Showing posts with label Downtown Liverpool. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Downtown Liverpool. Show all posts

Thursday, 25 March 2021

Joe Anderson. Brings Shame On Liverpool.

 Commissioners to take over the running of the corrupt planning system.

We have put tens of thousands of hours work in collectively trying to save Liverpool's World Heritage Site from its Carbunculation. 

How long have we been telling you.

Fighting the council each step of the way. 

And all the time the fat man along with his mate Frank McKenna (who must be bricking it as he is next) wanted to lose it.

So his mates at Peel Holdings could get what they wanted. A free rein to do what they like. So they could build Shanghai On Sea. How much was he and his Mark son paid?

The police are ongoing with their inquiries.

And in a city that is now full of tenement slums of the future and where the Listed Buildings now look alien in their own environment because the planners were being pushed to develop council land the size of a matchbox on the side of the road. You can get away with anything.

Where the Head of regeneration Nick Kavanagh was taking bungs.

Remember the Council sold St Andrews Church to a convicted fraudster for a quid.

Where Fat Mans mate (who must also be bricking it) Lawrence Kenwright tried to get StLukes Church. A monument to the blitz to turn it into a wedding venue. They would have succeeded if we were not on our toes

The fat bastard has recently said “I have never taken a bribe in my life”. It now transpires that his spawn is in on the deals. Andersons son is a dab hand of using his Old mans name to grease his own palms.

Its like going back to the 80's with the other corrupt bastard Derek Hatton bringing the shame on the city.

He has also been arrested. Maybe he wont get off with it this time.

Did he show Anderson how to try and get away with it?

Remember his court case, in the 90's that he didn't put up a defense to, and got off with it to his own surprise. Remember McKenna's court case that he got away with to his own surprise. Are they all going to Jail?

And all along The Liverpool Echo have been promoting all the developments that fat scum was behind. Giving McKenna and Hatton columns in the help them. And in so doing every time we created an argument AlastairMachray and Tony McDonough and the rest of the mugs that work there helped them to smooth it out to the gullible people who, actually buy the rag.

We are writing to Merseyside Police today to request that they look into the links between local politicians and the press with all its associated PR companies.

Why did Wendy Simon as acting Mayor allow the planning application for Bramley Moore Dock to be rubber stamped. A Joe Anderson pet project for Peel Holdings that will lose Liverpool World Heritage Site status. That Unesco and English Heritage say should not go ahead.

The city has been allowed to fester with property developing maggots feeding on Liverpool's Heritage Carrion. Are reporters not suppose to be stopping this not assisting it. You should hide your head in shame AlastairMachray you could have stopped it.

It is a absolute disgrace. We are watching you too. This wont be the last you hear of this.

And what of all the other developers who paid the bungs to get the planning permission that are now millionaires. That were usually the clients of Jon Egan and his staff at whatever PR company he runs. You are on our radar too.

The corruption goes right through the whole of Liverpool's feeding frenzy fiends that have turned Capital of Culture into Culture of Capital and brought shame on this great city. I hope they all like porridge.

I have to thank our tireless colleagues who have never given up the fight for Liverpool's skyline and now we are getting somewhere.

We may just save the World Heritage Site Status.

Sunday, 21 February 2021

Evertons New Stadium At Bramley Moore Dock-The Final Nail In The World Heritage Coffin.

UNESCO say the proposals for a new stadium at Bramley Moore Dock are totally unacceptable.

Historic England say the site is of International importance. 


Liverpool Will lose its cherished accolade if this goes ahead. A planning meeting will decide on 23rd February 2021.

Unesco have warned the city Mayor for years that the WHS status will be removed if they continue with plans to fill in Bramley Moore Dock. Unesco have been warning for years.

Been on the Unesco In Danger List for years.   Warned again in 2014  And 2015     2016    And 2018    

And in 2017  Here is the video    2018 at Bahrain   

Joe Anderson has brought great shame on the city of Liverpool. He was arrested and his bail has now been extended to September. 

He is politically finished. (Was he working for Peel Holdings). Is this his last swansong to lose the WHS.

An Evertonian, he has been responsible for the pushing ahead the plans for Evertons stadium proposals. At one time making the statement that the City Council would borrow £130,000,000 on the markets to fund its build.

This would be unlawful of course.

He also said that Liverpools World Heritage Site status is just a badge on the wall at the town hall. Which was a phrase made up by his mate Frank McKenna of Downtown Liverpool In Business.

Read More about the cosy relationship of Mckenna and Anderson here.

Peel Holdings are a member of his organisation along with every dodgy businessman in Liverpool.

Another Evertonian, Frank McKenna has also been vocal in the need to get rid of the accolade of Liverpools World Heritage Site Status. He was once up on a fraud charge. He does not even live in Liverpool.

