But this request about the statues must seem ridiculous to the
man who is not acquainted with the facts and with the meaning of it; for they
entreat that they may not be compelled to erect statues;—what then? That
they may not be allowed to do so;—what does this mean? Do you request of
me not to be allowed to do what it depends on yourself to do or not? Ask rather that
no one may compel you to promise a statue, or to erect one against your will. I
shall do no good, says he; for they will all deny that they compelled me to do so:
if you wish for my preservation, put this violence on me,—that it may be
utterly illegal for me to make such a promise. It is from your praetorship that such
a request as this has taken its rise; and those who employ it, intimate and openly
declare that they, entirely against their will, contributed money for your statues,
being compelled by fear and violence.
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