Thursday, January 3, 2013

Christmas Adam

Jake using the empty wrapping paper tubes for skiing. It think he's ready to hit the slopes soon!

Alayna's turn. (Notice our Buddy the Elf who toilet papered the tree)

Pretty Alayna. The Sunday before Christmas she asked me to take her picture again because she FINALLY let me do her hair up in something cute. This is a RARE activity...Normally she's a grab a head band and go...but today she wanted to look extra special. 

Fast forward to Christmas Adam (It's the day before Christmas Eve...Hence Adam came before Eve) - The kids were able to exchange their presents with each other. This is Alayna's big present from Jake. 

He thought of it on his own. Helped remind me and encourage me to go shop for the items. He helped MAKE it with me. Then he wrapped it and was MORE than excited to give it to her. It was adorable. The video of him watching her open it is priceless. He gave her Ballet Ribbon Wands....they LOVE them. They all dance around using them. 

I gave them cute new pjs...Mr. Santa

Mr. Santa (wearing Calebs tiny pjs)

Cute brothers.

Alayna reading the boys the new Christmas book they were able to open. It's the new book from President Monson.

Cute kids.

This was on Christmas Eve...the kids spending time being so excited that Santa was actually coming tonight! Silly Jake! 

Alayna helping him have even MORE things on his head.

Enjoying family time and relaxing our full bellies from the yummiest dinner of the year!

Shan and Todd

Ange and Grady and baby Oakley

My favorite Caleb.

Pretty Alayna (Two days in a row she let me do her hair!)


Jake, he was ALL smiles and ready for the night to end.

Kierra and Conner
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Christmas Eve

Merry Christmas Eve...It was a sweet evening. Dinner, Family, Traditions, Service. I love every second of this day and night. I didn't take enough photos of all the events, but just trust me it's wonderful. 

Jared was being a stinker and wouldn't get a decent picture with me!

Tradition...Grandma Lou playing Christmas Songs at the piano. The kids have to sing with her in order to receive their Christmas pajamas from her. They kids are adorable. 

The pajamas waiting to be opened.

More kids having to sing with her...Even Conner has to join in on the fun!

My cute Santa Hat Jake!

More kids...Caleb is giving it his best to be heard. 

Finally after much singing the excitement of opening their pajamas.

She's totally pleased.

The four boys got matching this year. Camo shirts and homemade pajama bottoms that Grandma Lou sewed. SO dang cute. Jake is excited because he now can go hunting with Uncle Riley because he has camo gear.

Cute girl cousins all in pink.

Isaac...wrestling with Jake. This is what all boys do!

Caleb LOVING that he got Buzz light year pjs. He is either found in spider man clothes or buzz cloths. Thankfully he has a few options to choose from. But I'm glad we have new ones to add in the mix! Bring on Santa!
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December Happenings

During off track Alayna did a Grandpa report on my dad...Papi. It was hilarious the things she interviewed him about and then to see what she actually reported on. I'll have to take a picture of the report when we get it back. :) 

One of my all time favorite holiday events this year...Lower Lights concert down town. It was FABULOUS. It also helps when you know someone performing. I brought my Grandma as my date because Jared ended up having to work late. Let's just say this wasn't her kind of music.

The fun gang that joined me. 

Miss Sarah Sample herself. She did beautifully and is always so dang fun to watch and hear her beautiful music. 

This is "Baby Superman" as the kids called him. Seriously, the cutest chubbiest mop head baby ever! I just love him!

A cute back shot of him cruising around the house!

We were LUCKY enough to have some connections (through my Uncle Alan who works for the church) to get some tickets to the Mormon Tabernacle Christmas Concert. Let me just tell you IT DID NOT DISAPPOINT! It was hands down AMAZING! I was in complete awe all night long. Loved it!

Pretty picture.

My parents came along...thanks to my dad to getting us the tickets. THANK YOU!

My cute Aunt and Uncle. My Mom's Brother Gary. 

A special family Christmas Dinner. 

Shan and Todd had a fancy table and decor all set up for us...JUST KIDDING! They had used the special table and decor for a super special date night for all the youth in their ward. They all bring dates and come for dinner and a Christmas movie. I personally think it's the most darling idea ever. Anyways, that was on Friday night and then we came to enjoy the beauty on Sunday night for dinner. The kids loved it!

After our dinner we rehearsed the Nativity and watched the special church bible videos on Todd's movie screen.  Alayna was SO thrilled to be the ANGEL this year. It's like she FINALLY made it! That's my mom's veil from her wedding. The kids love to play dress up in it. 

The grandkids after they performed. 

Sunday Christmas pictures. Caleb (Mr. Smiles...always happy!)

Jacob. (Seriously, is he not the most handsome kid ever!) 

Pretty thing - Alayna

I just love this picture. They boys are all hysterical. (Al's face is a little silly but I just love the boys giving me their very best attempt at smiling. Funny kids.

Hands down this is MY other favorite activity I look forward too EVERY SINGLE YEAR! It's the Perry Family Adult Only Christmas party...Yeah, finally no kids!! (ha ha ha) Anyways, we get together for dinner at a favorite place, eat till we are stuffed, then return home for a non-stop hilarious white elephant gift card exchange game. Oh, boy it's funny! This is what we do instead of exchanging gifts with each other. That way it's one set price and we all obey it!

Here are the gems themselves. Honestly, we keep it a secret who gives what, and the gifts coordinate with the gift card so you are left guessing where in the world is your gift card going to be at. My mind is racing already trying to think of another fun gift/gag idea! Love it!
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