Showing posts with label okra hibuscus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label okra hibuscus. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Tuesday Garden Party and Bloomin Tuesday

Good Tuesday morning blogging friends. It's rainy here and has been for a few weeks now. You won't here me complain though. And it'll be OK when I get wet in the rain - I discovered that I don't melt. Go figure.

I'm gonna hook up today to a couple of memes so check them out at the end of my post.

It is hard this time of year to get anything interesting for you to see. Our gardens here in the south are mostly mundane with the same ole same ole this time of year. We are well into our summers here. So these are new photos of the same ole stuff blooming. A few I haven't shown in a while. Take a stroll with me...

The dianthus in all of the flower beds are blooming again. I absolutely love plants that are re-bloomers. Notice those pesky weeds there. They have roots three times the size of the weed. When I pull them often the root of the flower comes up and I have to pack it back down.

White dianthus.
 Red Verbena. All of my plants are happy with the abundance of rain.

I love this shade of pink verbena. 
 White zinnias.

 Portulaca is a good performer and multiplies and roots easily too.

Orange zinnia.

Strawberry dianthus.

Okra hibuscus. So far I haven't been able to get any seeds. 
 Raingardeners snapdragon.

 Bill McKnight dahlia.


This is one canna that escaped the dig up in the spring. All were transplanted but this one. I like that it is one plant but if I leave it here there will probably be 5 next year. The spot where I placed the transplants needs some tending and they will be blooming pretty too.
One thing I like about the very wet grounds is that when I do go out to pull a few weeds they come up with just a little tug. I'm a rain lover anyway and it gives me a good excuse to lay around with a book or just be lazy. And I like lazy sometime.

Ya'll go check out these blogs for more blooms: An Oregon Cottage - Tuesday Garden Party.

And Jean at Ms Green Thumb Jean for Bloomin Tuesday.

PS: Check out my new blog. Beccas Cooking. I'm looking forward to sharing some awesome recipes with you.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

I Found a Couple of Blooms

Hooking up with Jean from MsGreen Thumb Jean for Bloomin Tuesday.
Can anyone identify this plant. It must have come from some seeds I spread but I have no idea. At first I thought Verbena but I don't think so. One of you out there will no it. It is tall and lanky and I only have 2 stalks. I bet it looks good planted in masses.

 Glad I found another Okra Hibiscus in bloom. I love their sunny look. Wish they lasted more than a day.

 Lots of zinnias blooming. These were on the same plant so it made a nice photo.

Glad to see another dahlia rearing its pretty head.

Bougainvillea are coming around for their third round of blooms. I'm loving this plant more and more.

I am so disappointed this year that this is all there is of my Johnsons Blue Geranium. Last year it was awesome and bloomed early in the season and continued into mid summer. This year there is barely a plant.

Check out my snapdragon here. The only foliage is on the tops of the plants and a couple of blooms. All I can figure is the dry conditions in Apr May and Jun contributed to their appearance.

 Here you can see better that the foliage is nearly gone. I watered the gardens but I don't think it was enough.

Love the sun against the clouds.

I am excitedly planning my next spring garden. Getting it all on paper. I love perusing the catalogs and dreaming of what I want it to look like.

What websites for plants and seeds do you prefer? I'm interested in checking out more sites. I use Bluestone Perennials and Park Seed.

We have had plenty of rain over the past couple of weeks.
Hope you all are having a great day.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Bloomin' Tuesday

Check out my butterfly I was able to capture.

For the life of me I can't get the dang cursor above the first photo. Every single photo is loaded in a different order than I loaded. I hate this new blogger. Let me say that again. I HATE THE NEW BLOGGER. There I don't actually feel any better but I have to go on.

It's time for Bloomin Tuesday over at Jean's. Ya'll head on over and check out the other bloggers who have some blooms to share today. Go to

Still a going. Some of my bloomers have taken on the slogan - keeps going and going and going just like the energizer bunny.

Cannas may be about to be done.

Jasmine is re-blooming. I still have to get a trellis for the jasmine.


Wild lantana.

Re-blooming Portulaca

Volunteer four o'clocks. I love the color. They have made it home around this tree and I like it.

That's all I have to share today. Hope you all have a great day.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Fertilizer Friday

It's time for Fertilizer Friday over at Tootsie's. Ya'll come on over and join in the fun and see who else has something to flaunt today.

Okra Hibuscus. I am loving this plant. Can't believe how long these plants have been blooming. More than a month.

Milkweed. Lots of butterfly activity but they are not cooperating for a pose.

Begonia and morning glory. This one is different and I did not plant it. The only time to catch it blooming is before 8:00a.

Zinnia and morning glory.

morning glory

This canna is still opeing up.

Storms coming. Today we are getting those storms we were promised by the weatherman. Bad lightning storms. Lights flickering and computers making funny noises. Internet going down all morning. Surprised I finished this post. It is calming down outside for now though.

I hope you all have a great weekend.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Bloomin' Tuesday

Good morning friends. Hope this finds you doing well today. It's Tuesday and time for Bloomin Tuesday over at Jean's. Ya'll come on over and check out what others have to share today.

My canna is putting on another show. This one is as tall as I am so my photo is taken above my head.
It's a beauty.

Camera fogging after the canna photo. Okra hibuscus has taken on all new buds and going for another round of blooms.

Pleasant surprise to find the gerbera blooming again. This is a darker orange than the photo shows.

Milkweed is blooming like crazy. I've seen quite a bit of butterfly activity but everytime I get the camera out away they go - darnit.

My first four o'clocks to bloom. This is from the Marvel of Peru Four O'Clocks. There are several other colors in this pot but no other bloomers yet. The flowers are very small as you can see and very dainty.

This one is a volunteer out back among some cut down shrub. This looks just like the yellow one - small and dainty. I love the color on this one. A very dark pink. The bush is loaded with buds and so far they appear to all be the same color. I captured this at 7:30 in the evening.

This is a very disappointing site. The pecans will be no good this year. Look at them. It's horrible. I suspect the extremes we've experienced this year in the weather have contributed to this. The pecans are falling from the trees already. The squirrels are eating them and they have plenty.

Well that's about it for today. It is HOT here and I suppose most of you are still having extreme heat too. I'll be glad to see cooler weather come next month (fingers crossed).

Hope you all have a great day. Happy gardening!
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