I don't have much going on in the gardens right now. Most of the plants have bloomed out for a spell. The grounds are dry. We are in need of rain something terrible. I have been watering regularly so as not to lose the pretty babies. We have rain in the forecast tomorrow and saturday as the high pressure system moves away. We will have temps once again hugging 90 today. Next week a reprieve from the heat with highs more seasonable around 80. I hear its suppose to be around 95 in Tallahassee - Darla. Ya'll didn't really care about my weather but it's what we gardeners are so mindful of.
This new bloom on the Full Tide Iris is kinda wierd.
These little straglers came up from last year. I just noticed them all by there self. No other plants to bother them right now. I'm so ashamed of how my garden bed looks.
Haven't showed ya these dianthus in a while.
I really do not like mums this time of year but hey they're blooming.
I dashed in between the sprinkler and caught this one yesterday.
Look at those weeds. Last year I had all this space full. I don't know what happened this year. It really looks bad and needs my attention. I need to do something different with this front garden space. I'm not pleased right now so I'm thinking....
My newest piece of garden art. A mothers day gift. I'm always happy to recieve somthing for the gardens.
I'm joining Tracie at Fishtail Cottage for Cottage Flora Thursday and I'll link up to Tootsie at Tootsie Time for Fertilizer Friday. Ya'll go check them out and see who else who has a bloom to share today and tomorrow.
Hope you all have a great day and can get out and enjoy your gardens.
Prayers for the people who are being affected by the terrible Mississippi River floods.