Thursday, May 31, 2012

The Lonestar State - Part 1

We were off! The kids loved their first "real" flight. They were SO excited. All the people around us were thoroughly enjoying their raw excitement. They couldn't contain it. Caleb was shouting (literally shouting!) "When are we going to BLAST off???" Alayna said, "This is just like an airplane ride at Disneyland, except it's actually real and not a ride!" Jake, was just content and totally thrilled. Ben did great, he didn't seem to mind at all.

Waiting to blast off!

Caleb realizing that he can kick the seat in front of him...yeah, pretty much the grandpa in front of us totally loved Caleb. (just kidding) Don't worry we threatened him with his life!

This was my favorite part of the flight. Jake was listening to the stewardess and was looking at the emergency guide and said with tons of questioning and excitement in his voice, "Mom...Is THIS how WE get down from the airplane????" I just cracked up laughing and smiling....he saw the BIG yellow slide and thought how FUN! I then explained how fun that would be but that would be because only in case of an emergency. Then I realized he hadn't even thought that anything scary could happen. So I quickly changed the subject and he was back to thinking about the excitement of the airplane!

Here is Jake spending his two hours on the plane. He built a plane and tower. Mr. Mellow Jake was so great to play and entertain himself while Caleb and Alayna watched Toy Story. That is something else I adore about him, he is completely temperate. Good little boy.

Landing in Dallas Texas.

Being welcomed with excitement from Uncle Brian, Aunt Ashley and Baby Mikey....AND Eating delicious BBQ at Hard Eight. YUM.

The next morning brought a little running for the adults, then a stop at a donut shop for the kids! They were in HEAVEN.

This is the ONLY "mountain" in Texas...It's a hill up to a really neat plantation house.

Jared found this local hamburger joint. Ok folks, if you know me well you know there has yet to be a hamburger I even like. Yeah, pretty much this was DELICIOUS! I'm serious, from the homemade bun, toasted with butter, cheesy cheesy cheesy, YUM. Seriously, I think we might have to go again. But this joint opens at 11am and closes whenever they want to end or run out of food. It's in the middle of this backwoods neighborhood. This picture doesn't even do justice for how random and back woods this was. Just trust me. Hilarious. But oh so good. Diners Drive-ins and Dives NEEDS to document this place....yum.

Lake Ray Hubbard. We went to the harbor and walked around.

After a little walk, a hamburger we were off for more totally healthy food. Brian loves these cheese fries. As for me, so far the hamburger was the only thing I enjoyed. Jared was laughing because I don't care for donuts, hamburgers or fries...all three things were being eaten in one day...I passed on the donut, ate the hamburger, and passed on the fries. But besides me they were a HUGE success. Pretty much I decided I would have LOVED them to be cheese nachos instead....Until, the next place.

Wishing at the fountains in Rockwall, TX.

Enjoying the view.

The kids can only stay away from water for a short time! They were in heaven...and getting soaking wet yet again.

It was time to let the kids actually go swim in their swimming suits instead of their clothes for the second day in a row!

This cute little store we found on the way out. Jake thought it was perfect.

Swimming....Yeah for the cutest pictures of adorable little kids swimming up a storm. Oh, speaking of storm. Last night we went to bed at about midnight and we woke up about an hour or two later to the WILDEST THUNDER and LIGHTENING storm ever!!!! It was INSANE. I seriously multiple times grabbed Jared and screamed. It was unreal. I was SHOCKED that the kids slept through it. With the wind, lights and SUPER loud thunder it was crazy!!! We are hoping that a storm hits around 10pm one of these nights so we can enjoy it when we are awake. Either way it was crazy and we loved every second of it!

After a LONG day, these kids fell asleep while on the floor while we were finishing dinner. I think that they are living it up on vacation??? What do you think??? We are having a great time!
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Swimming in the Texas Sunshine

Chubby baby loving the swimming pool.

Seriously can you be anymore comfortable? He was in heaven.

Chubby tank...Seriously, he's hilarious. So chill and he looks like he's quoting Brian Regan saying "Bring me the head of a pig!" Chubba Chubba

Jake LOVES to jump into the pool.

Benny enjoying the pool.

Cute little kiddy pool.

The water slide. It was a riot.
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Tuesday, May 29, 2012

More Birthday...

It's the birthday boy...After the pinata was broken it made a perfect little hat for him.

He's loving his party.

The complete posterity of Grandma Lou and Papi. All 16...unbelievable. Each of these children are amazing, talented and precious. We love them all!

Silly kids.

The Happy Birthday Caleb "SOCK" cake.

You might be asking why SOCKS...well what better way to document the fact that he still sucks his thumb with socks. Strange, I know. But it's true.

I told him to hold up his three fingers...he couldn't figure it out. But it was an adorable picture.

Finally he got it, he's three!
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More Life Here...

Sweet baby Oakley

Happy Birthday to Caleb...Happy 3rd Birthday to Caleb...What better way to celebrate a 3 year olds birthday than at McDonald's! Seriously, it was great.

Oh, the love for chicken nuggets...

While I was off running a whopping 8 miles...(Ah.the joys of long runs scheduled on Saturday mornings. I personally love them and highly look forward to them..Fun.) Jared celebrated the morning with the kids and made Caleb's favorite breakfast, "Squirt Pancakes!"

Happy Birthday kid!

He of course couldn't give me a smile! To hyped up on sugar!

We were lucky to have Jared's family come and celebrate with us. We had our famous grilled pizza and it was a huge success.

We LOVE these great-grandparents. They are so good to us and to our children. We love you!

Memorial Day. Herriman City Cemetery Tribute

So precious.

Love it.

Then we went to Grandpa Perry's burial plot at Camp Williams. So wonderful to be together, talking with my grandma and enjoying this day with family.

I simply love all the American flags.

A few great-grand kids visiting grandpa. It really was so cute.

His headstone reads something special on it. Strange to some, but totally meaningful to us. The "SPAM" of our lives. It's a long story but at the funeral he was mentioned to be the "SPAM" of our being an acronym SUPER AMAZING POSITIVE MAN. He never complained. He worked harder and longer than any person I have ever met. He truly has influenced my life for good. We love you Grandpa!

Benjamin loving the grass.

Off to Jared's mothers grave site. It was beautiful.  We were so happy to visit there with the children.

It was fun to have Jared talk and discuss many childhood stories and memories. It's really special to know that he children know they have a grandma in heaven looking over us.

I just found them like this. It was ADORABLE.

Then like this. Honestly, precious. They really are so sweet. It brings tears to my eyes, to know that these children are loved beyond here on earth. It really is precious to know that our relationships go beyond the grave and do and will continue forever because of our temple covenants. For this I am truly grateful. Jacqui served her whole life and is continuing to serve and bringing our Heavenly Fathers children to Him. I am thankful for the legacy she has left for us to share with our children. We honestly miss her more than words can describe. It's impossible to look at these sweet children and not believe that their spirits remember something from heaven. Happy Memorial Day!
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