Another long time supporter of the building of a stadium, is his mate and fellow Evertonian Derek 'Degsy' Hatton. The badly dressed shyster from the 80's is not only back. He has never been away.Read More Here

He was was also up on a fraud charge creating such a bad impression of the city of Liverpool that he had to hide his head in shame and bugger off to do property deals abroad.

Both McKenna and Hatton have columns in the corrupted Liverpool Echo whose editor Alaistar Machray is, guess what, supporting the loss of world heritage site status to build a stadium for Everton.

Does he live in Liverpool? We think not. Read all about it.

Have any of them got any idea what World Heritage does for the image of the city? We think they are not clever enough to understand and are of the opinion that each of them is corrupted enough, to not care a jot.

Shame on them all.

The UK government as the State Party are responsible for overseeing world heritage sites in the UK.

THE NEGATIVE IMPACT OF GOODISON PARK AREA. Walton is a socially deprived area



Peel Holdings are the owners of the land for the proposed stadium.

They were exposed when they claimed they had a Chinese investor with links to the Chinese government for Liverpool Waters. She was exposed as a bankrupt in Hong Kong with no money and no access to Chinese government funds. We had to expose it in the FT and Private Eye because Machray would not.

Evertons owner is a Russian Oligarch fronted by a Iranian national living in Monaco.

Where is the finance coming from?

Read About Liverpools Head of Regeneration Nick Kavanaghs arrest here

Subjudice should enable this planning application to be postponed until we know what charges The ex Mayor Joe Anderson is bailed on.

DON'T FORGET THIS IS THE CITY THAT KNOCKED THE CAVERN CLUB DOWN AND THEN CALLED ITSELF BEATLES TOWN. Though there is a replica on the site, we did not understand its importance until it was too late.

Planning Application no is 20F/001 you can look this up on Liverpool City Council website.

Historic England have stated that this should be called in as standard.

But will the decision go to the heart of government....time will tell.



Friday, 11 December 2020



The once great institution has been dragged to a new low in our opinion, under the dodgy stewardship of Alastair Machray. It seems the intelligence of the paper has plummeted to what many believe to be an all time low.

Look at tonight's headline and front page The Fat Man with a microphone singing  "Regrets I've had a few" for his final finale.

A insult to the good people of Merseyside.

There was a certain respect for the journalists at the Liverpool Daily Post but when Machray closed that great institution and sacked the staff, he lost the intelligentsia of the organisation. And there is the massive decline of reporting in the city of Liverpool.

Though the decline of the Daily Post had began with the first lady editor Jane whatever her name was. She was obsessed with Debenhams and shops coming to Liverpool. This was continued by Mark Thomas and his PR push for The Duke of Westminster. 

When the Duke was investigated over the visiting of £2,000 a night hookers in London. Nothing was said by Trinity 'Smoking' Mirrors of Murkeyside.

When questioned he replied;

“We cant print anything unless its true”

He was informed.

“Well all the national Sunday papers believe it to be true Mr Thomas”

Its not what you print but also what you don't that corrupts your soul.

The writer intended to fight heritage battles in good faith but they soon discovered there was not a level playing field on which to conduct oneself.

That Sir Trevor and Lady Doreen Jones had been helping themselves for decades, even being bold enough to attend the Duke of Westminster children's wedding.....and live on his estate.

This was known by all the local journalists down at Oldham Hall street where they used to print the paper. Yet not a word was said. She would be the determining factor on numerous important planning applications that would make the developers millions. 

When, as Chairperson of the planning committee she had to vacate the chair because she knew the applicant, The duke of Westminster, not a dicky bird by Machray and Co.

This is just an example of many occasions where the truth was with-held by the local editor.

The writer was told by one of his colleagues that Mark Thomas the editor of the Daily Post was “out to lunch” with senior officials from Peel Holdings who were then putting the application together for Liverpool Waters.

This would be the springboard for the rise of Uncle Joe Anderson. This combined with the well run campaign to restart cruises from the new cruise liner terminal gave the fat man column after column in the papers....all free.

It takes a while to see how the system works and get to know all the developers PR companies but when you do, you start to understand that there is a sequence of events, stage managed in front of all the plebeians who fed the comments section provoked by the same PR companies who understand that with their fees covered the more they create an argument the more they can PR the developers out of it. 

And in Liverpool they all love a good argument. My god some of the comments were cringe. And these commentators were led like uneducated fools into the new beginning of Liverpool, like little 'Larry' lambs.

By creating an argument you can win it. That is the way the PR companies work and with an editor who is aiming for argumentative topics, they couldn't lose.

Take for instance, October Communications now Aurora media from Hanover Street. 

