Showing posts with label Andrew. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Andrew. Show all posts

Monday, December 2, 2013

The past two weeks

Happy Thanksgiving one and all. Well, this year was extra special because we "hosted" Thanksgiving in our new home. Crazy, I know because I just had the little baby one week ago. BUT it worked out beautifully. Honestly it couldn't have gone any smoother. We moved the furniture around, opened up the family room, put up some tables, and viola! It was ready. My assignments this year was to do all the table settings. The kids (Alayna & Jake) helped all month of November getting things ready, easy stuff to be done BEFORE the baby arrived. They helped purchase the plates, napkins, name cards, etc. We made some cornucopias out of sugar cones and runts candy. We also had them make grateful turkeys from their hands. The other darling thing was a grateful book the kids made for all the cousins to fill out and color. It honestly was adorable. Which, made for a easy Thanksgiving. Because my kitchen stayed clean and everyone else brought the food to us. It was heavenly!

The Peck family was in attendance. We loved having them here this year with us!

Some darling girl cousins

Caleb asked for a picture of himself...This outfit is award winning. Not to mention his pose and smile! This outfit was something my mother sewed for her supposed baby "boy" that never came to her family. So one day my mom found it in her treasures and gave it to Caleb. He ALWAYS wears it!

The Howell family was also there.

Madsens were also there.

The fam around the table.

It was such beautiful weather that games were played all afternoon outside. The kids were in HEAVEN.

There really is nothing more fun that human rock paper scissors game.

Our newest family photo of all SEVEN of us! Crazy.

Oh, the happy parents.

The night before Thanksgiving is the annual Light Turning on Ceremony at the Madsens home. It was fantastic. Baby Andrew and I escaped from the house and attended the party. It was great to eat some awesome food and watch the annual family favorite movie, Family Man. (on clearplay of course)

Well done again!

Some baby photos...It's so hard to capture this kid on camera. I swear every picture looks like a different baby.

I must be honest I sure love a mad baby picture...Not so happy it was going to be bath time! Oh, sad little baby! Baby Andrew is 11 days old and we couldn't be more happy with him. Today all the kids went back to their regular school days. YEAH. Which means we have a routine again. Hip Hip Hooray! It was heavenly. Not to mention this little baby has been so awesome at sleeping at night. I'm afraid to even type out how great he's been because I'm sure tonight will be terrible!!! But either way, he's been a dream baby to add to our family. Now, if I could only kick these ridiculous head aches I keep getting each night. I don't remember having them? Am I alone out there moms? Can anyone relate? I'm trying to take meds but NOTHING seems to take the edge off...anyone? Either way, I'm so thankful this healthy little boy has arrived. I'm grateful multiple times a day I can bend over! Yeah!!!
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Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Baby Andrew

Andrew. You are adorable. He got a bath this morning and his hair was super soft and fluffy. It was so cute. He is such a good little guy. I can't get enough of him. My inlaws have been so awesome to keep the kids for two days. I've been able to relax, sleep and just hold this sweet baby. I couldn't be happier to have him in our home. What an angel baby. Don't get me wrong, from 11pm-2am I wish he'd not desire to have me hold him and snuggle him. But really, I know this changes and so for the next few days I'll just keep loving him and understanding that time passes, the sleepless nights don't last forever, and newborns grow and get chubby. So until then I'll enjoy the rest of my quiet house and just snuggle him. He's as cute as they come.
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Sunday, November 24, 2013

My newest love...

Let me introduce you to our darling little addition to our family...
Baby Andrew

He was 6 lbs. 11 oz. 20 inches and born at 3:42pm

He has long feet and long toes...

We are all in love.

I couldn't be more in love with this little guy. I just keep saying, "I'm so happy he is finally here!" I just love him.

He's got this awesome set of spikey hair!

Caleb was finally thrilled to be reunited with our family and to meet his new baby brother.

Many cousins came over to meet the new baby too!
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