Showing posts with label Bernie Turner. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bernie Turner. Show all posts

Tuesday, 15 January 2013

Tesco For Dale Street-Every Little Hurts.

They are Tescopolysing the city they now have plans submitted for 57-63 Dale Street in the World Heritage Site. Plans were put forward by the godawful architects Falconer Hall Chester for this site. They may the biggest architect whores in the city. It was a long time ago, in our opinion, that they sold thier souls, to, well not even the highest bidder.............just anyone really.
Our friends at Seven Streets wrote about them when plans that were passed . they quoted the architects. After a ‘turbulent’ two years in the planning stages, Liverpool architects Falconer Chester Hall have secured approval for a new hotel and retail/car park scheme along Dale Street.

“It’s been a very difficult birth,” Falconer Chester Hall’s Managing Director, Adam Hall told SevenStreets. (They went on writing) Still, with Falconer Chester Hall working on a boutique hotel, Layla – for Iliad, almost directly opposite their 57 Dale Street site (although technically on Sir Thomas Street), maybe Dale Street’s overdue happy ending isn’t so far away after all.

“Not every old building is, by rights, worthy of a stay of execution. You have to look at the overall mix. And we’re confident this development is exactly what this area of town needs,” Hall says, delighted that two years of wrangling has ended in the result he was hoping for.

We bet they’ll be raising a glass in the Vernon Arms tonight, too. Iliad were the vandals who destroyed 6 Sir Thomas Street.

Planning application 13F/0052 for 57-63 Dale Street is to remove conditions laid down in plans 09F/2531 which is to install new shopfront and anti ram-raid bollocks in the WHS.

Will those posh little luvvies who kicked up such a fuss over plans to open a Tesco in Hope Street even blink an eye at this one? the WHS...........we will see.
There didnt seem to be much fuss when the opened one by the Pier Head.

Those Tesco-tearaways are sowing the city up.

Bernie Turner, whatever happened to the mouth,  used to shop there, despite a lot of fishy business

Is there any Hope


Tuesday, 20 March 2012

Warren Bradley-You Liar

Why does Liverpool have such a history of bad leadership is it something in the water at the Town Hall. Is there a tradition of dirty polititicians who think they can get away with it.
Warren Bradley who sold out the first tranche of the world heritage site has been charged with perjury.
It is claimed a tragedy by some local commentators. But the real tragedy is that we had to endure this dispicable character for years.
Is it true he was placed in power by Clever Trevor Jones and Mike Storey so they could do what they want?
Picture Warren Bradley "I tell them this long"

Bradley defended the other criminal at the Fib-Dems in Liverpool when he was convicted, Steve Hurst is now a outcast.

Oh! and Whatever happened to Bernie Turnip.

Wednesday, 2 March 2011

Berni Turner-Up To Her Neck In It.

Claiming for a tin of sardines while on council duty was a really crass way of operating while on council duty.
Considering she was a candidate on Mastermind, yes you heard me, her specialist subject was Vegetarian Vampires, yes you heard that also, is not a very clever person.
She was the English Heritage Environment Champion for Liverpool at the time and as such a complete and utter waste of space, she took over from Doreen Jones, says it all really, they were made for each other.
A loud mouth with nothing to say.
 She said she would report me to the Police when I wrote about her Sardine Claim, if I kept on about her, bloody 'ell I was so scared I nearly fell off my chair laughing my socks off.
She is now non gratia, out in the cold, but will the big mouthed sardine swilling woman go away, it appears not.
She came last on Mastermind. She also came last in looking after Liverpools Heritage.
Yes lets take a sentimental journey with Bernie down misery lane......Dale Street.
Its still the same.
So now what is she up to, oh! she claims nothing.
It is alleged she received £2,500 grant for a Debt Rescue company she was involved in when the session she was paid for never took place, she denies this, well she always denies everything doesn't she.
click on the picture above of the reporting article in the Daily Post to expand to read and make your own mind up.
I can hear the police sirens now, on their way to arrest me, only it is not me who the Police should be arresting.

Oh just why did she fall out with Mike Storey.

Friday, 29 October 2010

Mike Storey-Like A Bad Penny, He Always Turns Up.

Yes the old Dame is back, this time on the planning committee. He must have put himself there as a last Spiv-Dem act of defiance when they were booted out at the last elections.  It should be renamed the planting committee.
A SLEEPER FOR PEEL HOLDINGS, MAYBE? It seems possible the way this slippery old dame behaves.
He was mentored by Clever Trevor Jones, this is what he said when the eel retired to the Dukes estate in Chester. Cllr Storey said:
"Trevor is one of the outstanding politicians in the Liverpool political scene.

"He is a towering figure who has played a prominent part in the city's politics over several decades.
"Trevor laid the foundations for the huge strides made in Liverpool over the past 10 years."
He said Sir Trevor was instrumental in building bridges with Michael Heseltine when he was sent to Liverpool to help the city after the Toxteth riots.
"They became quite good friends, and that relationship helped to put in place a number of things that we now take for granted like the Albert Docks."
Cllr Storey was deputy leader under Sir Trevor's leadership.
"Every Sunday evening I would go to their house in Queen's Drive, we would natter away and when Doreen [Sir Trevor's wife] had gone to bed we would open the red wine.
"He's a consummate politician and also a consummate winner of elections.
"He is the forefather of modern political campaigning, he introduced the idea of monthly newsletters.
"He taught me everything I know about political campaigning.
"He was a hard nosed politician and a hard nose businessman, but he was also very caring.
"There is a huge number of examples of him helping people with humanity and kindness that people don't know about."
Well not quite Mikey, but we can see where you learned all your slippery tricks cant we.
This week after his Spiv-Dem council declared no more bars on Lark Lane and Allerton Road here he is twisting it at the planting committee meeting after Florence Gersten made a defiant stand.  But committee member Cllr Mike Storey said:             “In an ideal world, we would like high streets to have grocers and bakers and delis, but life is not like that any more.

