Showing posts with label cosmos happy ring. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cosmos happy ring. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Pretty Blooms

Hey everybody - I'm still here. I know you wondered when I'd share some more of my pretty blooms. I have a few blooms to share today. I have to get a new memory card for the camera so I can take more pics. This time of year the gardens are busy. There is lots to do but we have been extremely dry lately. I run the sprinkler for 3-4 hours each day moving it around to each garden area. This is fine for a while but they really need water from the sky.

Someone must have given me seeds for this echinacea. I do not know where it came from. Last year I put out seeds but had no luck with them. This year they are doing really well. I did plant some echinacea pink parosol but the bloom on it has not opened yet. Is this Purpea?

Cosmos Happy Ring is doing well.


Endless Summer. Hope to get more blooms here. The flower is as big as the plant so I am hoping for some growth on the plant.

I'm sorry but I do not remember the name of this one. I believe it is suppose to be purple but it is like a strawberry color.

Love the huge blooms on the cannas.

I was lucky to get this little rain shower last Thur and Friday morning. However when I went out on Friday afternoon to do some weeding I discovered the ground to be extremely dry just below the wet surface. I need RAIN. Actually a tropical system would be nice. Not a storm but just the rain produced by a tropical system.

I am so ready to overhaul a couple of my gardens. This time of year I see the empty spaces and some overgrown plants in places where I would prefer a more tame or smaller plants. I was thinking of moving some plants such as shasta daisy's, salvia, mums and butterfly bush. Wish I could move the daffodils but I'm sure this is not the time. Do you feel this way when your plants are blooming and not doing exactly what you want them to do in the area they occupy? It's kinda like re-arranging furniture I suppose.... 

I'm going to go plant shopping again. I believe there are new arrivals calling my name. Can you hear it?
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