Wednesday, June 11, 2008

A year supply...One week at a time!

This is a shout out to getting our year supply of food! Just to update you all...we did it! It was official about one week ago! I have been waiting on two items. Salt and Oil! After a shopping trip to Wal-Mart it was official. It truly feels great to have it all. It has been a slow process. A few times a year I would go crazy and buy $300 at a time, but overall it was just an extra $10-$20 here and there. I must give ALL my success and passion for food storage to my sister. She has a special TALENT that is amazing! With her constant help, she has taught me several tricks of the trade and has helped me all along the way. But most importantly, I wanted to share with everyone a really great resource that has truly made my year supply happen! A few of you are aware that my sister Shandra has a HUGE passion for food storage. (HUGE is an understatement!) She has this amazing talent to know what GREAT prices are.

So about a year ago she gave an enrichment night in our ward on meal planning and food storage. From that she started emailing the ladies in our ward the good deals on groceries. Well anyways, that lasted as a free thing for about a year…until she was emailing over 1,000 people! She has become an entrepreneur. Way to go Shan! Now, living with her has its benefits. She has helped me EVERY step of the way to get my year supply.
I’m posting this so you can share this AMAZING resource with all your family and friends. She explains everything on her website about what she does.. and so if you are interested, please take a look! Check out her BLOG too… If you read under 'About Us', it will help you understand exactly what she does. All I know is that this has saved me so much time, hundreds of dollars and has helped me know what I needed and when to buy it at the lowest possible price. (Yes, even LOWER than Costco!) So, if you have a minute--check it out! And if you have any questions, feel free to ask or just email her at The following are a few pictures from my food storage room to help you get excited and inspired!!! For those of you who know Shandra she is amazing and talented. Thank you for helping me follow the prophets counsel and be prepared!

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Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Sweet little guy.

Oh...what a cute little guy. I'll have you know this was NOT prompted. I happened to walk into the kitchen at breakfast time, and Jared had just asked Alayna to say the prayer for breakfast. So I folded my arms and then I opened one of my eyes to see if Jake would too. He did. It was so sweet. After the prayer was over I hurried and grabbed my camera that was on the table to snap a photo. He was looking up at Jared. Our little Jake is such a sweet little guy! If you are noticing his very noticeable scrap on his nose your not just seeing things. Yes, he fell down and scraped his nose on my parents brick fireplace on Sunday. Sorry little buddy!
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Monday, June 9, 2008

A day with friends!

The other day we decided to invite several neighbor kids to come and play. Since we live in a circle and it is perfect to have the kids ride bikes and play. It was much fun for all the kids. They especially LOVED the fact that it was hot enough for a Popsicle! I just had to take a picture of the kids waiting patiently to jump on the tramp. They each would take a turn jumping and then get at the back of the line. The best part about that was, I didn't even tell them one on the trampoline. What great kids they are! We love summer days!
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