UGGGHHH Blogger has gone thru some changes this morning. I hate forced changes. I also hate learning new computer stuff.
My gardens are getting busy with bees, bugs, butterflys, weeds, and plants and flowers and me of course. And this is the best time of year in my book when there is so much green and new colors in the garden beds. I love driving up to my house and seeing the gardens as I come down the street.
All of these pics are from only one of my gardens. This is beside the driveway in front.
Dahlia Figaro seeds are doing well here in this bed. Do you think I'll have any blooms? I hope so as they are in a spot that there must be some color.
I believe this is echinacea. The echinacea I have in my yard not just this garden is coming up from seed. This one is from seed. It has a foxglove beside it and they are fighting for space. Hoping for some pretty blooms. There a couple of echinacea plants here.
Foxglove that is growing from seed. All of my foxglove is from seed except the one I bought yesterday. I sure am hoping that I get some blooms this year.
Help me out here. I think this is larkspur. Is it?
Yesterday I could'nt resist more snapdragons. I purchased every one they had. But check it out. When I went out to take these pics I realized I had left these uncovered.
I had already taken my bath but I got out and covered them up. It's OK I didn't mind getting my hands dirty again.
All covered up and snuggled into the soil.
I found some pretty dahlias yesterday 'Dahlia Dahlinova'. The sun was directly on them so the pic is kinda bright.
My first foxglove - 'Foxglove Camelot'. There was no selection of foxgloves yesterday and they are pricey too. Can you see the poppie plants? I am still hoping for a bloom since they are growing pretty good now.
I have enjoyed shopping at Home Depot garden center this year. They have had the best selections in plants and they are very healthy.
So this is what the garden looks like now. There is butterfly bush and milkweed and lots of dianthus, cannas and plenty of hollyhocks, echinacea and a few more I can't think of right now going to bloom in this garden. Keeping the green thumbs crossed.
Excuse the blury picture. Mosquitos were biting me and I jerked. The mosquitos and many other bugs are worse than usual this year due to the unusually warm winter. Sometimes its hard to be outside - constantly swatting.
I surprised mom with some flowers and dirt and planted her garden yesterday. She was tickled to death. She was napping when I got there and it was done when she woke up. I planted lantana, mexican heather, salvia, begonias, snapdragons and pentas. She has some seeds in here too and I didn't want to disturb too many of them. I may have to go back and fill in where the seeds don't make it this year.
At mom's.
I can't believe how big this fern is.