Showing posts with label morning glory. Show all posts
Showing posts with label morning glory. Show all posts

Friday, September 10, 2010

Fertilizer Friday

It's Friday - A day to holler it's FRIDAY! It's the WEEKEND! Yay!!! But before we go today I'm joining the group over at Tootsie Time to share a few blooms. Head on over and check out the other participants today.

This was a welcome surprise. A big bunch of these things growing wild in the back of the property. Today was the first time I've noticed and boy were they in bloom today. All over growing in tall weeds. And blue to boot. I didn't have any blue morning glories so I was pleased to find this patch of them. Sorry about the blur - blues and fuschias are the hardest colors to photograph and focus.
I was lucky to have both of these plants this year because I didn't plant them and they are showing a nice mass of color in their wild conditions. I like this kind of gardening. Needs no attention and is beautiful.

Huge mass of four'oclocks that are in bloom all the time. I think all of the plants seem to have a mind of their own this year choosing to bloom whenever instead of their usual times - in the AM and the PM.

Short today but that is all I've got today.

Here's hoping we get some much needed rain this weekend. Sunday prediction is at 40%. It hasn't rained in at least 3 weeks and what is left of the gardens is really showing signs of their dry conditions. 

Hope you all have a great weekend.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Fertilizer Friday

It's time for Fertilizer Friday over at Tootsie's. Ya'll come on over and join in the fun and see who else has something to flaunt today.

Okra Hibuscus. I am loving this plant. Can't believe how long these plants have been blooming. More than a month.

Milkweed. Lots of butterfly activity but they are not cooperating for a pose.

Begonia and morning glory. This one is different and I did not plant it. The only time to catch it blooming is before 8:00a.

Zinnia and morning glory.

morning glory

This canna is still opeing up.

Storms coming. Today we are getting those storms we were promised by the weatherman. Bad lightning storms. Lights flickering and computers making funny noises. Internet going down all morning. Surprised I finished this post. It is calming down outside for now though.

I hope you all have a great weekend.
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