“This property has been empty for eight years and God forbid it’s empty for another three or four years because next we’ve got Save Our City quite rightly complaining it’s been left to rack and ruin.”
Planning officer John Collins, recommending approval, said: “We recognise the concerns of people, but the issue of licensing is not one before us here today.
“We are just here to consider the use as a cafe and wine bar, and if alcohol is to be taken then that’s an issue for another committee.
“It’s a difficult decision, I appreciate that, but given the history of the site and the latest assessment, we are recommending permission be granted.”

The reality for Mike "Badpenny" Storey is unfortunately. Ask Will Alsop what he thinks about Storeys involvment.
Or try this one or better still click the label at the bottom of this page to see how it all pans out, read the truth instead of the shit you used to get from Mike Storeys mate Larry Neild and co at the Daily Council in Oldham Hall Street.

This is the sod that did all the World Heritage planning blight, and in the context of a tedious campaign currently being run by the Daily Ghost to save our Cruise Liner "Cock Up" Terminal it must be remembered that it was he who nailed the coffin down, it was he who seeded the mess that the city now finds itself in. He was the Captain on Deck when it was signed and sealed. It was his watch that accepted the European grants and told us all we should thank him for it.

Just why did him and Bernie Turner fall out will we ever know, or is that buried by the local press too.

You know like a bad penny, no matter how hard you rub, you just cant get the scum off. 

Thursday, 28 October 2010

6 Sir Thomas Street-Every Right To Feel Hacked Off.

Yes this was the sight that greeted Warren Bradley from his office overlooking the building.
"I wondered what all the noise was" he said to Larry Neild, then working for the Daily Ghost, as the shysters, Iliad hacked off the front of the facade, of a perfectly good building, with a Liver bird crested portico.
While it was being considered for listing by the English Heretics.
They needed to line the floors up from the old Municipal Buildings frontage on Dale Street World Heritage Site.  That had been sold to Iliad by the very same council that is charged with protecting our assets. The then Liverpool Spiv-Dem council and its cronies, what a joke, couldn't they have made two stairs to line up the floor heights. Couldn't Nigel Lee have advised Iliad in one of his frequent meetings with them that they cant mess with our heritage. He told me he asked Micheal Hanlon of Maghull Developments not to hack off Josephine Butler House, that is his involvement with developers, or should we say hackers.
Couldn't Steve Corbett from the Liverpool Conservation Office(sic) have stopped them.  No this is Liverpool we destroy our Victorian facades, one of the last remaining full and complete Victorian Streets in the city.
Doreen Jones, who did more damage than anyone in this city passed the plans in an Orchestrated planning committee Manoeuvre, while Steve Hurst the criminal tried to question me for trying to save it.
That man had a cheek alright.
While the Labour councillors on the planning committee also give it the thumbs up.

Bernie Turner, whatever happened to her, she is now sidelined, well she always was on heritage matters. Watching while it all went on around her, while she was supposed to be English Heritage Historic Environment Champion. A title she inherited from Lady Doreen Jones.
So all is well that ends well, I suppose.

Look what they have put in its place, a disgrace.

Tuesday, 15 June 2010

Joe Anderson to Save Liverpools Heritage............. with 700K

Yes, we have heard it all before. How Liverpool will be saved. The Fib-Dems told us so and then created Warrens War Zones. They even had a Historic environment champion Bernie Turner who took over from The Dame of Disaster Doreen Jones who passed plan after plan that destroyed the World Heritage Site. 47 listed buildings destroyed.
So with a price of 17 million being foolishly quoted to save St James Church we can tell this is another load of hot air. The new labour administration may mean well and we have to give them a chance, but they dont appear to be able to realise the scale of the problems that lie ahead.
Liverpool has had 10 buildings on the English Heretic At Risk Register for decades. While we have been binge building all around them, slowly they decay. St Andrews Church. 
Oh and there is the Wellington Rooms.
Liverpool council to spend £700,000 to save listed buildings at risk

Jun 15 2010 by Marc Waddington, Liverpool Daily Post
CITY leaders plan to spend more than £700,000 saving “at risk” listed buildings in Liverpool.
They hope to be able to keep money they would otherwise have to pay back to regional development bosses – who give the grant for the works – in order to continue the programme of repairs.
A number of sites across the city stand to benefit from the move. So far, more than £1.7m has been spent on projects since the “Buildings At Risk” project began in 2001.
In February last year, the council clawed back £277,535 it spent on repairing the Welsh Presbyterian Church on Princes Road. Rather then pay the cash back to the Northwest Development Agency (NWDA), the council hopes to invest it in other works in the city. Cllr Malcolm Kennedy, cabinet member for regeneration and transport, said: “Owners of buildings where we have carried out work always knew this money would have to be repaid. We have negotiated a deal with the NWDA that we can use this money to safeguard other historic buildings. This is a very sensible way of recycling money which the council is receiving and will benefit the city’s heritage.”
Sites which could potentially benefit from the retained money include St Andrew’s Church in Queens Drive (£9,750), the £6.6m restoration of the Florence Institute in Dingle (£150,000), and St Cyprian’s Church in Edge Lane (£50,000). Also, the report which went before the council’s cabinet on Friday, stated: “The council has received a verbal agreement for repayment of £125,000 in respect of statutory action taken at Seel Street, in the Ropewalks area.”

The council expects to receive £25,000 this year and £100,000 during the next financial year towards other work. The report adds that “further recovery of funding is at this time uncertain, although a further £301,000 is being pursued” in relation to funds the council has already spent on repair works in Shaw Street, in Everton, Duke Street, in the city, and Christ Church, in Kensington.
A spokesman for the NWDA said: “The funding agreement provides that any monies generated by the legal charges due to urgent works on the Buildings at Risk are to be re-invested into the initiative or repaid to the NWDA.”