They fed stories into the papers with great aplomb becoming that friendly with some journalists that they gave them jobs, employment even.

 Larry Neild, the City Editor, does anyone remember him, let himself down so badly. He joined them we then knew why he was devoting so much time to the Mann island Development. 

Because October communications were Neptune Developments PR consultants.

 Jon Egan was the mind behind Joe Andersons Mayoral campaign. We only found this out by making a freedom of information act request over something else and a bill for some T-shirts came up. You can smell the deviousness of their manipulation of the advertorials that were spread out page after page. They were the PR for the Lime Street development that caused such controversy.

The Liverpool Daily Post gave a whole page to Frank McKenna, who had at one time been up on fraud charges. He introduced so many business people into the paper with advertorials that were being paid for by the membership of Downtown Liverpool In Business. 

This was very lucrative for McKenna and his influence grew. 

A member of the Labour party. Numerous companies joined his organisation. 

So Trinity Mirror turned into Trinity Smoking Mirrors on Merseyside. 

The big con job was played out in plain sight.

We decided to use Private Eye and stop winning journalists awards such as David Bartlett for his, errr our writing. They could see the Murkeyside of politics in Liverpool.

The Liverpool Echo was sinking to an all time low.

Ben Hatton, son of Derek was running a PR company with a book of clients and this was purchased by Trinity Mirror Group.

Now this seems innocuous at first glance bu when you look at it in context full it means that, The Liverpool Echo is promoting its own clients with its constant advertorial approach. These articles would be packaged up by thinkers who know how to play the system.

But when it boils down to it. There is a payment of sorts at the end of it. 
And any conflict of interest would be disguised. 
So is Derek Hatton working for the Echo, well the company he fronts is owned by them.
 He was given a column. Where is the justice in that.

It is with regret that we declare that we consider, in fact  J'acusse Alastair Machray as an enemy of the people of Merseyside while masquerading as the editor of a local paper all he has done is look after the vested interest of the minority of carpet baggers who have fed like vultures on the carcass of council contracts under Il Duce himself. Uncle Joe Anderson.

So now they will tell you what they want you to hear.

Now Derek Hatton has been arrested by Merseyside Police. How can we trust the writing he has been paid for in his weekly column. How can we trust an organisation who employs such as he.

Listen only to the truth, so there is no point in reading tomorrows chip paper.

Just look at today's headlines. Instead of reporting the shame placed on Liverpool by Joe Anderson and his acquaintances, some of who are Echo fifth columnists they report, with front page headline, that the fat twat is doing us a favour by stepping aside.

They helped put him in power! Only the Liverpool Echo could report this way.

There should be an investigation into the clowns at the Liverpool Echo.


Wednesday, 13 April 2016

Baltic Village-Jerry Built Architecture By Neptune Developments. Not Fit For Liverpools Historic Landscape

 There was a time when Liverpool had pride in its past, 
When it respected its heritage.
Not any more.
With a Mayor who has restructured the planning department to assist his property developing mates and aquaintances such as Frank McKenna of Downtown Liverpool.
Allowing Rob Burns to run riot with the planning department is a outrage in itself.
This man has been allowed to steamroller through some of the most awful sets of plans that we as a city will have to live with.

There are far too many who are still living in the past making, now silly comments about Liverpool's Wonderful Skyline being up there with the best in the world. 
The writer used to think so too.
 That's why we fought so hard to save it. 
But now it is a sad and forlorn shadow of itself and the public need to wake up to reality before any more damage is done.

 Liverpool is on the Unesco World Heritage In Danger List.
There were many objections when they built the Hotel Ibis overlooking the Albert Dock.
The writer was one.
 We said it was not fit for its location across the Strand from the biggest bulk of listed buildings in the country.
And they went ahead and built it.
This was a time when the biggest property developer in the area was the creepy Trevor Jones......and while his wife was chair of the planning committee.
 They both jointly owned Lamb & Sons the last ships chandlers in the city.
 Knocked down overnight to escape an appplication to list it.

Then Neptune Developments aquired the site and now Jerry build a couple of new blocks of student style flats that make the Formula One look like  outstanding architecture.
Its not just the style of construction it is the way they are being pre-fabbed.
They are knocked up out of pre-formed concrete panels with stick-a-brick decoration.

 They come on a lorry and then are craned into place.

They have incorporated a end block where the students can sit and look over the architectural abortion that Neptune also created at the Pier Head .......that helped get us in deep water with Unesco who are trying to advise the city that you just don't do this with a World Heritage Site. 

The world will laugh at you if you do. 
The only thing that is allowing the planners and the Mayor to assist his property developing mates is that the public don't really care and allow it all to happen without a fuss.

