Saturday, May 10, 2008

Taking Elder Ballards advice...

"...give your wife a “day away” now and then. Just take over the household and give your wife a break from her daily responsibilities. Taking over for a while will greatly enhance your appreciation of what your wife does. You may do a lot of lifting, twisting, and bending!" ~ Elder M. Russell Ballard

Now, with that being said, my sisters and I were especially lucky to make this happen. With my parents interest in making a "dream" vacation for us all and with our husbands at home taking over household and children responsibilities we were off!

We flew out on May 2nd...(Yes, that was the very next day after my husband graduated from college...I know, it really doesn't seem do you see why I bought him his dream television? I had to bribe him a little bit!) We flew into Seattle, Washington. We toured around the city and enjoyed learning and experiencing so many things. We then took a ferry at night over to another island, to Discovery Bay. Which is where we called home for SEVEN blissful nights! I was shocked at how GREEN Washington was. I loved looking out our window at all the tree's, water, and a bald eagle. It was truly amazing. We experienced so many things it’s hard to highlight all of them, so I'll let the pictures do the explaining.

We celebrated my sister Angela's 30th birthday while visiting in Victoria, Canada. We went to the Buchart Gardens. This place was truly heaven on earth. It was the most beautiful combination of deep green forest trees and laced with every possible flower. It was breathtaking. I truly took over 400 pictures just in a three hour time frame! I'm serious. I really have a problem. It was impossible to not take pictures, it was that amazing. I'll make sure to share the top two or so!

Over all, it was an absolute delight to be with my three sisters and my parents. A few funny things we experienced was that all the four girls reverted back to childhood. We all assumed our previous roles as children. It was amazing how I instantly felt like I couldn't start cooking lunch or dinner without my mom’s approval. She was the one to slave in the kitchen, to cook, do dishes, etc. Somehow all my maturity was out the window! Suddenly, there was the invisible but very apparent line between the “bigs” and the “littles” that meant that Ange and Shan were the “bigs” and Krista and I were the “littles”. Either way, we had a great time. I think my mom explained it perfectly, “There was laughter, tears, laughter, tears and more laughter…it was just like a girl’s sleepover!” We had a fantastic time. Thanks to all who helped me out especially. Not just Jared, but those fantastic friends who helped watched my little monkeys. (Of coarse, Jared’s job needed him to start the one week I was gone…sorry, it had been planned for 6 months!)

Here are several pictures in no particular order...

Here I am visiting with Matt and Lisa (Suker) Belanger. This is Jared's sister, my sister & bro-in-law. They live currently in Nanaimo, Canada. They drove 1 1/2 hours to meet up with my fam in Victoria. They gave us a great tour around the city. Here we are posing with the Parliment building in the background.
I had to have Lisa pose with me with something proving I was in Canada with her. I hope the flag proves enough!
Here we are still in Victoria at Tolmie mountain. It had this amazing 360 view all around the island. You could see water all the way around. It was spectacular.

Krista and I posing as Mrs. Rocky...we finished our morning run at the Parliament Building in Victoria, Canada. It was a beautiful morning. We were able to run from our condo all the way around the harbor. It was fun...if only I could keep up with her!
The Buchart Gardens, Victoria, Canada. These quickly became my favorite flower...the Camellia. I think that's right?
Yeah, here it is close up. I'm a lover for the pink flower. That turned out being a great picture!
The four girlies posing at the gardens. We had to get creative with all our pictures. After taking 400 picts within three hours we had to be a little silly! I think Krista and I were the only ones okay with this pose! ha
Lisa & Matt took us to a great harbor restaurant that had great fish and chips. We got one order and split it between the 8 of us. It was a great appetizer before dinner.
Victoria, Canada. We visited a real castle. Craigdarroch Castle, was completed in 1889. We arrived a few hours late...(everything closes at 4pm in Canada), but it was neat to just look inside. Yes, we all pretended it was haunted. Somehow we tricked a few of us that there were floating heads, and strange voices. Good old dad trying to give his little girls a scare!

Port Townsend, Washington. This was the only day we needed our rain jackets! We lucked out with such amazing weather. Were posing under the "Uptown Girls" picture.
Discovery Bay, Washington. Ah...a family photo. The backdrop was literally a DROP off. We didn't realize that we truly were standing on the edge of a cliff! It made for a beautiful view.
Discovery Bay, Washington. This was a 5:00AM sunrise...thanks Ange for rolling out of bed to take the picture. It was beautiful.
Here we are taking a ferry out of Port Angeles, Washington to Victoria, Canada. Yes, you heard me sister and I have read the books about Vampires. I'm not the obsessed one...she is. I read it to balance out all you over obsessed readers! Either way, it seemed fitting to try and attempt to finish the third book. I still haven't yet. But it was fun to take a "Twilight" unofficial tour. Yes, we visited Port Angeles, Forks and La Push. La Push was the ONLY thing that deserved any visit! It was amazing.
Buchart Gardens. My dad and I posing showing our pride to the University of Utah, for my hubs.

Krista and I being the "little's" (the two young daughters!). We tried a local recommendation of fish and chips in Seattle, Washington. It was good.
Yes, another amazing picture of my FAVORITE flower!
This picture I promise was not prompted. I secretly took a picture of my parents at dinner the first night in Seattle. Krista and I wiped them out. The four of us flew in about 10 hours earlier than my other two sisters. So we filled the day with MANY activities in Seattle. Shortly before this dinner, we hiked about 3 miles or so. UP and DOWN hills. It was well worth the hike, but flip flops weren't the best shoes of choice. Great job, Mom and Dad!
Port Townsend, Washington. Angela and I, joking and quoting the famous comedian, Brian Reagan. "YOU...ME" Ange's jacket was the $50 rain jacket and mine was the $14.99 Wal-Mart special!
Here was my picture for my hubs. PT is the nickname for Physical Therapy. Here it stands for Port Townsend, WA. I thought it was appropriate to pose under the sign. I ended up buying him a sticker from the city.

For those of you who actually made it through all of those pictures, nice job. Now, feel pity for my husband who has to endure 1, 600 pictures from this one vacation alone! ha ha ha