It seems the Daily Ghost is now levelling itself up as the press office for Joe Anderson, making them look good........instead of asking searching questions. And in the meantime another one The Bethel Chapel in Penny Lane is about to bite the dust.

Monday, 24 May 2010

Littlewoods Building Edge Lane-The Decay Continues. Why?

Cllr Joe Anderson is making a trip to the Isle of Man to see reclusive businessman Albert Gubay, who owns Edge Lane Retail Park. Earlier this year, relations between the Fib-Dem council and the company started to thaw and Cllr Anderson said he was keen to meet Mr Gubay to make sure the scheme stayed on track. He said: “I have asked for a meeting with Mr Gubay and I am going to see him with the council’s executive director for regeneration, John Kelly.

“We are meeting him and his representatives to discuss the future of Edge Lane Retail Park because it is a vital part in the jigsaw in terms of the regeneration of Liverpool.
“I have called for a halt to the legal action between the council and his company, and they have agreed to reciprocate and withdraw their legal action against the council. This is a man and a company which wants to invest in Liverpool to create jobs and help us regenerate our city. We have to find a solution to areas of disagreement and that is what I intend to do. I am optimistic we can reach an agreement.”
Derwent wants to build a retail park with around 600,000 sq ft shopping space, half the size it originally hoped for.He said it was “ludicrous” for both sides to attempt to sue each other.

Mr Taylor added: “We never wanted to end up in court with the city council and cancelling the legal action is a pragmatic, common-sense approach. We have a saying in the office, ‘let’s crack on and get it done’, and we get that feeling from the city council now. We look forward to working with the council and Cllr Anderson to make this scheme happen.”
The current retail park is around 430,000 sq ft, meaning the new shops will total 170,000 sq ft more than the current site.Derwent is also offering a number of “sweeteners” for their part of the deal.
The concessions include an extension to Mersey Care’s Rathbone Hospital; a larger “Victorian” style park to replace Wavertree’s Rathbone Park; and a “grotspot-free” zone.
Meanwhile the Littlewoods Building lies empty crumbling.
Joe Anderson has appointed a cabinet member for regeneration and development. But what about the historic side of Liverpools fabric. I sincerely hope Joe is not going to be another property developers spiv like the last few council leaders.
The trouble here goes back some time and for some reason the council were hostile to Gubay.
Too late for Elizebeth Pasco though forcably ejected from her house by Labour Pathfider policies.
Bernie Turner, Liverpools Mastermind, who in my opinion is a heritage fraud watching as buildings fall down, while masquerading as a English Heretic Environment champion She said the Judge needed a good slapping who ruled against the council in a Council-v-Gubay spat.
So the Littlewooods Building decays while they plan to throw another load of B&Q sheds up, and no-one seems to care. English Heritage Inspecter Hawkins said this should be made a Conservation area, but Mike Storey as the then Council leader and NWDA committee member, and Liverpool Land Company executive member had other ideas.
Instead the North Vested Interest Development Agency bought it and proposed to kock it out to Urban Splash after a secret competition where they just announced the winner won the deal to develop it.  A bit like the secret competition for new museum on the Pier Head. This building on Edge Lane should have been the new museum, right next to the historic Edge Lane Railway Station. That would have given the area a chance instead of destroying the World Heritage Site.
And Urban Splash have done nothing.

Come on Joe get some action going on the Littlewoods Building before the decay goes too far.

Monday, 17 May 2010

Liverpool's World Heritage Blight.

Liverpool’s World Heritage Blight has never gone unnoticed with the national press who it now seems, after the PR onslaught of 2008 is waking up. However Private Eye's Piloti (just who is the Liverpool Piloti) has always kept a keen eye on Liverpool and its heritage misdemeanours. This current issue, talking freely about the blight that is to install itself on the Lyceum and the Dale Street disaster. Bernie Turnip and Baron Wadley (soon to be sacked as leader after losing the council) even gets a mention. If more people took an interest, and stood up to be counted against Heritage blight, instead of doing it as a hobby well we wouldn’t be in such a mess. We would all be better off.

I recently wrote about more World Heritage Blight.  And the threat to the Lyceum  It is with thanks that we welcome extra input from those purveyors of truths at Private Eye. What a shame that those white sticked, plonkers at UNESCO dont take the same level of interest, deciding instead to turn a blind eye.

Further Reading.

Tuesday, 4 May 2010

Dale Street-Another One Bites The Dust.

 In the World Heritage Site. This piece of, Liverpool Georgiana has laid empty for decades falling down slowly. It is right in front of Municipal Buildings where all the councillors go in and out of. Where Colin "Cover Up" Hilton works. Ignored by many .  It has recently been listed, by the city council with the full weight of Mastermind, Bernie Turner the joke of a Historic Buildings Champion for English Heretics who replaced Doreen Jones, yes you heard it right, the Dame of Disaster. For what reason you may ask was it listed?  Maybe this was to divert attention in 2008 from the impending doom that was awaiting its fate, to pull the wool over the eyes of Unesco and the huge publicity that was attacking Liverpools lack of respect for its culture during
In 2008 they promised Unesco that 60 were to be listed yes 60.  So why was this awaiting its fate, and how come the engineers now go in over a Bank Holiday Weekend, very convenient you may think, away from prying eyes with this part of the town deserted. ENGINEERS were last night working on a listed building in Dale Street found to be in danger of collapse.
The property, directly across from the council’s municipal buildings, is Grade II-listed.After several plans to bring the building back into use failed, the building was left empty and concealed in part with colourful hoardings.
But engineers have now found the building to have rapidly deteriorated.
They will now remove the roof of the building in the hope of relieving the strain and preventing collapse.
Other parts of the structure will also be removed, and safety barriers are in place to stop the public gaining access.
A recent survey of the building found the interior was in a “perilous condition and a risk to public safety as well as a major health and safety hazard”
A city council spokesman said: “A number of options are being considered about the future of the building, including discussing with prospective partners to find a long term solution.”
The Georgian building, from 1819, was included in the Castle Street Conservation Area in 1976. It was listed in February 2008.
Since it became vacant the council and a developer planned to renovate it as part of a scheme which would include the magistrates’ court and the bridewell jail behind it.
But delays in relocating the courts, coupled with the impact of the recession, put paid to the plans.
So it is going the same way that Jamaica House went and to become a hole in the facade of a WHS. , another Georgian Terrace destroyed by stealth.
This is what Big Gob Bernie said at the time in early 2008.
 Liverpool Georgian terraces given listed status

