Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Family Photos

I don't know if it's just me, but when I dreamed of having family photos done I imagined my children being really well behaved. Kind of like I imagine them being the most reverent and quiet children during sacrament meeting each week on Sunday. Well, to say the least, that is not my lot in life. That wouldn't be my children or my life. Wow. I seriously give props to my friend Rachel who took the pictures, because let's just say these kids were not cooperating. She's lucky she even got us all in a photo, a few smiles, etc. So here's to capturing our life of four wild little monkies...

Alayna - 8 years old

Caleb - 4 years

Jacob - 6 years

Benjamin - 18 months - yes, those darn breathmints...we can thank Caleb the little stinker who was rummaging through my purse....AHHH I could have just screamed!

Cute monkies...

Brothers...Ben wouldn't have at the photo...

Daddy daughter

The's to our wild ride. Big props to Rachel for capturing us in the craziest time of my life!
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