In the first place, see how easy and pleasant to himself Verres
by his own ingenuity and wisdom made the labour of marches, which is a labour of the
greatest importance in all military affairs, and most especially necessary in
Sicily. First, in the winter season he
devises for himself this admirable remedy against the severity of the cold and the
violence of storms and floods; he selected the city of Syracuse, the situation of which and the nature
of its soil and atmosphere are said to be such that there never yet was a day of
such violent and turbulent storms, that men could not see the sun at some time or
other in the day. Here that gallant general was quartered in the winter months, so
securely that it was not easy to see him, I will not say out of the house, but even
out of bed. So the shortness of the day was consumed in banquets, the length of the
night in adulteries and debaucheries.
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