Ya'll I need to vent.
What a week it has been. I am so glad it is nearly over. Nothing like the car breaking down. Tuesday the car ran hot. Had it towed to a car repair place. No one was around but a very old man who had no grease on him. That scared me. Anyway he puts a new water pump on and tells me its OK. Well I got in and I knew it wasn't fixed. I drove off and instantly turned around and he then replaced the thermostat. I again drove off still knowing it wasn't fixed and pumped a small amount of gas since they run it nearly dry. Then drove right back as it was hot again. He bled the lines and sent me on my way again. I still knew it wasn't right I just didn't know what it was - well on Wed at the same time of day I go to lunch and run office errands and what do ya know I am broke down again in the Wally world parking lot with an overheated car. Now the man says he'll have to replace the head. Well I am no mechanic but that sounds extreme and very expensive. While waiting for the tow truck for the second day - I walk off to the service station at Wally world thirsty as heck in the heat and then realize I have locked my keys in the car. Wow - all I could do was cry - right there in the parking lot for all the world to see. The tow truck driver was so kind as to wait with me for the locksmith. I have the car towed home. The second towing in two days. Gotta get another car. It is old and is fixing to require a lot more repairs as some things are beginning to indicate.
To make matters even more worse, on Thur morning I woke to find little "Buddy" had rummaged through my purse during the night. He ate up my $40 phone charger (he ate the original one - thus the new 40. one) he chewed up the usb for my camera 2 pill bottles and ate the pills from one. Fortunately it was prevacid and did not make him sick. Later he threw up upc labels and rx label and plastic from the packaging and other paper. While on the subject he has chewed up all kinds of appliance cords and clothes and shoes. I cannot break him. He has plenty of chew stuff. He gets plenty and all kinds of good attention. He is costing me lots of money in all the stuff he has destroyed.
Anyway ya'll I have vented. Thanks for listening. I know things are going to be OK. I am an optimist and know that in all things there is Hope. In that I gain strength.
By the way I do have some pretties in my yard since we received a little rain recently. I'll share when I can find me a usb cord. Radio shack didn't have one.