Lastly, I do not suppose you will deny that by the intervention
of Potamo, a friend of yours, you restored his plate to Lucius Cordius, an
honourable man, but not more highly esteemed than Cnaeus Calidius; and it was he who
made the cause of the rest more difficult to plead before you; for though you had
promised many men to restore them their property, yet, after Cordius had stated in
his evidence that you had restored him his, you desisted from making any more
restorations, because you saw that you lost your plunder, and yet could not escape
the evidence against you. Under all other praetors Cnaeus Calidius, a Roman knight,
was allowed to have plate finely wrought; he was permitted to be able from his own
stores to adorn and furnish a banquet handsomely, when he had invited a magistrate
or any superior officer. Many men in power and authority have been with Cnaeus
Calidius at his house; no one was ever found so mad as to take from him that
admirable and splendid plate; no one was found bold enough to ask for it; no one
impudent enough to beg him to sell it.
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