Where are SAVE Britains Heritage when you need them......well at least they are fighting.
The Lime street proposals......also put forward by the Jerry builders Neptune Developments

Friday, 25 April 2014

We Have The Tacky Phone Advert On The Town Hall Removed-Is This A Success? Or A Sad State Of Affairs?

It really is a sad state of affairs when you have to educate a Mayor of a City that thinks that a World Heritage Site is just a certificate on the wall in the town hall and not something to be proud of.
That has got Liverpool on the World Heritage "At Risk" Register.
It is even worse when the Town Hall, that is in the World Heritage Site, is a listed building and is in a conservation area, turns into a tacky advertising  hoarding for mobile phones.

It is even worse when the Mayoral Dictator Joe, who was elected with 17% of electorate argues with you about it.
 He tried to bully us with crude comments, that only serve to show how arrogant he is with Liverpool's Heritage sites.
 "Il Duce" Anderson may think he can bully all the usual suspects, but we can tell this Mayor that he will not dictate to us in any way shape or form.
The advert was illegal it did not have planning permission. he has now taken our colleagues advice and had it removed.

So, we should claim a success, but no, it is so bad here in Liverpool, and this only serves to prove that a ex European Capital of Culture has sold out to a Culture of Capital where they sell the facade of the town hall.
We still await some FOI requests which will tell us how much and to whom.
If Joe Anderson wants to sell his own soul he can but he is not selling the Town Hall.

What a disgraceful state of affairs this city has got itself into by electing a Mayor who is more interested in big business and making money for his mates at Frank McKenna's Downtown Liverpool In Business, than safeguarding the cities heritage assetts.
Come back Derek Hatton all is forgiven this character makes him look tame.

It is no wonder he is in Private Eye again.

Thursday, 3 April 2014

Joe "Il Duce" Anderson Gets Handbagged at Dawn.

Joe Anderson is out of control, we all know this in Liverpool. People are even starting to say that there are surprising similarities with him and other dictators.
 He and his friends at Downtown Liverpool In Business, yes remember them, they are running roughshod over Liverpool's Heritage sites. 

Who links Anderson and all these new found property developers. Where are they coming from? 
How does the The Duce meet them.

Are they all hiding in plain sight?
We ask is The Duce the biggest threat to Liverpool since Herman Goering and the Luftwaffe.

Who's doing his PR and are we being properly informed? 
We are making enquirie's and will let you know soon.
DEREK HATTON was responsible for the demolition of Clayton Square to make way for a Wimpey built shopping centre. This was a Georgian Quarter. 
Is history repeating itself with Mr Anderson out of touch and not skilled enough to recognise good architecture. Is Il Duce Trying too hard to facilitate developers.
 But as with all  dictators they get found out in the end.
Its not just us who are finding him out. The condensed thoughts of Correspondent hit the nail on the head.

SO TODAY ANDERSON GETS CLOBBERED In his attempt to control Liverpool Regional Authority.

Today Wirral leaks give us another view on Mr Anderson's over inflated ego. Even though he was only elected with 17% of the lazy electorates votes, he now thinks he can run the whole region. 
That was until he was voted out of the leadership by  other voters on the board who voted in a Wirral based candidate.
It will be reported in the Liverpool Daily Joe formally known as the Liverpool Echo but here is Wirral Leaks view.

David Ward

Wednesday, 18 September 2013

Is Professor Ian Wray a Peel Poodle?

That is a question we were asked the other day and the person asking the question did have some valid points.

Ian Wray is the Chair of Liverpool’s unrecognised and secretive World Heritage Steering Group.
What is a steering group for?

What does it steer?

Who does the steering?

And who pays for the steering?

What credibility does a World Heritage Steering group have, when it is being funded by the very people who want to lose Liverpool the world heritage site?

Today we ask, Is Dr Ian Wray, the Chair of the Liverpool World Heritage Steering Group a “Peel Poodle” and is he is an opinion for hire?
And are his opinions lets say, assisted by Peel Holdings?

But thankfully not by Unesco.

He has, conveniently, under Joe Anderson's orders possibly, as he has mislaid the documentalso, forgotten that we have a Supplementary Development Plan (SPD) that was ratified in 2011 by the city council. How convenient.

The SPD was meant to steer developers and the public to an understanding of what World Heritage means and what the duty of a WHS entails.
But no under his misguided stewardship Unesco have placed Liverpool on the World Heritage At Risk Register.

A recent addition to the In Danger list, is Aleppo, in war torn Syria.

We note there are several Civic Society members also on the same list.
 In fact the MCS is run from the University of Liverpool…that is publicly funded.
Ian Wray.
For he’s a jolly good fellow he used to work for the NWDA who funded most of the rubbish architecture on the Pier Head and funded Peel Holdings stand at the Shanghai Expo 2010. Our money in other words.

