Thursday, January 7, 2010

Things I LOVE today...

Okay, what a GREAT day today turned out to be. Simply said, today was wonderful. Jared was home in the morning. We slept in until 8:21AM. I couldn't be more happier my kids played upstairs while we slept! Loved the relaxed morning. I left to do aerobics with my sisters in my sisters basement...have you ever done aerobics while watching the video on a theater screen...well let's just say it was FUN!

Anyways, then I had my sisters and Emily come on over for lunch. I recreated a yummy salad that I had from Kneaders. It's a raspberry chicken spinach salad. YUM! We had a heavenly lunch and sat and talked and talked. With Emily's help we even recreated the raspberry salad was pretty close and so good! (Stay tuned I will provide the recipe!)

The sisters left and my kids and Emily's continued to play! We then baked bread because I had no more bread for lunches tomorrow...anyways, I then told her we could make dinner together. So with TWO recipes that I have fallen in love with I have to just post about it! Because really they are WONDERFUL!

Here's a picture of the slaw that goes to the Thai Steak Tacos...Heaven on Earth! YUM...This recipe is worth every different ingredient that it calls for. (You can find all of these at Walmart...really just in the Asian food aisle) YUM...did I say that already. Just so you know this is in my TOP FIVE favorites. (Recipe below!)

Now, let me just explain to you another item that just made making this recipe SO super easy. This is my new Bosch...this is an attachment that hooks onto my BIG new Bosch that I got for Christmas. I don't think I've posted a picture of it yet, but let's just say I LOVE THIS MACHINE!!! Thanks to Emily letting me borrow hers a few times I was thankfully Christmas came just a few weeks later I got one. Anyways, we made this coleslaw in just minutes with this bad boy instead of chopping all the veggies by hand.
Anyways, the house is all quiet now and I just wanted to share a few items that make days at home so much more enjoyable! Oh, and what better way to end the night that giving this adorable monkey a bath! He LOVES them!!!

Thai Beef Tacos with Lime-Cilantro Slaw

Steak Marinade:
1 T. sugar
1 1/2 t ginger powder
2 t fish sauce (I use oyster sauce)
1 T sweet chili Asian sauce
1/4 t freshly ground pepper
2 garlic cloves, minced
¼ c. lime juice
2 T. rice vinegar (When I am out I just use regular white vinegar)
1 T. Montreal Steak Seasoning
A few shakes of sesame oil
1 pound flank steak, trimmed (I just use petite sirloin)

1/4 c fresh lime juice
¼ c. sugar
2 T. rice wine vinegar
1 1/2 t ginger powder (or fresh)
1 1/2 t sesame oil
1/2 t chili garlic sauce (I use a garlic ginger sauce)
2 garlic cloves, minced
¼ c. mayonnaise
salt & pepper
3 c packaged angel hair slaw
2 c packaged matchstick-cut carrots
1/4 c sliced green onions
1/2 c chopped fresh cilantro

Remaining Ingredients:
8 (6-inch) fat-free flour tortillas

1 - To prepare steak, combine first 6 ingredients in a large zip-top plastic bag. Add stead to bad; seal and marinate in refrigerator 20 minutes, turning occasionally.
2 - Prepare grill or broiler.
3 - Remove steak from bag; discard marinade. Place steak on grill rack or broiler pan coated with cooking spray; cook 5 minutes on each side or until desired degree of doneness. Let stand 5 minutes. Cut steak diagonally across grain in to thin slices.
4 - To prepare slaw, combine juice and next 6 ingredients (through 2 garlic cloves) in a large bowl. Add slaw and next 3 ingredients (through cilantro); toss well to combine.
5 - Divide steak evenly among tortillas; spoon about 1/2 c slaw onto each tortilla. Fold in half; serve immediately.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

What kids say...

(Here's to an old picture...the only one on my computer with the two of them. - I just took all the picts off the laptop to free up some room for the next million pictures I take...Anyways, this was over 1 year ago.)

I don't know what it is about the kids lately but I have been appreciating, laughing and enjoying some of the things they say. That phrase is so right on, "Kids say the darnedest things!"

"Way-na" is how Jake says Alayna. We just think it is so hilarious. We sadly think its so cute we answer him repeating it also like "way-na" so we are reinforcing this behavior. Sorry!

"Mom, do we really need Him every hour?" Alayna - Alayna and I were getting ready for church on Sunday while listening to one of my new favorite CD's Nearer it also happens to have one of my personal favorite singers...Sarah Sample...but anyways, Alayna asked that question. It allowed for me to pause a moment and share my testimony with her why in fact YES we do need our Savior every minute.

"Mom...(big breath) Jesus loves us...He does mom, He really loves us!" Jake--I was in the office on my computer and Jake came bounding in the office sliding on the hardwood floor with his socks, he paused and just took in a deep breath and stated it so matter-of-fact and then ran back out of the room just as fast as he entered in.

"Dear Hevwenlwe Fader pray Mommy and Daddy go Oquirrh Mtn Temple, and bless our heads, Daddy's head, Mommy's head, Way-na's head and baby Kay-wubs head, and Jake's head..." Thanks to Jake all our heads are blessed EVERY day MULTIPLE times a day, and he reminds us EVERY prayer as well for Jared and I to go to the temple!

"Sorry Mom, I just hit you with my golf club...Silly Jake!" Jake (Came over with his chubby arm and placed it around my neck. He just bumped my toe...I barely even noticed I had been "bumped" not hit.

"I know what I could do...I could just look at my CTR ring next time and it will help me remember!" Alayna --Alayna was sitting on the toilet going to the bathroom one last time before bed as we were discussing "things we could improve on" the next time we experience them. I'm a BIG believer in role playing and thankfully Alayna responds VERY well to it. So we were discussing how she could react differently when I tell her its time to leave her cousins house. Instead of screaming, crying, kicking, dragging her body when I tell her it's time to go. I'm glad her CTR ring is having this big of an impact on her already! She's only been in her CTR class one time! Oh, we needed this!

"Mom, could you hand me my brown shoes?" Alayna asked. "Sure, where are you going?" I asked...she replied, "On a date!" ---"Oh, fun where are you going?" "To a restaurant and to Disneyland, of course!" she said... ---- Come on, where was I on that one! That's where we all go on dates, right?

"Mom, vegetables are free, fruits are zero and an egg is two points!" Alayna has obviously been over hearing Jared and I talking about weight watchers.

Alayna said, "Mom, we need to get gold..." "Oh, really says who? I asked... "Glenn Beck."

Adorable, Convertible, teeny-tiny are probably some of my favorite words to here Jake say!

And last but not least here is what Caleb says ALL THE TIME....ARHHH...ARHHH in a very high pitch squealer voice! I will have you know he does say, "MOMMA" Yup...he's a fan of his mommy! I love this kid.

My camera has lived in my car ever since Christmas, you'd think one of these days I will pull it out and start taking pictures again!!! Until then, here are just a few fun things to read and one really old picture to look at!