Showing posts with label tea set. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tea set. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Antique Tea Set

Check out this antique tea set Mom purchased for me from a yard sale. Can you believe it - a yard sale. She picked up 2 tea sets and this one is mine. The box is very old and is from China. Does anyone know anything about this tea set or the insignia on the bottom?

I love the silk lined box.
The insignia on the bottom is in Chinese.

There is so much detail.

Please help me out here if you know anything about this china.
We are expecting some possibly severe weather this afternoon and tonight. Possibly 4-6" of rain and flooding and wind with gale warnings. No tornadoes please Lord.
Hope everyone has a good day and stay warm. Looks like bad weather almost everywhere.

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