 Robert Hough was the Chair of the NWDA then he was a Director of Peel Holdings, oh and a few other companies

Peel Hodings are members of ,the Liverpool Daily Post sponsored,  Liverpool Downtown In Business  Here Christian Erikson speaks Frankly about the shady organisation.

This is what it says on the Liverpool University website website about Ian Wray.

Professor Ian Wray
Visiting Fellow
+44 (0)151 795 2485

Ian's expertise lies in the areas of infrastructure planning; metropolitan mayors; world heritage and new garden cities.
 As Chief Planner with the NWDA, he directed the planning, transport and housing team and drafted the first Regional Strategy in 2000.

So could we at LPT ask who is he in fact visiting maybe?
Who pays his wages?

Liverpool WHS Steering Group has only one set of minutes from 2010 online yet it claims to represent…….well who does it represent?

So is Ian Wray Peels Poodle, after all he who pays the ferryman steers the course.

We hope he can sleep at night. He obviously does not care about Liverpool and its World Heritage Duty.

Here,s some we did earlier

Wednesday, 7 August 2013

Frank McKenna In Private Eye Again

How many members of Downtown Liverpool In Business do we have to look into before notice is taken in the local community here on, what Private Eye calls Murkeyside.
 Dont forget Frank McKenna sponsors the Liverpool Daily Ghost "views and blogs" section that contains the Editors blog, and is so often featured within the local papers that we think he is dictating the news.
The reality is that to expose the comings and goings of McKenna and his mates, it has to be done in other journals rather than Trinity "Smoking" Mirrors here on Murkeyside. This is a reality.
Why was this alleged VAT carousel fraud not exposed in the local papers.
 Was it blocked by the Editor?
Joe Anderson is a regular guest speaker at the events that McKenna puts together to sponsor his business partners.
Is The Liverpool Embassy in London a way for McKenna to extend his business clients?
These are questions we will be looking the corrupted systen that is the local papers dont seem to want to. 

Tuesday, 30 July 2013

Frank McKenna-Is Alastair Machray His PR Agent?

You have to be worried about the level of publicity for a lobby group when it reaches the proportions that it has here on Murkeyside. Trinity "Smoking" Mirror Group seem to be a law onto themselves, out of control in fact, printing what they like . 
Last week a row broke out, or was it manufactured? 
It was relating to comments by Frank McKenna and was duly put on the front page of the Daily Ghost. The row centred around the Ropewalks area and was predominantly about how Frank McSpiv thinks 300 properties should be CPO'd by the council.
Or was it a guise for Iliad, one of his first members, and the vandals of 6 Sir Thomas Street,to be allowed to walk all over the ropewalks area. It did not say that of course but was disguised in a manner that was slight of hand in our opinion.                                                         
 We are hearing reports that the person who writes the Ropewalks blog resigned.
 Do Iliad run this website?
 Was he pressurised out by Iliad after he made comments on Facebook?

 But it does not stop there this week there is another page this time with the Mayor and Malcolm Kennedy playing political manoeuvres, against McKenna, when we all know that there is a direct link with Frank McKenna and the Council.
 Downtown Liverpool In Business has a slogan.
Its not what, you know. Its who we know.
 Larry Neild when working for The Ghost received an award for his journalism! From McKenna and duly got up and gave a 20 minute acceptance speech.
 So why is there so much space given over to McSpiv and his group from The Editor in Chief Trinity Mirror Merseyside by Alastair Machray.?
 Joe Anderson has often spoke at Downtown Liverpool get togethers, but now when he is geting a spotlight on his interactions he now wishes to PR a distance from McKenna.
Guest speaker one minute not talking the next, come on, That may kid the masses but not us.

 Meanwhile David Bartlett The Prisoner of Port Merrion on Mersey,  Come in No 6,  has been promoted to content editor.
It looks to us that the continuation of the relationship between Downtown Liverpool and Oldham Hall Street will continue.

Peel Holdings are a member of Downtown and recently David Bartlett was advised of an expose in Private Eye where it was reported that Stella Shiu was made bankrupt as recently as two years ago............not a menttion by Bartlett in the pages.
Margaret Hodge calls Peel tax dodgers...not a mention. Jack Straw give Peel a pasting in the House of Commons over devious planning not a dicky bird.

 The Views and Blogs section of the website which includes the Editors blog is sponsored by Downtown Liverpool.
 How can we have this happen?
 How dodgy does this look? 
 Editors blog sponsored by McKenna...................No wonder he gets so much publicity.

Friday, 19 July 2013

Liverpool Daily Post: Frank McKenna’s Private PR company?

