What difference did it make, O most audacious man, whether you
made this decree, or whether you yourself made that profession and declaration
concerning yourself which Apronius was in the habit of making? The man whom, if
there had been shame, yes, if there had even been any fear in you, you ought not to
have let go without punishment, you could not allow to come off without a reward.
You might see the truth in every case, O judges, from this single affair of
Scandilius. First of all, that this charge about the partnership in the tenths was
not cooked up at Rome, was not invented by
the accuser; it was not (as we are accustomed sometimes to say in making a defence
for a man) a domestic or back-stairs accusation; it was not originated in a time of
your danger, but it was an old charge, bruited about long ago, when you were
praetor, not made up at Rome by your
enemies, but brought to Rome from the
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