The temple of Castor ought to have been
entrusted to Lucius Rabonius. He by chance was the guardian of the young Junius by his father's will. An agreement had been
made between him and his ward, without any injury to either, in what state it should
be given up to him. Verres summons Rabonius to appear before him he asks him whether
there is anything which has not been handed over to him by his ward, which might be
exacted from him. When he said, as was the case, that the delivery of the temple had
been very easy for his ward; that all the statues and presents were in their places,
that the temple itself was sound in every part; that fellow began to think it a
shameful thing if he was to give up so large a temple and so extensive a work
without enriching himself by booty, and especially by booty to be got from a minor.
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