Showing posts with label Blue hyancinth. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blue hyancinth. Show all posts

Monday, January 23, 2012

This N That

It is hard to believe we are in the last week of January and we are so warm and not expecting any cool weather any time soon. I managed to get out and enjoy some of the weekend outdoors. This is where I spent a little time while I was monitoring a project Saturday. I don't think I've shared pictures of my shed out back. Actually it's pretty big. There have been a few interesting things to come out of here. It is a great big ole mess right now and it is taking some time to get it cleaned out. It is snakey and I'm not going in here by myself because I am a scardy cat.

This little pooch is Molly, my friends rat terrier I gave him.

(On this side of the shed I plan to put some camellia's and something else undecided.)

It's just a dirty old shop. Big enough to hold six cars comfortably.

This is John's idea. He is a metalsmith and designed the stepping stone frame to make stones. The flower is his idea and he created the flower frame also. This is a sample he had set up for me to see.

Actually they turned out too thick and the cement wasn't quite right. May have bought the wrong kind. This mixture had a lot of rocks in it. They are about 2 to2-1/2" thick. Way too thick to walk on. I'm thinking garden art here. 

Buddy enjoyed being outside even if he had to be on his chain. He likes to visit neighbors and wants to cross the main road near me so this is what he gets.

I spent my time with my gloves and a shovel. It was time to work on the garden I planned on putting down. First I had to dig out the grass. I do this because I HATE to contend with grass in my gardens. I can pull weeds but grass is hard to keep out when it gets around the flowers. Plus I also back fill with new Miracle Gro Garden Soil.
(The area on this side of the shed is where I plan to put some roses and some flowering vines.)

I got this much done. I'm going to make it bigger but this is the beginning. The digging and loading the sod is easy enough but hauling my load down the hill to drop in some low spots kills me. I'll get there though and it will be a pretty spot.

Anyone know what this is and if I can expect a flower. I have a couple of them and don't if it was in some seeds I spread in the fall.

Daffodils will be in bloom soon. Actually I think it is early as is everything else this year.

What to do with these containers? Plants? Help. I need ideas. They do not have a bottom so they can easily be used them in the garden. 

Anybody throwing out seeds yet in their gardens? I'm thinking about doing just that with this warm weather. I'm thinking it will be an early spring and long hot summer.
Gotta run.  Have a great week.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

A Bright Spot

Just a couple of blooms. A bright spot in an otherwise dreary garden.

I am still having problems commenting on some blogs. Don't know what is going on but many of us are having the same problem. Just know I have been by to visit you and sorry I could not leave a comment.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

A Few Blooms

Today I'm linking up to Fertilizer Friday over at Tootsie's and Cottage Flora Thursday's over at Fishtail Cottage. Ya'll go check out these parties and see who else some pretties to share. and

I love the fruit trees this time of year. They add so much interest and color to the yard as things begin to green up. This pear tree is putting on a nice show.

Love these daffodils. They look like sunny side up fried eggs. This one is a double bloom.

I never tire of looking at and smelling the beautiful hyancinth. I think the nemesia looks nice next to it.

Gotta love these daisy's too.

The color on the geranium is so hard to photograph. I love its dark colors though.

Dianthus is waking up from winter. These babies bloom all summer long and into the fall. They are always welcome in my gardens.

We had some rough weather yesterday. Several tornados touched down in the area causing damage. It is beautiful today though.

The days are getting longer and next week they will seem even longer when we change the clocks. We spring forward on Saturday night and lose an hour of sleep. That's the best hour too - you know it. I hate when the clocks change this time of year but I like the longer evenings so I guess I've gotta trade one for the other.

Hope you are having a great day.

Today I'm thankful for sunshine and my plants are too.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Happy Friday and the Winner Is...

I hope you don't mind but I chose two winners today. Actually they were drawn from a batch of numbers.

And the winners are Catherine at A Gardener in Progress and Pattie at Our Hollyhock Farm . Ya'll go check them out. Catherine has been a long time follower and grows the prettiest flowers. Right now she is re-doing her front yard and I can't wait to see how pretty it will be. Catherine also has a beautiful Koi pond and her lilies are stunning. Pattie has a relatively new blog. She loves her flowers and home decorating and has some beautiful animals too. Pattie also into yard sales and junking. Loads of fun and ideas. Ladies my email is on my sidebar and I need you to email me your address and if you prefer decaf or the real kicking stuff.

I just couldn't get a clear photo this morning. Guess my hands are shaky this morning. Just wanted to throw in a flower or two. I'm loving the blue on this hyancinth. This is the first bloom on the new blue ones I just bought. Beautiful next to the purple nemesia.

And next to the pink hyancinth.

I splurged on myself yesterday. I spent three hours at the beauty salon and had my second professional hair color. I've colored my hair since I was 14 and always did it myself. I'm thinking it may not be my last.


AFTER. (I hate my photos. I think I don't really look like that. I'm much better looking than that.) Here my face is pink from the waxing too. I hate that painful part. I was tearing so bad I lost all my makeup.

Too bad you can't see the sign. It says $3.45 per gallon. Last night it was $3.35 and I decided to wait to get fuel. Darnit I don't know what I'm gonna do when it cost me more to go and buy at the grocery stores and everywhere else I have to go. I heard this morning on the news how the cost of groceries have had the greatest increase in many years. The economists are saying that we should expect fuel to be $5 a gallon soon. How will we make it - I guess by letting some other things go.

I hope you are having a good day and have a wonderful weekend wherever you are.

Today I am thankful for the rain that is coming to water my seeds.

Thursday, March 3, 2011


I am linking up to the following parties -Cottage Flora Thursday's at and Fertilizer Friday .

The first blue bloom on the new Blue Hyancinth. I will be adding these to my gardens every year. I love that they keep their blooms for a long time too. Have to get that camera down on the ground to get a photo too. The scent is heavenly.

Take a walk with me and Buddy.

We set out here from home down our short street. 

Buddy has to go down into the ditch to check the scent of the neighbors cats. Back up the hill he scurry's because he wants to be in front of me and get there first. He loves this time of day after being shut up all day while I am away at work. It makes me feel good to see him so happy about his daily walks.

Here we have to stop to check for cars. Buddy wants to just run across but I am teaching him to stop here and it works sometime. 

I am so lucky to have this place right at my front door. I have shared this walk before but indulge me a bit here. This used to be the old train track when Citronelle had passenger and cargo trains roll through. There is a road to the right and left of the track and each side is independent and runs both ways.

I was so disappointed that my batteries were dead. I had to keep letting it charge for a few seconds and snap another photo. Oh well I took care of that this morning.

The beautiful trees go for about a half mile and are so pretty lining the streets. I intend to get some better photos of the rest of the walk.

So we turned around here to head back.

And this is the old train depot. It is now a museum. 

We usually encounter more people than this but this is our first walkers to see. I had to let them pass me since I walk with Buddy. I have to really keep him away from children riding their bikes. Don't want any kids falling off their bikes getting scared of a little dog.

Here we are. Making a turn here going home.

I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw this yesterday. Guess he didn't want to wait in the line to order and jumped up in front or whatever. Crazy people.

Beautiful skies yesterday.

Rain is in the forecast for tonight and tomorrow thru Saturday. Temps are seasonable around 70 and lows around 50. I am so hoping for some warmer weather for all of you up north. I know you have had a horrible winter and need to come out from all that snow.

The drawing will be tomorrow morning for anyone who still wants to enter.

Hope you all have a great day.

Today I'm thankful my swollen knees don't hinder me from walking Buddy.

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