to believe the sob stories, Prisoners at Port Merrion on Mersey, that The European Union questioned why 200 florists were trained in a city that had did not have enough florists shops to employ them.
Is it because no-one was checking? Its no good reporting after the event you lazy little devils..  

Wednesday, 7 August 2013

Frank McKenna In Private Eye Again

How many members of Downtown Liverpool In Business do we have to look into before notice is taken in the local community here on, what Private Eye calls Murkeyside.
 Dont forget Frank McKenna sponsors the Liverpool Daily Ghost "views and blogs" section that contains the Editors blog, and is so often featured within the local papers that we think he is dictating the news.
The reality is that to expose the comings and goings of McKenna and his mates, it has to be done in other journals rather than Trinity "Smoking" Mirrors here on Murkeyside. This is a reality.
Why was this alleged VAT carousel fraud not exposed in the local papers.
 Was it blocked by the Editor?
Joe Anderson is a regular guest speaker at the events that McKenna puts together to sponsor his business partners.
Is The Liverpool Embassy in London a way for McKenna to extend his business clients?
These are questions we will be looking the corrupted systen that is the local papers dont seem to want to. 

Friday, 17 May 2013

Stella Shiu-Exposed In Private Eye. Serious Questions Need To Be Answered About Sam Wa.

Stella Shiu gets the Private Eye treatment. You have to ask why are the local pres is not looking into the finances of Peel Holdings and why are they believing what Peel say.
China has a level of corruption that has been shown to be unparallelled.
 We are not saying there is anything a miss here between Lindsay and Stell but the public are always let down by Liverpool's lazy local press who just take any old hack from whatever PR company feeds them, or gives them a freebie. So we cant believe them.
This has to stop.
  Those that call themselves journalists should understand that in an age where citizen journalism creates news they are pulling off a confidence trick to the dwindling readership.

It is stated in the Private Eye article that Stella Shui has kalashnikov wielding bodyguards, and this came from an article in the Daily Ghost written by Liam Murphy in 2011 that needs to be questioned. The article says that Stella Shiu is a high ranking government official.

David Bartlett recently followed it up.
We have asked David where this information has come from and how he may substantiate these claims.
We are still waiting for a reply.........but we will get one.
The Private Eye article questions the credentials of Sam Wa, saying that all the articles in the press have been written recently (mostly by David Bartlett and co) and their checks using the Nexis database available to them has shown nothing else other than those articles from Peels Poodles down at the Daily Ghost, who seem insistent on doing advertorials for them week after week.
When in reality all the promises have resulted not a single brick being laid on Liverpool Waters or Wirral Waters (where the plans were passed years ago).
The Sam Wa website that the Daily Ghost has used looks like it has been built be a 5 year old kid and the first rule of journalism is to check your source.................especially if the source comes from China.
The issue before Private Eye 1339 saw another poke at Peel. The article entitled CHINESE TAKEAWAY stated the David Cameron and John Whittaker travelled together to the Expo. David Bartlett was aware of this, after the event, despite going to Shanghai, but this telling piece of information was conveniently withheld from articles written. The Eye article states that Peel paid for Liverpool's stand at the Shanghai expo and this is factually incorrect. As it was, we the taxpayer that paid for Peels stand. Its not only local press that need to get the facts straight. This was an expo that Joe Anderson when in opposition declared was a waste of taxpayers money, and it was recorded, probably by Bartlett. Then when he becomes Liverpool's dictator he sanctioned it.  Peel duly took the stand at the Shanghai expo promoting Wirral Waters which includes the International Trade Centre which will be a full on competition to Liverpool Waters. The company Peel and Sam War Investments Ltd,  whose directors, it states in Eye 1339 are Stella Shiu and Lindsay Ashworth. But it also states there is little on record about Stella Shui. But in 1340 it claims that The Hong Kong authorities seem to have quite a bit of info on her and she may have in fact, it is alleged changed her name. click on article to read          