Feb 5 2008 by Laura Sharpe, Liverpool Daily Post
TWO rare Georgian terraces have been given listed status in Liverpool’s World Heritage Site.
The Department for Culture, Media and Sport has given Grade II listed status to the sites on Dale Street and York Street following a review of historic buildings.
Numbers 86-95 Dale Street/ 2 Cheapside, opposite the city’s Municipal Buildings, were listed as “an unusual survival of the shop house, a building type that is nationally rare, especially outside London and shows the development of new forms of retail premises in late Georgian England.”
The terrace dates from around 1819 and has ground floor shops with living accommodation above.

It still has its original floor plans with some features still intact and along with other listed buildings in the area “epitomises the changes in the physical fabric of the city during the 18th and 19th centuries.”
The York Street buildings are a pair of 18th century townhouses, converted into tenements in the 19th century.
In the listing designation it says: “The buildings highlight the development and changing face of the internationally important port of Liverpool through the 18th century to 20th century from a wealthy residential area to an industrial and commercial area with poorer inhabitants as the port expanded and the wealthy moved out for the city centre.” It adds that the building provides special historic interest by its continual use by those connected with the port “from the wealthy merchant in the 18th century to the sea captains, seafarers and Irish immigrants who lived in the tenements during the 19th and 20th centuries.”

Cllr Berni Turner, Liverpool’s executive member for environment and historic environment champion, said: “We have identified some 60 buildings for potential listing and these are the first of those.

“It shows the efforts we are making to safeguard our Georgian heritage and buildings within the World Heritage site and that we are starting to get results in providing additional protection for these historic buildings.”

This make 47 Listed Buildings to be destroyed under the Liverpool FIB-DEMS.

Friday, 19 February 2010

The Whitehouse Pub-Is it really a Banksy?

The myth has been perpetuated by the local papers that this is a Banksy, the secretive Graffiti artist who it was said was not commissioned to do it, but he popped up here and got off the train….with several sets of ladders, scaffold, brushes, rollers with extensions…oh and spray cans, and knocked it out.
If this is a Banksy then my Auntie is my Uncle.

Mythmakers Trinity “Smoking” Mirrors see mileage in this I even know the reporter who made the story up and who told him to do so.
Yesterday it sold for £114,000.
Despite carrying a guide price of between £70,000 and £80,000, four bidders battled past the £81,000 mark to try to secure one of the city’s most famous landmarks.
Kirkby-based business partners Billy Palmer and Sina Moradian eventually emerged victorious, saying they were keen to preserve one of Banksy’s largest authentic artworks.
“We are not fans of Banksy, but we are keen to keep it. We will have to see how it goes with the rest of the works.”
Mr Moradian, 24, who owns the Funky Box nightclub, in Fleet Street, said: “We were looking for a freehold property and this has a good location and good investment potential.”
Joking about the elusive Bristol-born artist, he added: “We are keen to keep the rat. I might try to get in contact with Banksy and ask him to come and re-do it once we are ready to paint the outside.”
James Kersh, director of the Sutton Kersh auction at Liverpool’s Marriott Hotel, said: “We knew it was going to sell, given the amount of interest it generated.
“It was the first building with famous artwork we have sold and it was difficult to predict the price, but it went well.”
Any alterations to the interior or exterior of the building must go to Liverpool Council for planning consent.
The Council Historic Environment Champion (sic) Bernie Turnup….just what did go on at Harthill Allotments…allotted it a repairs notice so, even though shysters Frenson, the scourge of Liverpool’s Georgiana, were selling it. So it comes along with a repairs notice that cant be ignored. Its Grade II. So even to paint over the artwork will need permission from the pathetic conservation office who have let it get to this sorry state.
Across the road the Scandinavian Hotel still is a shamble affair 

Chris Griffiths the waste of space buildings at risk officer was at the auction. He then put his blindfold back on, so he can ignore the hotel opposite and the dereliction in Duke Street, and went home to his place in the Albany in Oldham Hall Street, that has dry rot in the balcony. See what happens Mr Griffiths if you do shoddy repairs under a repairs notice from the council, some-one gets lumped with it down the line.

Friday, 15 January 2010

Tesco Tear-aways

Tesco Every Little Hurts. I t seems to say a lot about the fact of life these days that big business is running the council. Now when a council chooses to abandon that relationship they start spatting about. LIVERPOOL Council last night accused Tesco of trying to derail a major regeneration scheme in a key area in the north of the city.

Tesco is challenging the legal battle it lost against Sainsbury’s over a multi-million pound plan to revamp the Great Homer Street area. The company will seek a review of the decision which favoured its rivals to open a supermarket as part of the £150m Project Jennifer scheme.

