Friday, July 4, 2008

The Riverton Parade... the Riverton Parade has grown...let me explain. About 20 years ago my mom started bringing her four little girls to a parade. We would walk down Redwood Road and sit on the same curb every July 3rd at 6:30pm to watch the parade. Year after year the parade would get better and better. We would begin inviting cousins and friends to this parade and sit on the same corner. Year after year, more candy would be thrown - hence making the parade better and better! Year after year we would invite more people to sit on the same corner! Well over the span of 20 years all the girls have since married, had our own children and we have since invited our in-laws to "The Riverton Parade!" I know what your thinking...come on what is so great about this parade. Personally, I think it is all about the 20 year long tradition, the BEST candy parade, pizza on the corner, having to duck down every few minutes because you would be pelted in the face with taffy! But the best part this year was the family attendance. I know the picture is impossible to view everyone but, I'm going to humor telling you who attended.
Left to Right...The empty spot on the left was for the Madsens (Todd's parents), Larry & Dianne and kids...(9 kids total - plus spouses & grand kids) they came just after I took the picture...My grandparents, my aunt Kathleen, then my parents & their three friends from their inner city mission, my family, my sister Ange & Grady with the boys, Krista & Riley, Kennady and four of their friends plus kids, the Pecks (Riley's parents), their kids, plus spouses and grand kids. My cousin Jeff & Shelley plus their kids. Well, I didn't take the time to count and get the final head count, but it was a ton!

Here we are sporting our new holiday shirts. We ended up passing out flyer's along the parade route. Besides them being BLACK and SUPER hot for this summer heat, it has made my life sooooo easy when having to think about my outfits to wear! I don't have to think...I just say, "Oh, I get to wear you again!" Then I'm out of the closet in one minute. I think Jared wishes it was always this easy!
Olivia and Alayna...they are two cute little buddies.

The four older grand kids...Alayna, Olivia, Kierra and Conner! If your wondering, their grocery sacks were FULL of taffy! These kids LOVE this parade!

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