What can you do with such a man as this? What punishment can you
find worthy of such licentiousness? Then it was prescribed to you by law, O most
wicked and most shameless man, in what way you were to appoint judges among the
Sicilians; when the authority of a general of the Roman people, when the dignity of
ten commissioners, men of the highest rank, when a positive resolution of the senate
was against you, in obedience to which resolution Publius Rupilius had established
laws in Sicily by the advice of ten
commissioners; when, before you came as praetor every one had most strictly observed
the Rupilian laws in all points, and especially in judicial matters; did you dare to
consider so many solemn circumstances as nothing in comparison with your own
plunder? Did you acknowledge no law? Had you no scruple? no regard for your
reputation? no fear of any judgment yourself? Has the authority of no one of any
weight with you? Was there no example which you chose to follow?
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