Last night, developers St Modwen and Liverpool Council, who are working with Sainsbury’s on the initiative, hit out at Tesco, saying it had caused yet another delay to the scheme.
Regeneration leader Cllr Peter Millea said Tesco was putting its commercial interests ahead of one of the city’s most important projects.
Tesco hit back in the war of words, saying it “categorically rejected” the claims and that it had a strong track record of delivery in Liverpool.
Tesco had originally been in talks with developers St Modwen and brought legal action to try to proceed with its own plans in the area.
In December, a planning inspector ruled in favour of the city council, which had rejected Tesco’s scheme for a 27,000 sq ft superstore and indoor and outdoor markets.
Maybe the council should do a facebook site that stopped them last time.  Maybe they should set Bernie Turner loose on them whose Old Swan ward has a massive Tesco
Sir Terry Leahy who was born in Liverpool wants to own it.
Tesco-pool the new name for Liverpool Unless someone at the council decides to shop at another supermarket that is.

Thursday, 14 January 2010

THe Scandanavian Hotel-A Shambles

Today David Bartlett in the Daily Post paints a telling picture of the fiasco which has been going on for far too long. This is all we want a fair crack of the whip and a bit of help with the fight to save Liverpools historic fabric before its too late.  He even follows it up with his blog. One of the prattish comments from some one calling himself regen man ( Its not Downing who are the Daily Post and Echos landlords is it, or someone working for him is it?) says it is over the top but I disagree so I will print it here.  says
Comment: Time to sort out the Scandinavian Hotel mess for once and for all

Jan 14 2010 Liverpool Daily Post
WHATEVER the ins and outs of the various deals first struck and then seemingly unstruck over the future of the Scandinavian Hotel in Nelson Street, the message to the city council must be that it has to be sorted out now.
Not later, not at some vague time in the future, but now. They’ve had a quarter of a century to get their act together: that’s plenty enough time.
Once everyone has calmed down, of course, we have to agree that, yes, there have been extenuating circumstances. There has been a long dispute over payments to various parties with a claim upon various parts of the building, and there is no disputing that we are well beyond the economic peak of a couple of years ago.
Whether or not Liverpool can fill another hotel on the edge of the city centre in the current climate is possibly open to question. The cry that the city is oversupplied with hotel rooms has gone up at intervals over the years, but has not stopped would-be hoteliers chancing their arm and, seemingly, making money.
It all sounds so utterly reasonable. Yet the fact remains that here is a distinctive part of Liverpool’s cityscape that has been under threat for longer than many people can remember and a final solution seems as far away as ever.
In the years since the building was last open for any kind of business, Liverpool has been transformed, yet somehow the old Scandinavian has not been caught up in the process.
Maybe the time has come after all to throw reason and caution to the winds and demand of the city’s elected representatives and its officers that they get their act together and sort out the affairs of the Scandinavian immediately. And that means now.

Interesting that Tuesdays planning committee voted to CPO the Whitehouse opposite. It is now reported.
Liverpool Council’s planning committee approved a repairs notice on the Watchmaker’s building, in Seel Street, and the legendary Whitehouse pub, in Berry Street.

Officials said that if owner Frenson Ltd refuses to start works or sell the Grade II-listed buildings within two months, it will start proceedings to compulsorily purchase both.
The 200-year-old Whitehouse pub is one of the best-known landmarks in the city centre.
But it is rotting beneath the image of a huge cat by graffiti artist Banksy daubed on its walls.
The Watchmaker’s building was a Victorian watch and clock-making factory.
Planners say it is the finest example of this type of building in the city.
With the shambolic mess that they got into with our money paying for legal costs. With Berni Turner involved will the same think happen as in Seel Street. How bloody long will this go on for. Decades, they have had to sort this mess out, its not right.

Tuesday, 5 January 2010

Frenson Ltd-The Scourge of Liverpool’s Heritage.

This company has done more to destroy the character of Liverpool’s Georgian Era than anyone in the City. Now, there is another set of plans to CPO properties owned by them. The last attempt in Seel Street was an unmitigated disaster as the buildings were shored up at great expense said to be 200k and the still fell down. Right next to the Alma De Cuba bar the old St Peters Church. It was only the weeks before I had warned of the risks.

So now Bernie “Big Gob” Turner Liverpool’s Heritage Champion and Mastermind expert on vegetarian vampires  senses she needs to do a little bit of work on the real Vampires of the city’s heritage Frenson Ltd. They really are the most disgusting little swine’s who are just interested in letting places fall down to packet the land value. And have been doing so while the council has let them off the hook. Sardine eating Bernie  Turner now explains that they were on the Stop The Rot Hit List. 

City building chiefs have vowed to forcibly buy up the Watchmaker’s building, in Seel Street, and the legendary Whitehouse pub, in Berry Street, if they continue to decay.
Today’s Echo who sponsored the pathetic Stop the Rot publicity runt jointly sponsored by the City Council who are the problem. quotes Cllr Berni Turner, the council’s executive member for the environment, said she hoped a repairs order would force the company to take action.
It goes on
“The company has made promises in the past but it comes to a point when we have to sort it out – and that is what this will do.”
Cllr Turner said repairs notices often have the desired effect on those who receive them.
She said: “They do tend to make people wake up and act. The ECHO has done such excellent work with its Stop The Rot campaign but some people just do not seem to get the message.
“We are committed to saving these buildings so they can be enjoyed by future generations.”
The buildings fall within the Duke Street conservation area, which covers all of the city’s historic Georgian Merchants’ quarter.
They have both been vacant since the early 1990s and were purchased by Frenson Ltd in 1992.
Planners say they have received virtually no maintenance or structural repair within that time.
In 2005, Frenson Ltd said it was preparing to turn the Whitehouse pub into a wine bar, but the plan has so far failed to materialise.
Repairs notices do not take the means of the owner to undertake the work into account.
They simply give the owner two months to demonstrate it is taking reasonable steps to carry out the repairs.
The decision to issue a repairs notice will be put before the council’s planning committee on January 12.
Incidently the graffiti daubing on the front of the Whitehouse which is said to be by Banksy. There is no evidence whatso-ever to substantiate this. Someone has now removed a window allowing rain to penetrate the inside.

