Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Summer Happenings

We love this baby face. He is 7 months old. Getting chubby weighing in around 18 lbs. He eats, sleeps, giggles, smiles, rolls over, sits up by himself, and just melts all of our hearts. We love you our little blue eyed angel baby!
Seriously....he's the cutest thing ever!

Summer = cousins and fun!

We couldn't be happier with our investment for the summer months! LOVE IT! I'm not sure we will be loving our water bill, but man alive it entertains the kids for HOURS!

Oh, Benny. I love you. I love you because your adorable one second and the grumpiest two year old the next second. You always manage to use manners, which melts my heart, even if your mad as heck you still say please when your screaming or crying. I love that face. I love your smile. You ask the cutest questions like..."Mom, What's your name?" I'm at the phase with you I've started telling you not to grow up....somehow Caleb has grown up, he's five now. He didn't listen to me. I have to be honest 2 year olds drive me absolutely batty...I can't decide if I want to join in the tears with you or pull my hair out. But at the end of the day I want to freeze this phase because there is nothing cuter than you!

Mr. Caleb. Oh, your growing up. You are the light and spunk of our family. You truly add a pazazz that only exists when your around. Your sensitive and tender hearted. You calm down with a hug, and you can be as angry as all get out if you want to. But with in seconds your a puddle of tears and so sweet and sincere with your apologies it gives me hope you are understanding life. During family scripture study the other night we were reading about the Anti-Nephi-Lehies and we discussed what are our "weapons of rebellion" keeping us becoming closer to God. WITH OUT any provoking each of my children listed something they wanted to "bury" and try to become better. It was a tender sweet moment. Caleb said, "my Angry Mouth" ...I realized he's getting it. It was a sweet moment. Alayna chose to "be more grateful" and say "Yes, Mother" It's been amazing. She has been so freely saying thank you, I even cried once I was so shocked by her gratitude. 

Jake decided all on his own to bury his "non-listening ears!" Amazing yet again, how our kids grasp the simple principles of the gospel and just want to be better. To be more like our Saviour. I love having these kids. They teach me so much about being teachable, humble and willing to realign myself with my Heavenly Father and Savior. 

These kids are amazing. I love them all. I'm one overwhelmed mom of 5. It's a busy household. Hence the reason my blog goes months without any activity. But we are happy and enjoying this crazy life. Oh, and the one accomplishment for me is I ran my half marathon on Saturday. It was awesome...First because I ran it with so many dear friends, and my sister Shandra, and it was her FIRST one ever. She rocked!!!! and Second, I even beat my post-pregnancy running goal by 6 minutes. Whoop Whoop! Anyways, it's all good over here we have so much to be grateful for. 

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