Friday, March 20, 2009

Happy St. Patricks Day!

Happy St. Patricks Day
The morning started out great. The kids were VERY excited to find the Lephracaun feet scattered over their bedroom and kitchen. They looked in the fridge and saw the green milk and Lucky Charms. They both ate a HUGE bowl of cereal. Everytime Jacob saw the cereal on the counter he insisted on having handfuls of it.

Shortly after breakfast we packed up and went to Alayna's Joy School party. We were able to take the kids horseback riding. Thanks to my mom over the past few years she has helped Alayna enjoy animals. Alayna really LOVED this activity. (Kayci & Alayna)

After all the Joy School kids had their turn Olivia, Alayna and Jacob jumped back on and got a very long ride. Even Jacob enjoys the "horsey rides" - he made sure that he was coming with us to ride the "horsies." Before we had even left for the party Jacob heard me telling Alayna about the party and he ran over to me saying, "Mom, Jakey go...Jakey ride horsey...Jakey come!" I realized my original plans of keeping him home with Shandra would be disappointing to him. So I brought him along and he LOVED it.

Later that night we had a great "GREEN" dinner. The kids ate Shepherds Pie with green mashed potatoes, peas, spinach, asparagus, lime jello, etc. Alayna insisted on wearing some of Jacob's 3T green pajamas - she didn't want to risk getting pinched!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Much to be thankful for...

You'd think this post would have prompted by big things, but they really were just the simple things in life. Not necessarily my life but by others. On nights like this I wonder…are my extra emotions because I’m 29 weeks pregnant or is it because I am feeling the Spirit prompt me to be more thankful. I know for several of you who I’m speaking about read this blog so I hope I don’t share anything that is too personal. I simply want to just say thank you for sharing your life, your examples and your light of our Savior with me. (Considering my eyes are filled with a few tears, I’m considering the emotions are from the pregnancy!!) All these experiences are in no particular order, just simply how they come out and not all...because my handsome hubby and adorable kids didn't even make the cut...not enough mush and emotions!! There's will have to come later!)
I have to first give a major shout out of accomplishment to Riley & Krista Peck! Riley has been accepted to BYU Masters program. Now let me explain to you why I appreciate this example in my life. Riley has endured many long hours, many ridiculous classes and most of all he has pushed through. For some schooling comes easy, for others they have to give it ALL they have. Riley is the smartest most knowledgeable man I know about his field of study…he knows his animals, guns, outdoors, plants, etc. I have appreciated his desire, passion and enjoyment of these creations. I love knowing that we have a brother in the family that we can turn to for this angle in life. Now, knowing how hard he has worked to take these VERY difficult classes I think that ANYTHING is possible for him to end up at BYU. I remember having dinner with them the night after his first interview with a BYU professor. I remember them thinking it hadn’t gone over so well, but I remember saying something cheesy like… “Well, who ever gets you it’s their privilege to have you because you are the best!” At that moment I remember getting a little mushy on the inside praying that all his hard work and efforts would be rewarded appropriately. So weeks and months later I love having that same warm feeling knowing with assuredly from the Spirit that the Lord does in fact hear our prayers. So because of Krista’s continued faithful, supportive wife roll, tutoring hours, hard working, early morning shifts and the best mom ever! This ADORABLE family deserves all the blessings the Lord sees fit to bless them with. I love you all so much and I am so thankful for you in my life.
Here is a shout out to my dear friend Missy. Yes, Missy if your reading this you get a few mushy words…Oh, how you love them I’m sure! Missy and I were college roommates at Utah State University our freshman year. Let’s just say Missy and I have come a long way. I have watched her grow and mature in SO many ways. Just as she has seen me do, too! In college I was called, “Mom” but let’s just say I feel the roles have reversed. Missy has continued to impress me with her unwavering strength and optimistic outlook on life. She moved clear crossed the country. Away from her family… (she has as many sisters as I do and loves them and spends time with them as much as I do!) She moved with her one little girl and being pregnant with her 2nd baby. She and her husband started a new life in NC to fulfill his dreams of being a pilot. A few months in her hubby joins the military and has to leave for several months. Now, this is where I am over joyed to have her as a friend. She has continued faithfully to be happy, optimistic and the best mother to her children while she is fulfilling this role on her own. She especially wins the award for showing how first hand how to love, honor and support your husband. Through her words I have been able to recognize so many blessings of peace and comfort that have been given to her family. I hold a very special place for her in my heart. I do frequent reality checks with myself to remind me that others do have more pieces missing from their puzzle of life than I do. Miss, I thank you for your happiness and your way of being the best mom ever. You inspire me on so many levels…even if we don’t talk as much as we used to and if you are thousands of miles away. It’s amazing distance and time doesn’t stop someone from leaving an imprint on your life. Thank you for sharing it with me!

