Showing posts with label hospital. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hospital. Show all posts

Monday, April 13, 2009

A little too early!

So as if we didn't have enough events planned for this weekend I just had to top it off by going into labor at 32 weeks. Yes, you heard me correctly this little baby wanted to come this weekend.
Let this story begin...After the events of the Easter Egg hunt and Alayna's birthday party. I must say this though, even though we had these events I was able to take it easy, take a nap and Jared tended to the children all day. So nothing that I did actually put me into labor. Here it goes...Just a brief summary starting one week ago. For some of you know I am pregnant with our third child. Surprise to those that don't. But life has just been so busy I don't really spend that much time thinking about this new addition. The only recent side effect besides the horrible morning sickness I had the first 14 weeks or so, the only side effect has been getting varicose veins. I did get them with Jacob, but with this baby they have become worse. ( I didn't realize that was possible!!) So after sitting watching conference for 8 hours over two days I had a major painful flare-up that sent me crippled in one leg, unable to walk, etc. The most painful part of it was that my bones all the way down my right leg just ached. It ached worse then I've ever experienced. Thankfully to a Priesthood blessing from Jared and my dad and my sisters stepping into watch the kids a 3 hour nap thankfully helped the situation. I was back walking and chasing after the kiddos. I ended up going to the doctor and he insisted I wear my compression stockings. I very willingly would do anything he suggested to keep the pain away. So the week past and I did all that I was instructed to do. Come Saturday I woke up feeling the same bone ache again. The only thing I could consider was that I had scrapbooked the night before trying to get Jacob's scrapbook done before this new baby arrives. I must have spent too many minutes/hours sitting causing the pressure to cut off circulation again. So with that being said, I was very disappointed to wake up on such a fun birthday day for Alayna.
I did the best I could to handle the pain..but realizing all that I needed to do today I decided to take Tylenol. I was able to battle through the walking and fun at the Easter Egg hunt. Then Jared took the kids and I took a nap. At this point I had grabbed Jared's shoulder just crying, saying the pain is so bad I need more meds! I just wanted something to help it go away. Well I quickly too more meds and then I was able to sleep. After about two hours of napping I was able to muster up enough "energy-leg" strength to frost her cake. The one bummer part of this leg issue was that I had left the huge pot of soup on the stove and it burned. But I was no where in the position to begin caring about that. It was easily repaired and it turned out great! The party went on and besides having to put on a "happy mom" face I battled just fine. Towards the end of the night I had nothing left. My leg just ached and I laid on the couch and chalked it up as a baby pregnancy day.
As the kids had all been put to bed the adults sat around just talking. A few things kept having me laugh and I thought "did I just wet my pants?" I ignored it thinking, "this wouldn't be the first time with this pregnancy!" (I'm sure I'm not the only prego that has this story to tell!) Anyways after it happening over and over again, I thought okay I'll go downstairs to the restroom. Well to leave out the details I didn't wet my pants it was blood. So Jared rushed upstairs and told Shandra, she came down and said we needed to call the on-call doctor and after yet another priesthood blessing from Jared and Todd, off we went to labor and delivery.
We checked in and a few minutes later I was all hooked up and going to be checked. Now at 32 weeks I shouldn't be dilated or having any signs of bleeding, etc. Now I was diagnosed at 20 weeks with a low lying placenta. Which basically means the placenta has attached too close to the cervix, which could cause possibly bleeding or the need for a C-section if the placenta grew over into placenta previa. (Lots of details for you prego ladies out there!!) Anyways, sadly I was dilated to a one and my cervix was showing signs of effacement. They quickly got some drugs in me to stop my uterus from contracting (which I wasn't having contractions) so to reduce the risk of it going to. And then they stabbed me with a needle full of steroids to help the baby's lungs to develop more quickly. So after taking it easy and hoping for the best I slept at the hospital with Jared by my side. I was feeling okay like they had a handle on things, but all of this preterm labor was so unexpected I don't think I was really able to process everything that was going on. My brain couldn't shut off so I willing accepted a sleeping pill! By morning my I was checked again and sadly I had progressed to 3 cm and 50% effaced. Again, other than having minimal lower back cramping I really was not having any contractions. So they were just flabbergasted as to why this was happening. I was still bleeding so this again was not an encouraging sign.
About 2 hours later the nurse returned to check me again. I had progressed to a 4 cm and still 50% effaced. At this point my doctor drove strait over to diagnose me himself, because he did not like what he was hearing over the phone. As we waited for him to arrive, I had a few minutes of "I think this is really going to happen." Tears started to swell in my eyes and I quickly didn't want to go down that road. So I asked Jared to blow in my eyes to make my tears go away and tell me something funny! At which point I did refrain from crying and we laughed about how I would transported to the IMC hospital to be watched over the Fetal Medicine Doctors and have the NICU available for the baby. We laughed thinking of me, totally normal having to ride in an Ambulance!!! Who would have thought? Certainly not us!
As soon as my doctor arrived he checked me and wanted to get a good read for himself to decide what to do with me. One option, send me to the IMC to be near and under their supervision in case of delivery, or second option stay at this hospital and just be monitored. With two outcomes, one I don't go into labor and it stops, or second I do go into labor and I'm taken care of just fine but the baby would have to be transferred to the NICU at the other hospital. What a dilemma. My wonderful doctor did a lot of thinking and debating and me confirming my absolute trust in his decision. He decided to keep me there to monitor me. After he did check me he decided I was only a 3 cm, no bleeding, and no contractions. We were hoping I was in the clear. So the decision was made to stay.
I was scheduled to be checked again at 7pm. Yeah, no progress. Nothing was happening. I continued to be given all the drugs imaginable to stop me from labor and for the benefit of this little baby. So after a great nights sleep (really I slept well!)
My doctor was there at 8am to check me and make his decision. Was I going home? Or going to the hospital to have this baby? Well, the consensus stayed similar with a few changes. I had progressed just a tad to be in between a 3.5 cm and more soft effacement nearing (100%), but he said still with no contractions, no bleeding I was safe to go home. On ONE condition. I would be on a VERY strict bed rest. (I'm sure you figured that out now that you've actually seen blog posts from me! ha ha ha)
So Jared returned to the hospital to take me home. YEAH. But the rules are so strict. Nothing other potty breaks and a very short shower. So what does a mother do with two children, house demands and a wonderful husband?
I tell you what, I am one blessed girl. One, this baby is still in me. We are hoping it stays at least until 34-35 weeks and wishful thinking 36 weeks. Because then this little baby will be able to have more fat on it's bones and be more developed. Also, I have been so blessed with parents, inlaws and three wonderful sisters who stepped up and came up with a schedule to help with the kiddos, morning, day and night. Then there are my wonderful girl friends in the ward who have instantly shown their love and support. So thank you more than Jared and I can express.
I am only four hours in and thankfully I do have a lap top, I live with my sister, my kids have cousins to play with and Jared is the best helper of all. I'm so grateful for him to do all that is now required of him, and he is happy to do it. Really many prayers were answered and we hope I can "obey" the doctors orders and really stay down. He said, I need to be so boring...boring beyond boring! Wish me luck keeping this little tyke inside of me.
Next, question with all this excitement and surprises do you think we should open up our envelope and find out the gender of the baby! To help minimize my continued shock? What's your vote??