Why need I now in this place recite the
evidence of Sextus Pompeius Chlorus, who pleaded Dio's cause? who was concerned in
the whole business? A most honourable man, and, although he has long ago been made a
Roman citizen in reward for his virtues, still the very chief man and the most noble
of all the Sicilians. Why need I recite the evidence of Quintus Caecilius Dio
himself, a most admirable and moderate man? Why need I recite that of Lucius
Vetecilius Ligur, of Titus Manlius, of Lucius Calenus? by the evidence of all of
whom this case about Dio's money was fully established. Marcus Lucullus said the
same thing that he had long ago known all the facts of the tyranny practised on Dio,
through the connection of hospitality which existed between them.
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