Wherefore, if you will make me any answer at
all, say this,—that the fleet was properly equipped and fully manned; that
no fighting-men were absent, that no bench was without its rower; that ample corn
was supplied to the rowers; that the naval captains are liars; that all those
honourable cities are liars; that all Sicily is a liar;—that you were betrayed by Cleomenes, when
he said that he had landed on the coast to get soldiers from Pachynum; that it was
courage, and not troops that he needed;—that Cleomenes, while fighting
most gallantly, was abandoned and deserted by these men, and that no money was paid
to any one for leave to bury the dead.—If you say this, you shall be
convicted of falsehood; if you say anything else, you will not be refuting what has
been stated by me.
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