Thursday, 16 May 2013

David Wade-Smith Costs Taxpayer £6.5million Quid


You cant make this up.
He is also the colleague of Frank McKenna's Downtown Liverpool in Joe Anderson's pocket, no wonder Private Eye keeps calling us Murkeyside.
In 2012 it was announced that Wade-Smith would join Herr Dictator Uncle Joe Anderson.
The set-up is completed by Julia Unwin, chief executive of the Joseph Rowntree Foundation, and city business leader David Wade-Smith.
It was also anounced that Robert Hough a Director of Peel Holdings would join the board. and its not just Liverpool that suffers from Peel Holdings. Wade-Smith was a darling of the Daily Ghost who kept on building him up........Bill Gleeson. you really do have a lot to answer for.
David Wade-Smith was a Chairman of the nest of spivs that is the Liverpool Chamber of Commerce as was Neil Scales "the moron who cut up U534 and its him that should be sectioned" He didnt like that.
Anyway sue us if you want you incompetent devious bastard hiding in plain view, right under the noses of the press and those that turn a blind eye. Scales is the right name you slippery little devious man. We will not be gagged.
He also wasted £67,000,000 of our money on his hobby even Peter Elson was duped when he cut up the submarine rescued from the seabed intact and barged to Liverpool. Now he has buggered off to Austrailia

Today it is reported by the very paper that was promoting the Livesmart as the new oyster card the newly promoted
David Bartlett wrote
More than £6.5m of taxpayers money was wasted by transport authority Merseytravel on the purchase of a smart card company that never made any money.

An internal audit found that Merseytravel’s acquisition of Livesmart delivered “little tangible benefit” to the organisation or the taxpayer.
The ECHO has seen parts of the audit, which is being kept under wraps by Merseytravel.
The review, which was overseen by St Helens council, said “significant failings in corporate governance” by Merseytravel led to the huge loss.
The organisation is now in the process of winding up Livesmart and its chairman Liam Robinson, who took over last summer, admitted mistakes were made.
He said: “It is fair to say that Livesmart was not a successful commercial venture, giving little return for a significant investment by Merseytravel.
“We recognise that mistakes have been made in the past, but we are determined to examine them, learn from them, and make sure they are not repeated. That is the process we are following with Livesmart.”
Livesmart was founded in 2004 by businessman David Wade-Smith.
It ran the popular 08 Capital of Culture card scheme offering discounts to shops, retailers, restaurants and bars across Liverpool. Merseytravel first became involved in the company in 2006.
In 2008 the transport authority paid £750,000 to increase its stake in the company from 24.9% to 87%.
At the time Neil Scales, then chief executive and director general for Merseytravel, said: “This is a sound investment for us. It is a company of real potential.
“We are literally just touching the surface in terms of the potential for smart card technology.”
But the company spent the past few years racking up the huge losses with Merseytravel pouring money into the firm.
Mr Wade-Smith resigned from the company in October 2010, as did fellow director Carl Speight.
On the same day £441,000 was paid out to shareholders.
This was revealed in the company’s accounts for the year ending March 31, 2011.

HOW DID THEY GET AWAY WITH THIS? David Bartlett once wrote how wonderful it would be for the city

Wednesday, 8 May 2013

Liverpool Footbal Club-Dodgy Property Developers-R-us

It has taken a national paper to bring to the attention of the masses the plight of the once proud Anfield residents, whose area has  been torn apart by unscrupulous and dodgy property developers, Liverpool FC, and its bunch of hangers on.
Here is one we did in 2012
But it goes deeper than that.
The shyster manner that Anfield has been stealthed into decline goes back a long time, in fact back to the 80's.
The club began buying up property and boarding it up driving proud residents to despair a long time ago.
The Liverpool Echo did highlight it, occasionally 
 In Issue 989 of Private Eye 12th Nov 1999 it tells of two blokes with Scottish accents knocking on doors offering money to residents. click on article to expand
It is good to highlight the way that big business is now trampling ordinary folk.
A wall was daubed with paint last year
 JOE ANDERSON-TRAITOR. It said it was quickly removed.
Joe Anderson needs to take a long hard look at his business links its not for him to become property developer, but to keep them in check, (by strange coincidence there is an article on the same page about Frank McSpiv of Downtown Liverpool in Joe Andersons pocket) because some owner of Liverpool Football club who thinks its a franchise, does not care one jot about peoples lives, or pensioners living in fear of being set on fire in their bed because next door is tinned up and has become a wasteland. 

Are Liverpool Football club out of control, if the players such as Suarez Scum are not taught lessons.
You know there was a time when Tommy Smith would have taken the likes of a dodgy little upstart foreigner to one side and battered him for making a show of the city.
Bill Shankly would have sacked him, well he would never have employed someone who bites a fellow player.

Is Ian Ayres the right man for the CE roll of a club with such a proud tradition , that is being eroded.
Yes he says he is proud and all the right words, just like Brendan Rodgers but its actions that count, not words.

The piece that the Oldham Echo and the Daily Ghost did not write in the Guardian 7th May 2013.

Liverpool Football Club, we the public made you great
And what do you give us back?

