Showing posts with label snow. Show all posts
Showing posts with label snow. Show all posts

Monday, February 15, 2010

This and That

SNOW - in Mobile County namely in Citronelle. Citronelle is 30 some odd miles from City of Mobile where it measured 1/2". I received at least 5" plus and it was beautiful. I cannot remember when it snowed this much here. It began to snow around 5:15a on Fri and snowed till 3 in the afternoon.

It is still snowing in this photo.
Buddy is in the snow and he doesn't know what to think of this stuff. So he just sat down on it and looked at it swirling around his head.

See my foot prints.

While the snow swirled around his head be decided to catch some of the funny stuff falling from the sky.

Click to enlarge. Buddy is not on a leash and he is burying his head in the snow. He was so fun to watch. Like a kid romping and hopping through the snow. Since he wasn't he didn't come home for 40 minutes and I did not go after him - still snowing. I don't go after him anymore - that seems to encourage him to go farther because he can see me. When he can't see me anymore he'll hang closer.

I set the iron bird feeder in the middle of the yard and little birds flocked to it. They were so pretty in the snow and they were hungry too. See the one flying in from the top left.

On Saturday I was coming out the door going to Moms when my foot slipped on the ice on the second step - my feet into the air and I landed on my butt just below the tail bone and hit the back step with the middle of my back. Fortunately I didn't break anything. I'm just sore. The snow was melting and melting off the house onto the porch and formed a piece of black ice on one step. Lesson learned - hold onto something going down and watch for ice after a freeze.
Buddy played inside with his little friend - Molly. Molly is rat terrier and is on the other side of Buddy going at it.

Molly has pinned him down and was going for the choke hold when Buddy rared up to bite her. These two wrestle like WWE.

Of course me being the flower minded person that I am I couldn't stay out the dirt any longer. I began to have some withdrawals so I planted me some seeds. I planted Red Breadseed Poppies, Snapdragons, Lupines and Russell Strain Lupines from Hometown Seeds. The lettuce and broccoli is soon going in the ground to make room for more seeds. And I love that the seed sprouting containers are reusable.

Check out my Blue Hyacinth. This photo was this morning and the next photo was yesterday. (didn't load them right) It grew so much overnight.

I have been checking outdoors for new growth.
Here my hydrangea from Springhill Nursery appears to be coming along. This is going to be transferred to the new porch garden real soon. I spent 40 something on plants from Springhill Nursery last year and this is the only one living. Won't do that again.

The pear tree is budding but isn't so pretty yet. This is the peach tree - every tip has a bud. This is what it looked like yesterday. Sun shining and pretty skies. The snow is still melting today.
This is the blueberry bush with buds on every tip.

The bridal wreath is budding out nicely.

Since the snakes aren't active yet I stepped into my shed out back - just the first 8'. Don't laugh - I'm scared of anything moving in there while I'm standing there. I might have a heart attack while I'm screaming.
Anyway this is one thing I've been wanting to take out of there. Look what good shape it is in. There are 2 more out there but the seats are kinda eaten. Darn Critters.
Look at the back - isn't it neat. I don't know how old it may be - probably from the 60's. Got any idea?

Hope you all are having good weather. Happy Gardening and Planning.

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