Monday, December 3, 2012

Service Idea & Buddy the Elf

So a few weeks ago I was watching Mormon Times, it's an Sunday Show shown weekly here in Utah. I'm sure you could find it online. Anyways, they have LDS ideas, speakers, stories, etc. It's a quick 30 minute show I record for nights when Jared is at bishopric. Anyways, they had this darling lady on telling ideas on service. I LOVED a few of her ideas. Simple things we can do with our kids to help them think of others. She also mentioned to have them BECOME traditions and that is the secret to having your children become excited and look forward to the holidays. So I took notes, rewatched and decided a few of the ideas would work for us. So this is the first one.

The idea was presented like this. Have you ever been in the car with your children, with no cash, and you see a homeless person on the side of the road. Your heart aches and you wish you could do something. But you don't. Your children don't understand, and you wish you could teach a lesson and you can't. So instead of that experience that we have all too often had. You do this instead....You create baggies filled with anything you'd like to have in them. Treats, a message of hope, pictures, water, etc. Then when you see a homeless person you hand them this bag filled with love and a message. I loved this idea! I knew this was something my children could relate too, (Because just a week ago we had the very experience of not doing anything for the homeless woman on the side of road.)

Here are some of the kids drawings.

Our message of hope. Elder Uchtdorf, The Infinate Power of Hope...look it up it's wonderful.

The kids watching a few mormon messages to reinforce the mini lesson we talked to them about giving to others in need and the knowledge we have of our Savior Jesus Christ. This holiday season we have been thinking and talking more about our Savior and it's been great to see the repeating lessons being taught and to have the children begin to know the answers. These are the "Ahh, this warms my heart moments" as a mother.

Busy at work coloring pictures.

The kids were ALL over filling the bags with goodies.

Alayna was so sweet. She said while coloring, "Mom, I'm not done yet. I'm really trying to make this picture extra special to bring joy to someone who has very little. I want them to know that I love them and I'm thinking about them, just as Jesus does. It makes me so HAPPY to do things for people who need help." (AHHH, that really great mom feeling!) Seriously, she is one sweet little girl.

Mr. Am I on the Naughty List???

Let me introduce you to Mr. Trouble. Have you ever met him before...Well, this is the situation I was faced RIGHT before our awesome Family Home Evening....Caleb was sent to time out for some unmemorable reason. He had been gone for a LONG time in my room. I got that MOM VIBE that said, it's been TOO LONG for him to be left alone...As I was finishing dinner I sent Jake to see what Caleb was up too. Well, Jake returned saying, "He's laying half on your couch on on the floor saying he can't come out because he's been naughty." Since that was the truth I didn't jump to any alarm that he was doing MORE trouble. Well, time passes, Caleb exits my room and asks all nervous like..."Mom, am I on the naughty list?" In my head I was thinking, "Yes, you are!" But then I explained to him to apologize and something else I'm sure, But dinner needed to go on so we dropped it. Anyways, FHE happens, bedtime happens, etc. I return to my room to start folding laundry (my ongoing battle) and I let out a SCREAM!!! AHHHHH...I FINALLY saw what he was talking about....He had scribbled ALL over my white couch in my room. Go figure he was laying half on it when Jake came in, he was covering it up. Go figure he asked if he was going to be on the naughty list now! Oh, that STINKER!

Because I can't upload a million pictures, up and down, around line after line...was ink. AHHHH all down the seams of the couch. Around my Book of Mormon, my journal was outlined, my papers...This is MY area. It's my  morning routine, scripture study, etc. Seriously...WHY did I leave my pen there...anyways, it was SHOCKING how much he actually colored.

 What a nice little circle he made, just so the pen could fit perfectly inside...he's really good at his shapes, huh??

Well, out comes the BEST product yet...Folex. GO AND GET SOME. I'm sure I've posted my LOVE for it before because it's magic. Seriously, this thing is amazing. It smells like nothing, and it looks like nothing. BUT somehow it works amazing on couches. I went to town. Scrubbing and spraying. It says to use your finger nail around the stains but I went straight for the metal spatula and blotting with a rag... It did wonders...Over time as the Folex dries the ink will disappear...THANKFULLY my dear friend had told me about this before and YES this couch has been colored on before by my sweet Caleb. Just not quite so much as tonight. Either way. It was so relieving to know in that moment of frustration I had a WAY to solve's just a good thing that Caleb was SOUND asleep or else he would have had a talking too...

Go buy some today! I'd say it is one of my favorite things....

Buddy our Elf on the Shelf

Oh, and before I forget...Yes, the Elf on the Shelf has arrived at our home. Has he found his way to yours yet? The kids are in HEAVEN with him. It's seriously, adorable. Thanks to my dear visiting teachers who introduced him to us. We are having some real fun with him. Bring on the Holidays!!
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