Here’s to good health. This past year has been a fun and exciting challenge for me. I worked harder than ever on becoming a healthier me. I actually took up running, basketball, weights and doing weight watchers. There was something inside of me that just clicked and it worked. It was a mental and physical challenge that I loved and struggled with. But somehow I was able to overcome and become stronger inside and out. Now, getting pregnant this 3rd time around I was in the heart of my goals. Suddenly I realized I was unable to keep up on the same pace I was on. It’s been a daily struggle to maintain that healthy balance of life, exercise and pregnancy. Today I had a paradigm shift. I don’t know what caused it…hormones I’m guessing, but I am finally okay with the fact I’m growing wider. I am humbled by the idea that it is because life itself is growing within me. I am becoming more and more thankful for this amazing special gift that can not even be described with words. It’s something so sacred and special that I hope I can embrace it with open arms. Life goes on, figures come and go, but those special children that enter our home have blessed my life more than any size of pants or weight I viewed on the scale. I am grateful to be a mother. I am honored to have another sweet spirit come into our home. What a blessing this new little baby will make in my life. I am finally able to say I am excited to meet this little one, despite all the other pieces in our life that seem to be out of order. I am happy to have another wild child! Bring on #3!!!
Remember the parable the Savior told about giving talents. Well, this has always been a favorite mine to recognize in how others share their literal talents with other people. It often allows me to ask…Am I hiding mine? Or sharing mine? When I think of people with talents I instantly think about the passions that people have. My sister Angela has an ability to keep a clean house, clean twin two-year-old boys, a clean car and a clean husband. This we all know is not my first talent. My dad is the wisest financial guru you’ll ever meet, supporter of his wife and 4 daughters. Jared and his keen intellect of the human body, hard working positive attitude, (and of course the best daddy and attentive husband ever!) Then there is Shandra who has been blessed by a learned trait from our grandmother and mother when relating to food storage. Really, we all have been given talents and passions. Some are still trying to find them (me!) others are succeeding. For that I am grateful. I am inspired when I see others moving ahead rapidly with blessing the lives of others. I have been personally blessed by Shandra’s dedication and commitment to helping SO many with their desires of following the prophets counsel to become self sufficient. I appreciate this first hand and it has blessed our family. We feel more prepared for what this unstable world might throw at us.

(This picture is of a late night after watching Shandra's first exposure on television!)

Thankful to a dear friend from the University of Utah who within the last year has had so many blessings come there way. One year ago today they were approved for adoption. Now, they are living the joys of parenting with an adorable 4 month old baby girl. I am brought to tears every time I read her posts and I am reminded how grateful I am for our little family. I love knowing that Heavenly Father knows and understands the big picture in life. I am so happy for their darling little family!

My mom will laugh at this one because I am probably the worst of all her daughters when it comes to using things and not wasting them. Tonight I was cooking dinner, cutting carrots, etc. I only needed a certain amount for the recipe, when there were about 10 or so baby carrots left in the bag I almost tossed them. Then this little voice in my mind said, “When we are in the depression and I don’t have fresh carrots I’ll be so sad to know how wasteful I was.” I then decided to cut up the remaining carrots and add it to the recipe. (Silly I know!) It was a small movement forward for me, because I really don’t do a very good job at being frugal. But I’m realizing that with all the economic uncertainly I am realizing the little things that I appreciate…fresh veggies, etc.
(This picture shows my mom explaining everything she has kept for so many years!)

