Epicrates reproaches the men at
great length and with great severity, and dismisses them. They return from
Rhegium to Syracuse; they complain to many people, as men
in such a case are apt to do, that they have paid eighty thousand sesterces for nothing. The affair got abroad; it began to be the topic
of every one's conversation. Verres repeats his old Syracusan trick. He says he
wants to examine into that affair of the eighty thousand sesterces. He summons many people before him. The men of Bidis say that
they gave it to Volcatius; they do not add that they had done so by his command. He
summons Volcatius; he orders the money to be refunded. Volcatius with great
equanimity brings the money, like a man who was sure to lose nothing by it; he
returns it to them in the sight of many people; the men of Bidis carry the money
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