“The four sesterces which
the senate has voted me, and has paid me out of the treasury, those I shall keep,
and shall transfer out of the public chest into my strong box.” What comes
next? What? “For each modius which I require
of you, do you give me eight sesterces.” On
what account? “What do you ask me on what account for? It is not so much
on what account that we need think, as of how advantageous it will be,—how
great a booty I shall get.” Speak, speak, says the cultivator, a little
plainer. The senate desires that you should pay me money,—that I should
deliver corn to you. Will you retain that money which the senate intended should be
paid to me, and take two sesterces a-modius from me, to whom you ought to pay a denarius for each modius? And then will
you call this plunder and robbery granary-money?
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