Tuesday, 23 April 2013

Dr Ian Poole-Is He a Fool?.

We have published a lot of Private Eye recently.
Piloti of NOOKS AND CORNERS seems to take a keen interest in Liverpool at the risk of infuriating the clowns of Liverpool of which there are many. There always seems to be something he can pick up in a city run by spivs.
Dr Ian Poole of  Mossley Hill has been a staunch supporter of the Three Black Coffins on Mann Island so it is no suprise that he writes in to Private Eye to waffle more misguided diatribe which borders on the personal. We have his letters in the Daily Ghost.
Wayne is quite capable of taking critisizm on the chin and we think it only fair that we also publish reporting that does not suit us.
Even if it is a clown that writes it.

A quick google search reveals a nutty professor called Ian Poole in Liverpool who fancies himself as a writer.

Not sure if this is the same Dr Ian Poole who we shouldnt even give a mention to but there seems to be a very large coincidence.

 Police March Feud Master out of Lesson

Newspaper article from Daily Mail (London)

SIXTH formers were settling into an A-level physics lesson when police burst into their classroom and took their teacher away.
As his pupils looked on in disbelief, Dr Ian Poole was escorted out by officers - the result of a dispute with the new principal of [pounds sterling]5,000a-year Liverpool College.
Headteacher Jon Siviter and sixth-form head Dr Poole, 50, had had a heated exchange over a personnel matter and Dr Poole was suspended. He was given 15 minutes to vacate the building but insisted he would teach the important class first.
After the officers' intervention, dissent was growing last night at the 1,000-pupil …

Thursday, 7 March 2013

Mann Island Has Structural Problems-Why Wont The Local Press Report It,

It take Private Eye to mention it. Its only a footnote and what of the fact, that,  for nearly two years there has been a crane next to The Black Coffins on Mann Island. This development by Matt Brooks of Broadway Malyan  is quite rightly noted by 'Piloti' in NOOKS AND CORNERS as destroying the best views of Liverpool. Those cherished views from the Albert Dock over to The Port Of Liverpool Buildings. Not forgetting this is also the view, that Liverpool Museums also had to pay out £750,000 to spoil. How can you make such a pigs ear out of a silk purse.
Fuzzy Felt Fleming of Liverpool museums now has the architect of Liverpool's giant sunlounger in court. No not Kim Neilson of 3XN who he sacked, the other one who he is now blaming for the mess.
Ho many different people ill old fuzzy felt blame

It is nice to see Private Eye keeping a close lookout on Liverpool's new found prosperity, which seems to be at the cost of the homogenisation of Liverpool's World Heritage Site. It now looks increasingly likely that Unesco will soon remove World Heritage Site status from us. What a loss this will be.

Wednesday, 6 March 2013

Frank McKenna and Joe Anderson, In Private Eye Again.

Crony Capitalism they call it in Private Eye, and in this current issue they make a good job at describing the way local Liverpool works. Murkeyside they call it. And there is good reason to do so. McKenna has been in trouble with the law before and it appears to say here in Private Eye he is now dictating policy to a elected Mayor, Joe Anderson. They go some way expose the links with the DLiB organisation and local politicians, even David Wade Smith, who was employed by Liverpool City Council and is now the Chairman of DLiB, gets a mention. You have to wonder why the local press don't do an expose on McKenna.
Is it because, as Private Eye say "And could the supportive local coverage have anything to do with DLiB sponsoring its opinion section-which includes the editors blog?" click on pic to read

Lets hope those in power at Trinity "Smoking" Mirror group read the article and decide enough is enough, the local press should be reporting on Crony Capitalism and not be part of it.

Here is a few we did earlier this was written not too long ago

and a little longer

David Wade-Smith

was given a job as Buiness advior by Joe Anderson Frank McKenna unnoficial editor of the Daily Post

Thursday, 14 February 2013

Frank McKenna Files-No 1

Here is the beginning of a new series
The Frank McKenna Files.
Taken, from Lets be Frank's, infamous exploits of past days and as noted in Private Eye.
We start today with issue 986 1st October 1999.
Watch this space for more interesting instalments.

You see, we consider that Downtown Liverpool In Business is a scurrilous organisation that has an overreach its powers, well tenfold in fact and should not have been allowed to do so.

Click on the picture LANCS A LOT.

Downtown Liverpool sponsored a page at The Liverpool Daily Ghost and sponsors thier views and blogs, thus being almost sanctioned by them.

Here is one we did earlier well 2009 actually

And 2010