What have the English Heretics done about it.
20 Years I have been watching the Liverpool Georgiana Rot.
Stop The Rot at The Council and the problem will be a lot easier.
Lets hope the do CPO these properties but what about the score of derelict properties in Seel Street and Duke Street. And what if they had of CPO’d these decades ago it would have cost us ratepayers a lot less.

Monday, 23 November 2009

BERNI TURNER-Liverpools 'So Called' Heritage Champion on Mastermind!!!

I couldn’t believe it Big Mouth Berni is on national television, will she slap the judge if he doesnt agree with her. What will her specialist subject be? Sardines.  It certainly wont be the 46 listed buildings that have been downed under the liberal democrats. Or will it be the disastrous state of Dale Street  or the 200 listed buildings in a bad state of repair. Or the thousands of homes demolished under the pathfinder scheme. Her title is The English Heritage Historic Environment Champion. No she was to have her specialist subject on The Twighlight Novels of Stephanie Meyer.

Introduced as Bernadette Turner.
“The supernatural romance genre is huge. You walk into any bookshop or go online and there are reams and reams of these books (so yes they are common) and some of them are well incredibly well written. Twighlight novels are a series of 4 books and they are about vampires if you like!

Oh she is going to talk about Trevor Jones and Doreen Jones bleeding the Baltic Triangle site dry sucking all the lifeblood out of it with their involvement with Windsor Developments whose director it was alleged was struck off the accountants register for Fraud. She took over the previously fraudulently titled job of Heritage Champion from the Dame of Disaster she who did more damage to the world heritage site than the Luffwaffe, Doreen Jones what a Dame.

But no She continued “They are about a very special breed of Vampires if you like.

Vegetarian Vampires”, I was laughing out loud by this stage, “They remind me of Romeo and Juliet, Cathy and Heathcliffe in Wuthering Heights it’s a great romance but with all the extra things Werewolves, Vampires. What more could a girl want”.
Well there you go what do you expect, another contestant masterminded on the Architecture of Aberdeen since 1860. No sign of her talking about Liverpool’s heritage or its architecture though. She came last, but in fairness she did not descend into any of the same old vile banter and did alright on the general knowledge which I am not surprised with simple questions such as “Who entered the UK charts with shout and was backed by the Luvvers”   So anyone can read four tacky novels and go on Mastermind these days. What next for Beradette Turner.

Friday, 6 November 2009

Liverpool City Council Tells Heritage Lies.

I picked up a free letterbox magazine called City Life from the floor and knowing it is compiled by the council with my taxpayers money and contains all the usual council propaganda I went into the kitchen to get a pinch of salt then put my tongue in my cheek and opened the glossy rag.

Everything is wonderful the city is in fantastic shape, Warren Bradley has saved the world aided by Mike Storey and it was all mopped up by the direct works department of the council who put flowers around the edge just to make it all seem a bit better for us. Not a mention of giving a third of the city centre away and being 20 million short on a budget.

I was expecting the usual load of half-truth PR pap, but not expecting outright lies.
Considering that most people do not question what is written this magazine has been a convenient way of brainwashing those members of the public with pea brains who believe what is told to them. Of which there are many in this city.

Page11 In the section labelled, annual report, for 2008, it stated the number of Grade II* listed buildings at risk was cut from 15 to 9. This was in a section of uplifting news of how we are being looked after by our mates at the council.
This is a lie. So I asked Berni Turner the self-styled heritage champion who took over from the Dame of Disaster Doreen Jones. Not a reply. She seems to only talk on heritage matters when it suits her and then it’s with a vile misuse of the English language, that make one cringe to be from Liverpool. I wrote to the Chief Executive Colin “Cover up” Hilton. The next I receive, is a reply from Legal Services that it is being dealt with as a freedom of Information Act request. I did not request a FOI I told Kevin Symm. Oh that’s all right we often do that he replied.
So I wait, and wait, and wait and finally I get a letter, which said.
We used to have 19 on the critical list in 1999 and that has been reduced to 9 thanks for your letter.
Hang on I thought I know all this is wrong I have been writing about it for years and where do you get the 15 from. The press release was aimed to make it look like the list was recently reduced from 15 to 9 to make the council look great to those who dont question what they are being told. Well that’s not me. So its a lie, a utter and damn right lie from a city council run by spivs who think they are not accountable, who make it up as they go along. Oh and my rates pay for them to tell me the lies. I am still waiting for an inquiry to be dealt with into the misleading facts…and waiting…and waiting.

Wednesday, 28 October 2009

Liverpools Baltic Triangle. More than a 100 Properties Rotting. Does Anybody Care.

After the recent press release from the Daily Ghost regarding the upbeat story of how wonderful it all is about the Baltic Triangle considering some properties are being renovated by a North Vested Interest Development Agency grant. ( Its a shame none of the people who work in Oldham Hall Street do not go and take a look at the place).

Well maybe it’s a start but the full reality, is this. We counted 100 properties in serious danger of crumbling, within a couple of hundred yards of each other, in the Baltic Triangle, and in serious decay.
This group of properties in Bridgewater Street are available to view from Louise Ellmans the "Dame of Dereliction" place of residence. It is my opinion she has become oblivious to the dereliction in her constituency. There are another 100 properties on the periphery of the Baltic triangle in the death throes, unless investment is made…..and it won’t be, unless people like her who are oblivious to decay take notice. I am not even to start with Berni Turner. As with this clutch the owners most are prepared to let them fall down. Why is there no one around to fight for them to be saved. The owners don’t care nor the polititions. Why?
The picture above shows the Anglican Cathedral and its proximity to abject rot. The Chairman of the council manipulated "Stop the Rot" campaign, that never stopped any rot, and was run by the Oldham Echo, was Bishop James Jones who wants to now dig up 7,000 bodies in St James Church just in point of the Baltic Triangle.
Where are the planners who rubber-stamp boring and bland blocks of flats in the same location and have no plans for good solid listed warehouses.

