These were documents of that sort which of all the papers of the
company I was most anxious to find; but still I only found enough, O judges, to
produce to you as a sample, as it were. But still, whatever is in these books,
however unimportant it may seem to be, will at all events be undeniable; and by this
you will be able to form your conjectures as to the rest. Read for me, I beg, this
first book, and then the other. [The books of Canuleius are read.] I do not ask now
whence you got those four hundred jars of honey, or such quantities of Maltese
cloth, or fifty cushions for sofas or so many candelabra;—I do not, I say,
inquire at present where you got these things; but, how you could want such a
quantity of them, that I do ask. I say nothing about the honey; but what could you
want with so many Maltese garments? as if you were going to dress all your friends'
wives;—or with so many sofa cushions? as if you were going to furnish all
their villas.
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