When you’re in the presence of someone experiencing something so difficult and so life changing it’s amazing how things you say become so superficial. You would think that after having my own mother experience cancer, chemotherapy, radiation, hair loss, wigs, etc. I would have thought I realized the importance of life and the gratitude there in to simply be alive and healthy. Here I was complaining about having unsightly varicose veins in my legs and being a tad self-conscience about wearing skirts to church. I looked over and realized how petty that was to this sweet woman, wearing a hat and sunglasses to hide the effects of chemo. I was put in my place rather quickly. I was humbled at that moment to know that life is that exactly. Be grateful for those veins because they come directly from giving birth, from carrying a child of God, a blessing in deed. I was reminded so quickly of so many overwhelming feelings of when my own mother was going through those difficult times that my heart was flooded with prayers for this sweet woman. I am grateful for this moment to be reminded how precious our life, our families, our little simple pleasures and experiences make up this world around us. It’s up to our perspective to see life full of sunshine.

Considering my mind is flooded with so many other things of gratitude (my husband, my children, temples, etc.) I have to stop tonight. The next time I have a day like today where I’m humbled and filled with gratitude I will write more. But tonight I have shared enough. But thank you to all who recently have shared your light and example with me. My testimony has been strengthened because of the lives you live.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

I know, I know...

Since this is my blog and I can write really about anything I'd like, I choose again to write about this little guy Jacob. I think it has something to do with the fact he is growing up so fast. As Jared and I look through our pictures (we do this often) we are just laughing so hard at this age (22 months). Jacob is developing into another "Suker" which means becoming his own person and very independent. Alayna was minutes old and she was an independent child. Jake waited a few months but he is now filling those shoes just the same. He has recently become very particular about what type of shoes he wears...yes, his first choice are pink butterfly shoes. You can guess who they belonged too...Alayna. Since I have had to give in and yes, let him wear PINK shoes I stumbled upon some navy blue butterfly shoes at wal-mart I had to buy them. I figured that people wouldn't look at a boy wearing navy blue shoes as much as him wearing pink. Thankfully, I have tricked him enough to wear the blue ones even though they still have butterfly's and flowers on them. Funny, I know!
The next thing that this little guy has started is saying, "No, turn...Jakey's turn!" Yes, he has an opinion. I know I'm the mother and I can insist on him wearing a certain outfit, socks, or shoes but let me tell you sometimes its simply not worth the fight. So with that being said, Jake spends a lot of his time sitting on the step "trying" and eventually getting his socks on. Grandma Denny you would be happy to hear that his first socks of choice are all the animal brightly colored socks you gave him. So sometimes Jake's outfits are pretty shoes with brightly colored animal socks.

(These are Jake's FAVORITE pjs)

Another funny thing Jake insists on wearing is an outfit with an image or print on it. So I have always been against kid clothes with prints on them. Go figure that Jake would insist on wearing only shirts with, "Ball bay-ball...shurt" So this again is another moment where I have to decide...Do I really care if he wears dirty pjs night after night. Or the same jacket day after day! Truth is I really don't mind. But sorry he has a very limited supply of printed clothes...thanks to grandparents I'm sure!

Jake is becoming our little shadow. If I am vacuuming he holds the cord or finds the plug for me, if I am mopping the floor he grabs a rag and starts scrubbing. He now says, "Jakey...dishwasher!" He and Alayna are responsible for emptying the dishwasher (Yeah, he hasn't masted the matching concept yet!) He loves this new responsibility. I must admit that this little guy puts his laundry away. If I am putting mine away in the closet he will put all the onsies, pjs, socks, pants and shirts away. It's adorable to see him really becoming such a great helper. I have a few lines I'm trying to brainwash him with..."Yes, mom I will do it!" He's got that one covered and can repeat it, the next one I want him to learn is..."Can I do anything else for you mom?" Yeah, this one is on Alayna's level but I can't start any too early. Today Jared went to cut the apple and he said, "No dad, my turn!" So that was that. He tried and tried. We just had to take a picture...what a cute kid!

Life wouldn't be complete with out a "trouble" picture. He and Isaac found an alarm clock and went to town. They were rocking out to some kind of music...I just had to laugh at their faces. They knew they had been caught! I just love these two kids together they really explore and enjoy life. Yesterday, they rode bikes outside and then they found the mud. That was that...head to toe they were covered. Let's just say we have washed Jake's shoes every time he plays in the back yard.