Saturday, August 9, 2008

Price, Utah...why did we go there?

Our weekend to Price, Utah!

I'm sure you are all wondering what would bring an entire family to Price. Well, it's because my mom wanted us to attend the Castledale Pageant, in yes, Castledale. (It is 30 minutes out of Price) Anyways, Price was my dads childhood home. He grew up in the house shown above. On Saturday, my dad drove us around giving us the in depth tour of Price. I have been through the tour before, but this time it was fun because Jared and the grandkids got to hear all the stories.
So, the entire drive (2 1/2 hrs) to the pageant it was a complete down pour. It rained and rained. Jared and I wondered if we should even drive there. Ya, know thinking of gas money! Well, we went on our way and the rain cleared up. No joke just minutes before it started. The pageant was great. Alayna really got into it and had several sweet tender spiritual moments. I will share them later.
But on Saturday we went to the famous Price wave pool. This childhood memory was the ONLY thing that I remembered being the same...FRIGHTENING! The waves were still just as big and outrageous. You may be wondering why I am showing pictures of Jacob in the porta-crib. It is because I saw this great idea from other parents at 7-peaks. Since we spent hours there at the pool. He really didn't want more than a few minutes in the pool. I couldn't just let him RUN around as he wanted to do. So I had Jared go get his "cage" so we could trap him in! It worked. He played for about an hour...and then eventually fell asleep! It worked great. Alayna attempted to be brave. The first 5 or so wave sessions she would run as fast as she could out of the water to wait patiently until they were over. Then she would return just as quickly to the water when it was calm. But by the last few minutes, she said, "Are the waves on, I think I do like them!" So off she went, as if she had loved and enjoyed them the whole day! My mom and I realized it just takes her personality a little time to realize all is well and that she can enjoy herself! We had a VERY enjoyable quick mini-vacation. Who knew you could have a great weekend in rural Utah? Well, we did!
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Friday, August 8, 2008

Jacob's new love...

He recently has discovered books. Yes, I have read him his fair share of books in his life, but he hasn't shown interest until now. It's actually really cute, because he will pick up a book and walk it over to me and try to climb onto my lap. I really love his reminders to read to him!!
The two kiddo's reading on the stairs.
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Thursday, August 7, 2008

Any suggestions...

Okay, so you all know that Jared has completed his schooling and so it is time for our family to move on...meaning move out! Ahh, I can't believe I'm actually saying that. I can't imagine not living with my sister and her family. Especially for Alayna, she is going to be bored out of her mind! So if you have a three/four year old send her my way (she needs a friend!).
So I was thinking today about asking all of my friends where we should go. We have looked around the area of Herriman, and it's not looking in our price range. So I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions on the following cities...Please tell me anything you've even thought or heard about them. THANKS.

*Saratoga Springs
*Herriman (if only!!)
*Any other suggestions!

**Keep in mind Jared works in Riverton (currently two miles away!). So we would both prefer a short commute if possible.

So if you know of anything available or good locations for a great price you just let me know!

We are mainly looking for a home 3 bedroom, backyard, etc. Rent or just tell me any tips and I will follow up on them! Thanks for keeping an eye out for us!

If you have any suggestions on purchasing a Short Sale or Foreclosure home keep me posted about that too!


Monday, August 4, 2008

Our newest addition!

Yes, you read this correctly...our newest addition has arrived! I am so excited!!! Isn't it great?

(I is yellow, but it was the cheapest color! I guess it's better than plain black? Don't laugh!!)

Sunday, August 3, 2008

A Party Weekend!

Here are a few birthday party pictures of Kennady Lou Peck! She turned 1 years old on Friday.

Kennady has been known for her SMILE! She smiles so easily and often. In the family we usually try to pick the "appropriate" birthday cake that represents the kiddo for that year...So with that being said, Kennady had to have a BIG smiley face cake. It turned out FANTASTIC!

Part of the gang at the bbq...

One proud Auntie! (She wanted nothing to do with me or smiling for that matter. She was too interested in her new grocery shopping cart present.

Cute mini smiley face case the other cake wasn't big enough!!! ha ha ha Hey, it made the little kiddo's happy!

(The name tags were from a previous family reunion, not this family birthday party!)

PS...Riley, thanks for hosting such a great birthday party for a ONE year old!!! :)