Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Are you kidding me???

(Jake did have a coat on, but he was really grumpy and cold so he came inside with me...then we wanted him in the picture. He refused to wear a coat again because he said it was wet and cold! His face shows how happy he is to be outside again.)

Did it really snow again? It is the last day of March and I hope this is the last of snow for several months! Bring on the sunshine...the swimming pool...shorts, flip flops and picnics at the park!
But until then I guess it made for a fun day for the kids! I made homeade hot chocolate (A new adventure with powdered milk...and it was delicious!), bread and spent time in doors. Jared was the lucky one to spend the time outside with the kiddos.
Can you believe how much snow keeps falling? What a cute snowman!
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