Where is Chris Griffiths, the dozy Buildings at Risk Officer funded by English Heretics Manchester Office. What about Glynn Marsden and Steve “Ronnie” Corbett at the Conservation(sic)office…nowhere to be seen? Hiding ducking below the parapets. Where is the Merseyside Civic Society? Where are the local press?

This block in Bridgewater Street at least part owned by Ebeneeza Selwyn, who I think is a disgrace to my proffession, is being used as mobile phone masts. Who passes a listed structure to be used as a mobile phone receptacle? Yes, its the Reichmarshal Nigel Lee our vainglorious planning manager and the leader in the heritage disaster that is Liverpool.
Seven thousand pounds a throw, the rent is for each mast that’s 21 grand a year in rent to keep it in the state of decay until they fall down and then coin it on the land. Its like a reward. They cant go wrong.
Hey but its alright the NWDA are in and investing in the area, just like they did in the World Heritage Site and those grey suited clowns don’t know how to balance the past with the future. So on the tail of this will be Frank McKenna’s Downtown Liverpool in Business Vultures ready to feed off the carcasses of what remains, ready to leave us with another mini Milton Keynes-On-Sea. I bet on it. 250 yards away from the Grosvenor-pool shopping Precient its a tale of two cities.

Friday, 16 October 2009

St Andrews Church, Rodney St-Liverpools Heritage At Risk No3

How can a City watch a Grade II* listed building deteriate to such an effect that it is a shadow of itself. But it now has a shed on it.  English Heretics describe its condition as "very bad". The old Presbyterian Church on Rodney St now gets a shed on its heavy ballustraded attic. John Moores wanted to use this as a library and resource centre after it was on fire. John Moores were promising to make it structurally safe and give it a fresh vibrant use. Common sense one would Steve "Ronnie" Corbett at the waste full Liverpool Conservation (sic) Office wanted to store his garden tools and lawn mower on the top of it. So the whole scheme was kyboshed. Now at this precise moment there will be a load of shifty developers waiting for it to completely fall down while Chris Griffiths the waste of space masquerading as the buildings at risk officer pots his geraniums up there. It is a waste, an absolute waste. This building was designed and built by John Foster Jr in 1823. This is a picture what it   looked like only a couple of decades ago. Its decline was swift. What is Berni Turner the so called English Heritage Champion doing...well not a lot really.,_Liverpool
Liverpool Derwent Square Newsham Park
Ogden Close Princes Park
Princes Road
Sefton Park
Shaw Street
Wavertree Village

Monday, 12 October 2009

Liverpools Heritage at Risk No 1-Royal Insurance Building Dale Street

Today we sart a series to advise the public of the "Buildings at Risk" in Liverpool. We start with the English Heritage at Risk registered Buildings and start in Dale Street 100 yards in one direction from the Town Hall and 100 yards the other The Liverpool City Municipal Buildings.
They keep telling us they have saved this building. They being the Council through its PR division, the Liverpool Daily Post and Echo.
And still it lies there as a monument to inactivity and a lack of desire to look after our cultural assets.
The hopeless Liverpool City Council buildings at risk officer Chris Griffiths, told me four years ago it was having a lot of attention put on it and the pigeon mess had been cleared up from inside. So is the roof still open? Do they CPO it? Do they take action? No that’s just what they do with ordinary citizens of the city in the Welsh streets and Anfiield. No, they let it rot.

Built 1897-1903 by the architect J. Francis. Doyle. The design was chosen from a limited design with seven entrants. The assessor was Norman Shaw who was retained in an advisory capacity. Doyle had worked with Shaw on the White Star building and was said to have been so influenced by Shaws style that he was able to refashion it. This is built of Granite and Portland Stone and was an advanced design giving a column free general office on most of the ground floor. Steve Corbett at the ineffectual conservation (sic) office knows the building well. Its campanile with an octagonal cupola, gilded dome and sundial form a prominent feature on the city's skyline.
Berni Turner Liverpool's self styled Heritage Champion is really a waste of time promises us she is looking after our assets. Its all a bluff.
This building has been on the English Heretics Buildings at Risk register for over a decade.
So while we have changed the town with cheap apartments some not even good enough to be called trashy, this gem with sculptures by C. J. Allen lays rotting. It is in the World Heritage Site.
In 2006 I warned of the risks in leaving this building while we do the easy jobs until the money ran out and the binge building stops and the banks wont lend.
Last week another hotel for Tithebarn street is announced and what of the forgotten treasures with links to our past. How many more false dawns can this building take.

Meanwhile at The Daily Ghost they have been fed again by the once October Communications now Aurora, who are Neptunes PR, a Larry Neild Hook. He used the same "Jewel in the Crown" about the Cesar Pelli, One Park Worst for Grosvenor, which came 4th in the BD Magazine National Carbuncle Cup.
Would it not be better use of a redundant building such as the Royal Insurance to house the Open Eye Gallery who are moving to Mann Island. Than to trash the world heritage site with grant aided schemes by the North Vested Interest Development Authority.

Wednesday, 7 October 2009

Berni Turner-And a Tin of Sardines

Liverpool City Councillors expenses are laid right open by a freedom of information act request by the Green Party.
Here are your counclillors expenses available for the public to see, and it makes interesting reading.
Some councillors had claims rejected because their position at the council had changed and they were no longer entitled to them .
Cllr Steve Hurst had around £35 of claims rejected after his resignation as executive member for corporate performance.
The comments on the form referred to his resignation and his claims were for duties “no longer approved”.
Hurst said he was still carrying out the duties because he had not been replaced but that he “decided not to challenge them because I was suffering from depression during this time and felt this would only make matters worse”. He has an excuse for everything, even after he is convicted this bloke still gets support, and it all adds up to show the sad state of affairs and the Culture of Capital at the council.
Cllr Hurst had resigned following his conviction under the Representation of the People Act after being caught distributing leaflets smearing a Labour rival.
In total, councillors had £643 worth of travel and food expenses claims rejected in the last year.