Yesterdays front page of the now weekly Daily Ghost (dead man walking will someone put it out of our misery) carried another advertorial for Frank McSpivs Downtown Liverpool in Joe Anderson’s Pocket, this time the front cover.
Now what on the surface of it proclaims to be a harmless bit of local gossip is never that simple in the corrupted regime that is Oldham Hall Street, the local headquarters of Trinity “Smoking” Mirrors Group here on Murkeyside.
The relationship between McKenna and the editor of the Daily Post Mark Thomas was exposed in Private Eye that Downtown Liverpool sponsor the Posts Views and Blogs section, including the Editors blog.

So they let it lie low for a few weeks and then get back to the same old habits
Recently we were amazed as to the fact that Margaret Hodge called Peel Holdings, who are  prominent members of the shady organisation that is Downtown Liverpool in Joe Andersons Pocket, Tax dodgers. And those at Smoking Mirrors who do not report the truth locally, withhold the information from their local dwindling readership. And you have to ask why the readership is dwindling. Could it be because they are no longer trsuted.

They also buried the expose about Stella Shiu's recent business bankruptcy  in Private Eye,

Although they did expose St Andrews Church was sold to a fraudster for a quid.

But did it make any difference?

We have informed the local press in inumerable occasions about many local dodgy deals and we have to say quite a number of those were buried only to surface in the likes of Private Eye and national publications.

Why is this all happening in plain sight.
It was not long ago that David Wade-Smith, Liverpool's unelected cabinet member for business, was made Chairman or top dog in McKenna’s Downtown Liverpool. His role in the Council is surprising to us, but seeminly not to the local papers.
Nevertheless, Joe Anderson gave him this role (under the table?) , despite Wade Smith costing us the taxpayer  £6.5million quid.

So yesterday's front page in the “Weekly Ghost” writer for the council promoted McKenna elevating him to Guru status.
Why did they even promote this non headline, when we have been calling for Frenson CPO's for years?

A portfolio of properties has gone into administration under the auspices of one of the Anglo Irish Bank (The biggest bunch of shysters of all ) and the portfolio contains about 300 properties. Some may have bee owned by the  Frenson.
So who is McKenna representing when he says they should CPO’d.
The Council had originally sold most of the portfolio to Frenson under a promise of regeneration some time ago. Frenson who just sat on them waiting for them to fall down and the land value to rise.

Iliad the vandals of 6 Sir Thomas Street were one of the first members of Downtown Liverpool In Joe Andersons Pocket and they seem to be ruling the roost in the Ropewalks area.

Plans to knock down two more listed buildings in Duke St have largely gone unnoticed, we can’t do everything.

So what future for this area if one of McSpivs mates, get hold of the properties?
And what does Joe Anderson know of this?
Is he in on the press release?
Also what may be an important issue?
What is to happen to those small thriving businesses that are part of the portfolio McKenna wants someone unbeknown at present to get their hands on.

We have heard on the grapevine that developers have already been eyeing up Wolstoneholme Square as the location for the Camden Market of the North.

Which is code for lets lets get our grips on some real state and stuff the small businesses.

Thursday, 27 June 2013

Liverpool Everyman-They Knocked It Down-Why?

The Liverpool Everyman.
A Tragedy Played Out Before Our Very Eyes-Why Did They Have To Knock It Down?

Written by Wayne Colquhoun
Yes it can only happen in Liverpool a city where the clowns in charge take a piece of culture and raze it to the ground and then make a full scale press assault in order to pull the wool over the eyes of the people.....and almost succeed.

Even all the luvvies who live and work around the Hope street area did nothing.
I was so bogged down with world heritage issues, and why should me and my colleagues do everything, to kick up a fuss over this tragic event being played out on centre stage right in front of everyone.
It is a deep regret, because both me and my colleagues at LPT have a social conscience and we now feel guilty for not arguing for its retention.
They even sold the fittings off on the basis of "Own a piece of history".
 This, done by the very people who removed the historical context.
The Everyman Theatre was not the best piece of architecture, there is no denying that, but it was this theatre that added to the cultural identity of the city.
From the 1960's and 70's it grew.
In the 80's there were some of the countries most iconic theatre perfrmed there, that inspired films. All this emanating from this little provincial place, with big ideas.
Some of its playwrights would become houshold names, can you believe that. Liverpool became European Capital of Culture in 2008 because of places like the Everyman.
I can even smell the grit and sweated determination that you felt emanating from the walls as I write.
I can conjure up images of actors pouring their hearts out, crying, laughing out loud, entertaining inspiring, motivating, moving boundaries in their art .

