Well - I had a big ole scare last night. I got real dizzy and passed out cold at home - alone. Don't have any idea how long I lay there before I came to - but Buddy was right by my side. I managed to get to the phone to call 911. My blood pressure had bottomed out at 50/30. I was so out of it - confused and very scared. I spent the night at the hospital. They don't know at this point what caused it. I will be having a calcium score test tomorrow and then don't know what's next. I do not know anything about this test/procedure. I will be asking a lot of questions tomorrow at the cardioligist. I do take a small handful of meds including high blood pressure meds. My pressure has always been on the high side and at times on 2 different meds but currently only one. The doctor has suspended the blood pressure meds for now. I see my primary care doctors on Monday.
Let me say this about Mr Obama's health care plan proposal. I am one of the ones he is speaking of in his speech. I have no insurance. I have a few pre existing conditions that BCBS would exclude so why should I pay high premiums only to have my illnesses denied. I am not an Obama fan but he sure gave a good speech. Anyway I just wanted share that.
Keep me in your prayers as I go thru these tests hopefully to discover what caused this episode. It is bad to not know.
One more note - My grandson 11 yrs old has strep and swine flu combined. Keep him in your prayers too.