For they said that Verres said, that you had not been made consul
by destiny, as the rest of your family had been, but by his assistance. Two consuls,
therefore, and the judge are to be such because of his will. We shall not only, says
he, avoid having a man too scrupulous in investigating, too subservient to the
opinion of the people, Marcus Glabrio, but we shall have this advantage
also:—Marcus Caesonius is the judge, the colleague of our accuser a man of
tried and proved experience in the decision of actions. It will never do for us to
have such a man as that on the bench, which we are endeavouring to corrupt by some
means or other; for before, when he was one of the Judges on the tribunal of which
Junius 1 was president, he was not only very indignant at that shameful
transaction, but he even betrayed and denounced it. After the first of January we
shall not have this man for our judge,—
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1 Caesonius was now aedile elect with Cicero. In the prosecution instituted by Cluentius against Oppianicus, while Verres was praetor urbanus, Oppianicus had tried to ensure his acquittal by bribing Stalenus, Ballus and Gutta, three of the Judges; but Caesonius divulged the corrupt nature of their motives, procured the conviction of Oppianicus, and the subsequent impeachment and punishment of the judges who had been bribed.
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