I also recall seeing MacBeth, with one of Liverpool's sons the actor David Morrisey, god it was an awful. thing.  It went on and on, and on. Made worse by the fact I had just had kidney stones removed, I felt I was being tortured both on and off the stage.
You are not supposed to criticise Shakespeare, but really, in Morrisseys dying scene that went on forever, I unwittingly spoke out, just under my breath, only to get a crack in the ribs "Oh just die will you so I can get home"
Yes I have also been bored to tears there, but it all counts.
The walls were rich with history, the spirit that this place absorbed became a breeding ground for future generations.
It was a little rough around the edges, reminding us of that cheeky little scouser that we all know that makes us cringe but instead you laugh and love him.
Yes the scruffy little kid down the road that looks a bit dirty but you know its only skin deep and its nothing a bit of soap and water wouldn't clean up.
So they have a bit of cash slapping around in Liverpool and what have they not managed to homogenise they think, The Everyman.
And what do the uncultured clowns who are in control do.............they knock it down, and tell us its all going to be alright because we are getting a new one.
Its like buying a load of duty free cigarettes because they are cheap and then you remember you don't smoke. Did the NWDA have surplus funds they needed to offload.
They bulldoze it right in front of the noses of the posh little dears that can now afford to live in the, now gentrified area of Hope Street, as they now call it, The Georgian Quarter.
I don't begrudge them the money they have earned it, but my recollection is that it was the anger and oppression of a generation inspired by John Osbourne, Harold Pinter and Tom Stoppard plays that made this place what it was. It had history in its walls.
The bricks oozed the heritage and the past words of artists that had found their feet there.
The cafe in the basement was an institution.  It was the place that characters such as Arthur Dooley and the art teacher who taught Stuart Suttcliffe came to blows. Everyone has a tale to tell about the place it had character, and characters were attracted there.
It was a place for renegades, it was a place for actors and musicians. It was a place you could just have an unpretentious drink.
This was the theatre that saw fledglings such as Pete Posslethwaite and others turn into accredited actors. It was a breeding ground for actors who were in, Boys from the Blackstuff , some, shouting Gizza Job and went on to get a massive one, starring in Lord of the Rings.
Willy Russell plays were put on there and were made into films.
But it all started with ordinary people. How can you measure the decades of people who had chatted and planned and plotted there.

Richard Hawley summed it up at a recent Philharmonic concert Live on stage he said "I cant believe they knocked The Everyman down. Or words to that effect.
And what do they do now, with "Our" Everyman, spend a fortune on destroying its soul, like they did, in my opinion, with the Bluecoat that reopened in 2008, that still had Herbert Tyson-Smiths sculpture studio intact. Not anymore, its gone.
 Will the Everyman demolition destroy its soul? Yes, it has for me.
But all we hear from Everyman and its dog..... is silence. Where is the alternative argument that we used to breed there.
It is being hailed as a great success, Regeneration in fact. Its not, its disgeraceful act of cultural vandalism.
I would prefer the gritty edge that it had, and with a little gentle modernisation you could have kept its unique-ness, the thing that made it special.
Gazing at the Tragedy that has befell my very eyes, everyone seems to have been taken in by it, not a murmurs of dissent from the masses its a real shame from a city that used to fight for its heritage.
They have knocked down an institution and are building a plastic replica of the very thing that should have been retained.............History and tradition obliterated.
 It wanted saving from itself and the people who ran it.
And for all the great playwrights, whose work was played there I say, sorry for what they have done, the Oligarchs of Liverpool have made huge mistake. Pete Possethwaite is probably be turning in his grave. Why was there no campaign to save it.
This tragedy was sanctioned under Warren "War Zones" Bradley's stint as leader and has now, as with Central Library, been hijacked by Joe Anderson  And all this played out before the adoring public of the Daily Ghost getting the news from The Everyman-Playhouse PR press plumpers and its Directors Deborah Aydon and Gemma Bodinetz who have worked the system to their advantage.
I recently received a phone call asking me for money to contribute towards it. It now looks like they have run out of cash and are now begging bowl to the masses.
John Osbourne's most inspiring play that informed a generation that inspired so many writers and artists that performed at The Everyman was called, look Back In Anger.

And Yeah, I do!

Edited by David Ward

And just across the way the Historic Wellingtons Rooms cant get a penny to save its soul. While it lays rotting.
You know what it may be a good thing. They will probably wreck that too, with bad design.
Right now the Council are probably negotiating with some dodgy property developer who knows Frank McSpiv and is a member of Downtown Liverpool  In Joe Andersons Pocket.

