Showing posts with label moss rose. Show all posts
Showing posts with label moss rose. Show all posts

Monday, April 16, 2012

The Weekend

This is my black gold. One big bag of Miracle Gro Garden Soil and a bag of Black Kow. This does a garden good... I enhance the soil of all of my gardens every year.

I enjoyed a gorgeous weekend with very comfortable temps around 78-80 and cool mornings. And the most beautiful blue skies a person/gardener could ask for. 

This is one of my gardens - South Full Sun Garden....

Once this was mixed I began to work on this...

We've been meaning to get this done and finally we got around to it. My friend made the container out of scrap to be tossed out from work and we painted the post. I have no idea why this post is buried in my ground but I made something pretty out of it. The hat is hiding the blunt top till I get a small bird bath to fit the top. Geranium and dusty miller is nice together. Perhaps I need to add a few sprigs of purslane or moss rose to add more interest.

I was thrilled and you could hear me yell with happiness when I spotted this lisianthus in Home Depot and they were only $2 a piece. I've been wanting this but had given up. I ordered seeds but they got blown away before I even opened the seeds up. I've never seen it sold locally so I was excited. They are loaded with blooms and my only regret is that I didn't buy more. Oh I'll be going back there this week though - you can count on that.. perhaps not for this though..there are so many new plants to choose from.

I love mexican heather and don't know why I'm just now adding it to my gardens.

Pretty moss rose. They are such proficient bloomers.

South Full Sun Garden. Actually I have no areas in my yard that get more than 8 hours of sun and this one is bordering on 8 as it gets around 7-1/2 to 8. Soon it will have hollyhocks and echinacea and zinnia green envy blooming here. Last weekend I transplanted into this garden shasta daisy, more echinacea and salvia. In behind the garden you see there are three roses planted in each one of those what looks like empty spots. I have to say my composition was way off when I designed this so I've got a lot of work to do to get the shapes like I want them.

My view from my easy chair on Saturday.  Molly is picking up her ball in the background.

Molly is waiting on me to throw her golf ball. Buddy - he could care less...

NOW she is saying...

Please she says...

Pay attention to me... I'm gonna jump so you can see me....

 Can you see the muscles on this dog. She is a rat terrier and she sleeps with her ball and poops with the ball in her mouth and even barks with the ball in her mouth. Crazy ball lovin dog.

Hope you all have a nice day.

(Hope all the bad weather stays away from you...)

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Bloomin' Tuesday

It's Bloomin Tuesday ya'll. So glad to see Jean getting us going this year with some lovely blooms. Especially good since so many of us have been enjoying an early spring.

Couldn't ask for a prettier weekend. Blue skies - temps around 80 - light breeze - low humidity - it was just right. Hope you had a nice weekend too. I couldn't help but to get outside and enjoy the weather and my gardens.




I love these tiny little triple blooms on the daffodils. This is the last of the daffs to bloom.

Spirea - we call it bridal wreath.

My favorite azalea. This one blooms after all the others have lost their flowers. The shrub is loaded with buds.

Worked on this bed a little more. Looks like a half a dog bone. Maybe I should keep the shape and call it Buddy's garden. LOL

This lonely little geranium. More will be joining this baby soon.

Moss Rose. Love these hardy little plants.

We bought a tangerine tree. It is named Dandy Tangerine. It is loaded with little fruit already.

This is what the weekend and today looks like. Beautiful and pleasant. This is why I like living on the Gulf Coast of Alabama.

Hope you all have a fabulous day.

PS My mother will be in surgery in the morning. Please keep her in your prayers.
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