Monday, September 21, 2009

1st Day of Preschool...

Thanks to my cousin Kari who gave me this cute idea to take pictures of the first day with a cute sign. Kari I don't have your darling writing but Alayna and I did our best!

Anyways, here she is showing off her first day of school. She is VERY proud of her hair and how long it is becoming. So she is loving showing off her "long flowing hair" with her cute head bands. She has specifically told me that she will not allow me to cut it until she's in Kindergarten. We shall see!

Okay, so this was the official first day with out mom. The first day I was able to go with her to see the classroom, paper work, meet the teachers, etc. So this day was our first drop off. It was hilarious. I am not a very sentimental mom. Sad but true, I delight in Alayna's excitement and I know she WON'T miss me so there is no need to shed tears. So on this day I she was SUPER excited and couldn't help but do everything I asked for her so she could arrive on time and be with her teacher and friends.

So this is how it happened. I pulled up to just let her run on in. I saw another mom with a camera. I thought, "Oh, I will take a picture of her going in..." I get out and let Alayna out of the car. She was standing observing all the other kids with their mom. I video taped her a little asking her where she was going, etc. Then I gave her a quick hug and off she went. At what point she was watching another little girl who was "weepy" saying, "Goodbye Mommy, I will miss you..." Alayna glanced up at me and said kind of awkwardly, like that's what the kid is supposed to do..."Mom, goodbye?" It was so FUNNY, I could just read her. She was thinking she had to say she would miss me but she new she wouldn't. So I told her, "Have a great time!" And off she went practically skipping with joy. I continued to follow her wanting to take a quick picture and she immediately stopped in her tracks and turned around looking at me, "Mom, you don't come with me today that was just yesterday. Today is just for kids NOT moms!" At that point I got the hint. She was ready to go with out her mommy! I did continue to follow her in after I clearly explained that I was going to leave her alone. Either way she had a great time and was just beaming all day long.

This smile explains it all. She is smiling for me because I asked her too, but her eyes are looking elsewhere just soaking in all her new fun friends and teacher! She has now attended for a few days and every day I hear, "Mom is today a school day?" She's in heaven.

1st Field Trip--Wheeler Farm

Here is a Wheeler Farm. We also took tons of pictures with bunnies, cows, pigs, etc.
This was Alayna's first preschool field trip. She was very happy to go with Jacob. Surprisingly enough the little gal was excited to have me there too! :)

Mr. Pig was the best part of the day for Alayna. I can't reveal why, but she thought it was pretty funny to see a pig roll around in the water and snort. When the teacher said we get "bacon" from pigs he let out a HUGE snort. So funny!

Here is our tough kid...he was stung by a bee. Yeah, so thanks to Danielle our fellow friend who is a nurse she told me about mud. So we did our best to put mud on his face. Jake was too busy itching it and swatting at his face that it didn't stay. He was so tough he just kept saying, "I okay...I okay."

Here are a few of the six girls Alayna knows in her preschool class. They were very busy feeding the geese. It was a VERY HOT fun filled day. The kids gathered in the barn and sang, Old McDonald had a Farm. As usual what is cute than preschool kids? I just love that Alayna is having so much fun.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Happy Be-lated Birthday to my Mom!

Thanks for the FUN lunch at our favorite place to eat...Red Robin. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM!! It doesn't get any better than FREE food on your birthday. I love that they give you a free hamburger/meal on your birthday. It's fabulous.
I love this picture one because our kids are so stinking cute and the other reason is we just told my mom she's surrounded by all her BOY grandsons and one little girl. My mom prefers "girls" and look what she is getting...BOYS BOYS BOYS! This is showing only six of the seven boys and soon to be eight with little baby BOY Peck due here in a few months! We finished the night of with a berry dessert and a horse movie. That is my mom's dream day come true...there's nothing better to her than her family, berries and horses! Happy Birthday we love you!
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