Showing posts with label Ethan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ethan. Show all posts

Monday, June 7, 2010

Gulf Oil Spill Update

The oil spill is growing by the day. Even if the oil were to be stopped today it would still take 20 or more years to clean up the estuaries. This mess is affecting the entire nation if indirectly. There isn't enough being done to clean up the beaches and to keep the oil from coming ashore. There should be clean up crews working all of the beaches all day instead the crews spaced out here and there and aren't consistent. There are not enough workers cleaning. This past weekend some volunteers cleaned some areas of the beach where there were no crews and went to give the collected tar balls and oil to the official clean up people and they said 'It wasn't his job'. What! This is a reminder of Hurricane Katrina only this is worse. These higher ups at BP are more concerned with their image. This is so frustating to everyone on the coast.

This is an excerpt from WKRG.COM our local tv station. A third fly over was on Sunday and this is part of the report by Debbie Williams reporter for WKRG.

"At first we had to go out 10 or 12 miles before we could see anything," says Walter.We don't see the floating patches of oil close into the shoreline instead, we see a sheen or film covering the majority of the water. "75 percent of the Gulf of Mexico that I've been able to see along Alabama's coast has a thin film of oil and you can see it, it's a shiny film."Beaches in Orange Beach are clean. But further west we see our first clean up crews working at the state park from the beach pavilion to the first crossover.As we flew into Gulf Shores, seaweed was washing ashore and along with it tar balls and patches of oil as big as pizzas littered the beaches.There was evidence clean up crews had been here but left before the job was finished."The further you come the sadder it gets," says Bambi Grods a beach goer from Excel. "I grew up in Pensacola on the beach and it's so sad to see your white sands have all this on it."The waters have been closed to fishing. A swimming advisory has been issued by the state health department and yet swimmers are everywhere.As we fly by the Bon Secour Wildlife Refuge we see more clean up crews and lots more oil, but as we get closer to the point where tar balls had littered the area, the beaches are white again.Still the sheen is everywhere including Mobile Bay and the oil keeps gushing.

On another note the temps here are horrible and getting worse this week. We will have temps in the mid and upper 90's with heat index of 105-112 degrees. Wow. No gardening for me till this breaks. The twice weekly weeding will have to wait till the temps change.

My son will be having surgery to remove about 18" or more of his colon. Please keep him in your prayers. My DIL is here with my sweetheart Ethan. Ethan has Jarcho Levin Syndrome. What a wonderful gift God has given us in Ethan. He is certainly a walking miracle.
Read about Ethan here. The son didn't tell me till last night that they came in on Friday. If he weren't sick I'd spank him. (well not really - just fuss at him). I can't wait to spend time with them this week.

I went to a plant sale this weekend - a once a year sale - yea! I only purchased 7 plants but they will be beautiful when they have some blooms. I purchased Rose of Sharon, tropical hibuscus, Iris - Cloud Ballet (purple and white) and Jasmine. I am at a lose as to the other plants I purchased. Memory well it ain't what it used to be. I had a great weekend - spending time with an old flame. The flame is still there. We shall see where it goes.

Hope you all have a great day and don't get too hot.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Ethan and Jarcho Levin Syndrome

Jarcho Levin Syndrome is a condition that most people have never heard of. In fact there are very few doctors who have ever heard of or come in contact with it. It is so rare in fact that when Ethan was born he was counted as one in twenty in the world with this condition. Most who were born with this syndrome do not live to be very old. The condition presents complications in various systems in the body such as the respiratory system, the digestive system the bone and most prominent is the bone structure in the body cavity.

Ethan was born the third child to my son and the fifth grandchild to me. He is now 5-1/2 years old. He is such a precious and very loving child. I wouldn't take anything in this world for my time spent this weekend with this amazing child. He loves to play darts and has a real dart board that scores for him. He is amazingly good. I enjoyed playing darts with him and he won.

Before Ethan was born the doctors had already realized that he was going to be born with some health issues. It was thought at one point that he was a Down Syndrome baby but the doctors still were not sure about all of Ethans problems. Jarcho Levin Syndrome actually affects the same chromosome as in Down Syndrome. When Ethan was born the doctors immediately placed him in the neo-natal intensive care unit.

This was the beginning of Ethans fight. He was immediately placed on oxygen. After a few days Ethan was not keeping any formula down. The digestive system was affected and a feeding tube was placed. When x-rays were taken of his body cavity - it looked like a bowl of broken pretzels. The spine was zig-zag like an "s" shape and the ribs were all contorted and some nubs where a rib was suppose to be. The doctors didn't even have a diagnosis yet. All they seemed to be able to do was research and try to keep Ethan stable.

Ethan ended up spending most of his first year at the University of South Alabama Womens and Childrens hospital. This is a special needs hospital for children and women. By the time Ethan was a year old they had a diagnosis and he had already experienced 6 operations. My son - Jimmy had done a lot of research on his condition and learned what to tell the nurses and doctors to do for him until he finally saw a doctor who had specialized in this particular syndrome. Jimmy found the only doctor in the world who specialized in Ethans condition and that was in San Antonio Texas. By the time Ethan was two they had moved to San Antonio.

The prognosis was that Ethan would undergo rib surgeries where they would insert titanium in his spine and attach to the ribs. This has to be done in order for him to be able to allow his lungs and other organs to grow. He had his first of these operations in October of last year. He grew 3 inches on the operating table. Staph set in and everything had to be removed a week later. He lost the growth and is now waiting on some weight gain in order to proceed with more rib implants. Ethan is still on tube feeding and is amazingly well adjusted to his special needs. What I don't understand is how can he gain extra weight when he doesn't eat. You can't just fill him up on the liquids/solid that he receives through the tube feeding.

I want to share some photos from my weekend with Ethan.

He is a ham for the camera. The hair - well they like it - so I say it's like Samson - maybe he gets his strength from his hair. He has been through more already than most of us will experience in a lifetime. Actually he had had shunts place in his head and screams worse about getting his haircut than seeing the doctors. His scalp is extremely sensitive.

Saturday the 4th was extremely hot. In Marrero Louisiana where they recently moved - the air was stagnate with 100 degree readings. Not a leaf was blowing. Ethan wanted to take a dip. He still wears a diaper. The potting training has not been picked up again since the last surgery. Everytime he has surgery it sets him back on speech and the potting training and they don't press the issue either. There are too many other more important things to consider.

If you enlarge the any of the photos you will be able to see the bones protruding. Here you can see the right breast bone and on the left side was his last surgery. Ethan is about the size of a small 4 year old. The hips are at an angle - this was corrected in the last surgery but was undone due to the infection.

Max - the new black lab likes the water too. Ethan screamed just as I snapped this - he is scared to death of a dog jumping on him. By the way I took Buddy with me and he was the perfect dog to Ethan. Never jumped up on him and layed so still for Ethan to pet him. Progress there.

This is the side where you can see the large scars on his back down the side and also right at the hip.
Please excuse us - you know little ones sometime swim naked when no-one can see them - and there was complete privacy.

Me and Jimmy.

Jimmy and Becky. Yep he married a girl with the same name as mom.

I am a proud mom and grandmother.
Happy Monday to all my fellow bloggers and hope all had a nice holiday.
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