Friday, August 20, 2010

Yes, we are alive!

Is summer at your house this crazy as ours? Seriously, where does the time go? Oh, let's see, playing outside, getting wet, swimming, eating picnic lunches, playing with cousins, mini-vacations to Cherry Hill, etc. Anyways, we are alive and we are living it up this summer.

This night the picture taken was a funny evening. We had Aunt Krista over and cousin Kennady over for dinner. We were doing our family questions around the table and it went like this.

Me: "When is it okay to watch bad movies?" (*The original question read, "At what age should chilren watch PG-13 movies?" Since my kids have no concept of movie ratings I changed it a bit.
Alayna: She was staring at me a little confused. She then replies, "When I'm a teenager because I will know what is right and wrong." (I laughed because I think of any age, this is when kids forget their morals!)
Jake: He was rambling off on his third question in a row having to do with Lightening McQueen or Buzz Lightyear. He began talking about the "mean or bad" part in Cars when Chick runs McQueen off the track. Once he was finishing answering, he looks at Kennady and asks in the sweetest voice and his head tilted...
"Kennady, what's your favorite BAD movie to watch?" he contined to ask her this question over and over again!

Krista and I look at each other and just start laughing. Apparently, the question was a little too deep for them. Either way, Jake gave us a good laugh all night long. When he went outside he decided that the bucket would become his helmet for his "super fast race car hot wheels bike!" Oh, and that would be little screamer or crazy man...aka Caleb! WOW, this kid has personality!!! (Yes, he loves my bathroom and yes, he is carrying my deodorant around!)
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