Where do I start today.
I had another episode of sickness Sunday night and Monday - all day. It was the same as it has been for the past more than a year now. Excuse me - vomiting and diahrea and horrible pain. I thought having my gall bladder removed almost 2 weeks ago would make me feel better. This is the second episode since my surgery. This morning I had some blood work done. I'll be seeing the doctor on Thur.
Mom is beginning to recover. Last week was a bad week. After surgery and for 5 days she was on another planet. She knew who we were but she wasn't with us. Her sugar kept dropping in the night and she come near dying on Sunday morning. Sugar dropped to 20. It took them 3 hours to get her stable. It's a wonder she didn't go into a coma. After this happened I went to the hospital and put down my foot and made some changes to her schedule with the nurses and doctors. I got things changed. She called me this morning to check on me and I can't tell you what it meant to hear my moms voice calling me. I cried and said thank you Jesus she is going to be OK now. Now we can begin to focus on the hip healing. The hip will be a breeze compared to what it's been like. She is doing well now.
You all know the hospitals have the best gift shops. I love to visit a gift shop. Look what I found. I love Santa Claus. These were adorable.
Thought I'd share some pretties with you today. The gardens still have some blooms for a little while longer. I haven't raked yet so the leaves are everywhere and running over the garden beds.
Milkweed still hanging around. I cut it all down but 3 stems and they are taller than me.
Hope you all have a blessed day. I am trying to get around to visit you all this week. I have missed blog world and my friends.