Big Mouth Berni is off again. She styles herself as a Heritage Champion but will not reply to questions that she does not wish to answer like the 46 listed buildings lost and the buildings falling over whilst the world heritage site is destroyed with empty flats. But when she does its usually abusive.
But this time its brine going into her mouth instead of coming out of it. Liberal Democrat member said she no longer planned to claim for subsistence food expenses following her experience with a £1.69 tin of sardines from Waitrose.
Cllr Berni Turner said that she had bought the fish along with her other shopping while busy at the council one day, but did not want to hand over the receipt for her entire shop. (Sure it wasnt from Tesco Berni.) Turner recently got in trouble after she said that Sir Terry Leahy from Tescos ran an evil empire.
But that wasn’t good enough for council expenses scrutineers.
Cllr Turner said: “I did not have an individual receipt for this tin of sardines, so in the end I had to cut the outer wrapper off the tin in order to claim. I bought them, ate them and then ended up having to clip the thing to the expenses form to prove I’d purchased them. In the end I thought can I be bothered doing all this for this? I can’t.”
What an absolute embarrasment.
Here is one of her expense claims.

You know you would be too ashamed to claim for a tin of sardines. To even think you get paid by the public for eating, does she not have to eat anyhow.

Cllr Ron Gould, executive member for health, learned while attending the opening of a new supermarket in Liverpool that the phrase “every little helps” is not in city accountants’ vocabulary. He had a claim for £1.60 for a sandwich knocked back while standing in for council leader Cllr Warren Bradley at the opening of a city centre Tesco.
Cllr Gould insisted his claim was legitimate, despite it being knocked back.
“I was asked to go to the opening of the Tesco as the date had been brought forward, so the date I opened it was not the date the council official had. I was in town all morning so I bought a sandwich, but they knocked it back. But I’m not going to go to war over it, it’s just one of those things.”

Warren Bradley intends going to the opening of new Tescos while they are taking over the city, hum, hum.
You know the whole way that these people behave leaves me amazed and very disapointed to be represented by such a bunch of penny pinchers.

No mention of Trevor Jones expenses though. Isnt that a shame.

Thursday, 1 October 2009

Beatrice Fraenkel-Liverpools Design Tsar Fraud

Fraenkel says: ‘Architecture is an incredibly diverse profession, and I have a passion for it. I love buildings from the “Bling Bling” building in Liverpool by Piers Gough to Wilkinson Eyre’s bus station [at Liverpool One].
Hey there is a statement for you, so confident in what she knows.
Frankeal is now the chair of ARB. (How she got there is beyond me).
Ed Vaizey, the shadow minister for culture, has claimed he would save CABE from a Tory ‘bonfire of the quangos’ but again promised to kill off the Architects’ Registration Board (ARB).
Just how did this woman get appointed into such a high position in the first place...She says her favourite buildings in Liverpool is Herberts Barnet on Hanover Street.......still empty after two years. Oh and the bus depot by Wilkinson Eyre who also designed the Liver Street Car Park carbuncle on the same site. It seems quite hard to take someone so seriously with such obvious misgivings in her style opinions. But Design Tsar she was for Liverpool. Mike Storey endorsed her.

When the Fib-Dems PR machine pushed her to the front she was a high flyer in the Fib-Dems.
A councillor in the city for 23 years, Fraenkel (above) hit the headlines following her high-profile defection to the Labour Party. She cant even decide which party she is in.....was she jumped or was she pushed?
Fraenkel said she was ‘embarrassed and ashamed’ of the Liberal Democrat Party and blamed standards at local level for her departure. The Lib Dems hit back, questioning her absence from important meetings.

I am ashamed and embarrassed about the way, she, as design Tsar has manoeuvred herself into such a position. In my opinion she is a talentless confidence trickster. While under her Design Tsar stewardship. in Liverpool we have had such Carbuncles as the Terminal Ferry Building, One Park Worst. The Three Ugly Sisters were planned and passed and are now going up at an alarming rate, as is their NWDA funding partner the new X-box museum on Mann Island.
Princes Dock has become Milton Keynes-On-Sea. What a joke, when even the spivs of the Fib-Dems did not want her. She obviously, true to form never turned up to any design meetings to discuss the architectural mess we now find ourselves in, with a World Heritage Disaster.

She is quoted as saying, when talking about her design Tsar appointment,
"Liverpool is one of the first cities in the country to do it and it happens to be me. It's about cities starting to realise that the way they develop has an impact on the economic and social well-being of their people.
"It's about telling private developers and other people we work with that buildings, design and spaces matter a great deal.
"It's not a matter of just putting something up as quickly as possible or maximising the return on it."
What a pathetic masquerade she has played with the urban landscape of my city, it is now obvious that she did not a clue what she was talking about.
A note from her then Friend Mike "Jackanory" Storey.

Who says talking about her newly formed role "It will ensure Liverpool's rich architectural heritage will be protected".
He went on to say: "This design guide is long overdue. It places good design at the heart of all activity in the city.
"In the new Liverpool, quality counts. We have learnt from the mistakes of the past. We will no longer put up with second best.
"Good design is not just about bricks and mortar. It is also about the social and cultural environment in which we live, work and play."
He is mentioned on a website called Enemies of the People along with the Criminal Hurst of whom he said "I would trust him with my life".

With Frankeal as Design Champion and Berni Turner as Heritage Champion and Mike Storey in charge of Regeneration, Oh, and the complete and utter waste of space John Hinchliffe as World Heritage Officer, no wonder we are in such a mess.
We didn't stand a chance.