Thursday, 16 May 2013

David Wade-Smith Costs Taxpayer £6.5million Quid


You cant make this up.
He is also the colleague of Frank McKenna's Downtown Liverpool in Joe Anderson's pocket, no wonder Private Eye keeps calling us Murkeyside.
In 2012 it was announced that Wade-Smith would join Herr Dictator Uncle Joe Anderson.
The set-up is completed by Julia Unwin, chief executive of the Joseph Rowntree Foundation, and city business leader David Wade-Smith.
It was also anounced that Robert Hough a Director of Peel Holdings would join the board. and its not just Liverpool that suffers from Peel Holdings. Wade-Smith was a darling of the Daily Ghost who kept on building him up........Bill Gleeson. you really do have a lot to answer for.
David Wade-Smith was a Chairman of the nest of spivs that is the Liverpool Chamber of Commerce as was Neil Scales "the moron who cut up U534 and its him that should be sectioned" He didnt like that.
Anyway sue us if you want you incompetent devious bastard hiding in plain view, right under the noses of the press and those that turn a blind eye. Scales is the right name you slippery little devious man. We will not be gagged.
He also wasted £67,000,000 of our money on his hobby even Peter Elson was duped when he cut up the submarine rescued from the seabed intact and barged to Liverpool. Now he has buggered off to Austrailia

Today it is reported by the very paper that was promoting the Livesmart as the new oyster card the newly promoted
David Bartlett wrote
More than £6.5m of taxpayers money was wasted by transport authority Merseytravel on the purchase of a smart card company that never made any money.

An internal audit found that Merseytravel’s acquisition of Livesmart delivered “little tangible benefit” to the organisation or the taxpayer.
The ECHO has seen parts of the audit, which is being kept under wraps by Merseytravel.
The review, which was overseen by St Helens council, said “significant failings in corporate governance” by Merseytravel led to the huge loss.
The organisation is now in the process of winding up Livesmart and its chairman Liam Robinson, who took over last summer, admitted mistakes were made.
He said: “It is fair to say that Livesmart was not a successful commercial venture, giving little return for a significant investment by Merseytravel.
“We recognise that mistakes have been made in the past, but we are determined to examine them, learn from them, and make sure they are not repeated. That is the process we are following with Livesmart.”
Livesmart was founded in 2004 by businessman David Wade-Smith.
It ran the popular 08 Capital of Culture card scheme offering discounts to shops, retailers, restaurants and bars across Liverpool. Merseytravel first became involved in the company in 2006.
In 2008 the transport authority paid £750,000 to increase its stake in the company from 24.9% to 87%.
At the time Neil Scales, then chief executive and director general for Merseytravel, said: “This is a sound investment for us. It is a company of real potential.
“We are literally just touching the surface in terms of the potential for smart card technology.”
But the company spent the past few years racking up the huge losses with Merseytravel pouring money into the firm.
Mr Wade-Smith resigned from the company in October 2010, as did fellow director Carl Speight.
On the same day £441,000 was paid out to shareholders.
This was revealed in the company’s accounts for the year ending March 31, 2011.

HOW DID THEY GET AWAY WITH THIS? David Bartlett once wrote how wonderful it would be for the city

Wednesday, 6 March 2013

Frank McKenna and Joe Anderson, In Private Eye Again.

Crony Capitalism they call it in Private Eye, and in this current issue they make a good job at describing the way local Liverpool works. Murkeyside they call it. And there is good reason to do so. McKenna has been in trouble with the law before and it appears to say here in Private Eye he is now dictating policy to a elected Mayor, Joe Anderson. They go some way expose the links with the DLiB organisation and local politicians, even David Wade Smith, who was employed by Liverpool City Council and is now the Chairman of DLiB, gets a mention. You have to wonder why the local press don't do an expose on McKenna.
Is it because, as Private Eye say "And could the supportive local coverage have anything to do with DLiB sponsoring its opinion section-which includes the editors blog?" click on pic to read

Lets hope those in power at Trinity "Smoking" Mirror group read the article and decide enough is enough, the local press should be reporting on Crony Capitalism and not be part of it.

Here is a few we did earlier this was written not too long ago

and a little longer

David Wade-Smith

was given a job as Buiness advior by Joe Anderson Frank McKenna unnoficial editor of the Daily Post

Thursday, 14 February 2013

Frank McKenna Files-No 1

Here is the beginning of a new series
The Frank McKenna Files.
Taken, from Lets be Frank's, infamous exploits of past days and as noted in Private Eye.
We start today with issue 986 1st October 1999.
Watch this space for more interesting instalments.

You see, we consider that Downtown Liverpool In Business is a scurrilous organisation that has an overreach its powers, well tenfold in fact and should not have been allowed to do so.

Click on the picture LANCS A LOT.

Downtown Liverpool sponsored a page at The Liverpool Daily Ghost and sponsors thier views and blogs, thus being almost sanctioned by them.

Here is one we did earlier well 2009 actually

And 2010