Wednesday, April 2, 2014


So, I've been reading some great parenting/motherhood books. You know the kinds that make you feel a tad depressed, or overwhelmed that your not being enough. Well, today I decided to implement one of the many (too many) great ideas. It suggested we look at our days as mothers with wonder and excitement...saying, "I wonder what will happen today?" Instead of thinking, "Oh, what do I have to do today?"

Okay, so today for a brief moment I decided to change my thinking. Surprisingly, I laughed more and enjoyed a few moments of this two year old....Yes, this is where I found him getting a drink and saying, "But Mom, it's soooo good!" 

I decided to take a picture because this is truly my life. Unbalanced and totally mixed up. Just like Ben. He's unbalanced and mixed up. And yet, we are happy at trying to solve our own problems and life. 

But, what a I learned is that it really doesn't matter being unbalanced and mixed up. Because guess what, he's totally taken care of and he's no longer thirsty! It might be the gross soaking dish from last nights dinner...but that doesn't matter! Truly, this made my day, and looking back at the pictures I will cherish this feeling of five little monkies even more. Thanks for this mothering parenting book to actually help!! I don't want to forget either that Ben totally wore those same clothes yesterday, and slept in them, and woke up and wore them again. After he played in the sink water, I thought on the offense (another great tip from this book) and decided to suggest him to go play in the bath. And guess what, he LOVED his afternoon bath lasted for a long time until he said his water was too cold. So I avoided a mess and a super great memory! And, yes....he is wearing clean pajamas! 

And here is my next little angel. Seriously, all of this crazy mixed up life is TOTALLY worth it for this baby. 

I love him. Because seriously, he's the cutest. Ever!

He has a headache again...are we surprised...not me!

I love this picture. I love his blue eyes. I love everything about him.

He's starting to want to roll over. 

I love him...oh, I want to go wake him up right now and squeeze him!

He loves his fingers. yikes...

Oh, hes' adorable and so patient with this crazy household of monkies!